Btw, rispekt za Ruse, ali jedan je Königstiger:)...elem, mrzi me da prepricavam sad, evo c/p i link...
"On the road from Bollersdorf to Strausberg stood a further 11 Stalin tanks, and away on the egde of the village itself were around 120-150 enemy tanks in the process of being refuelled and re-armed. I opened fire and destroyed first and last of the 11 Stalin tanks on the road....My own personal score of enemy tanks destroyed in this action was 39."
SS-Hauptscharführer Karl Körner,
schwere SS Panzer Abteilung (103) 503 / III SS Panzer Corps,
East Germany, April of 1945.
Inace, Stalin tenk je ruski heavy tank napravljen krajem rata za obracun upravo sa nemackim Panther i Königstiger tenkovima, grdosija sa topom kalibra 122mm.
German steel forever:)