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About WoLf4LiFe

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    Srbija bem vas glupe sto gledate

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  1. WoLf4LiFe


    Mislim da treba da pucash u katanac...
  2. WoLf4LiFe


    Treba da prodjesh kroz vrata u dvorishtu gde su psi (ako nisi ubio onog chuvara kod kanalizacionog otvora pokushache da te ubiju dvojica).
  3. WoLf4LiFe


    Treba da zabijesh vagon u vrata magacina.
  4. WoLf4LiFe

    GTA IV

    Novi info: What we have learned so far: The protagonist's name is Niko Bellic, which we believe is Croatian or Serbian. (!!!) Multiplayer is set to be announced. You can use a cellphone to call your contacts. Apparently there are no planes because there is only one city in the game. You have a lot of choice over what you want to do. You still have to take orders from people during missions, but you can also choose how you want to spend your time, e.g "I want to hang out with him, or her... I want to go see this guy 'cause he always has something to do..." The story unfolds in a number of different ways. R* is giving people more freedom, more choice and more sense of control over their destiny - the structure of the storyline is quite different to previous games. The demo which Game Informer played was for the Xbox 360 version of the game. link: http://slumz.boxden.com/showthread.php?t=891853
  5. WoLf4LiFe


    Morash da uzmesh mornarevu odechu. To je u zgradi nasuprot broda, tek onda mozesh da prodjesh.
  6. Ostanu ti patchevi ako idesh automatski update.
  7. 65%, higher than 99% on knowledge a ne igram wow vech dva meseca :>
  8. WoLf4LiFe

    Kotor 2

    Ja uvek imam double bladed :D Pogledaj ovo http://aeons.planetquake.gamespy.com/aeons.../kotor2_faq.php
  9. Kada sam ih pokupio uopshte nije bilo ikone, ne znam da li je to zato shto sam prvo uzeo boots pa tek onda posetio seera, jbga volim da explorujem :| Edit: Loadovo sam ponovo, posetio seera, otishao u crypt, ide scena vide se boots of levitation, ali nema ih uopshte u inventoriju... Nakon toga sam pokushao josh 2 puta, ali nishta ;'/
  10. Koji shit, nabavim igru danas, instaliram patch 1, 2, 3 i cizme u 4tom lvlu 1ve kampanje nestanu...
  11. Plx dont ignoer me!11 olol my carebox is filling up? orly? NOWAI!1
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