Evo sta kaze covek :P
found this on an wellknown swedish forum
1. Does the game work?
YES. The game works. It crashes around 1st, 2nd levels. But after you get back into it from your saved location it is fine.
2. Does it crash right on Jerusalem?
YES. Right before you enter Jerusalem, on horse, foot, anything, it crashes to the desktop, no matter what you do.
3. Is there a Crack Fix out that fixes it yet?
NO. There is no Official 100% guaranteed working fix yet to this. It should be out soon if they find the problem.
4. There are many crackfix’s right now….Whats up?
Those are all the same exact Reloaded Fixed EXE Files. Eaither that, or they are all FAKE. There is currently NO WAY of getting into Jerusalem as of this moment.
5. Is the game awesome?
Yeah, its not too bad.
Worth the DL?
Definitely, if it did not crash.
“Not only the header of DataPC_Jerusalem.forge is missing the whole file seems to be completely random data. In the other .forge files you can see readabel text and some parts are only zeros, in DataPC_Jerusalem.forge there is nothing like that. So it won’t work with any crackfix etc. We need a new DataPC_Jerusalem.forge.”
” To those who say this is Press Copy, you are fu(ktards.
When Procyon got the source, 1 render file was obviously corrupt or became corrupted. The same corrupt file was supplied by Procyon to Reloaded. Either no group noticed the corruption or they let it go out with the bug, thinking they’d rels early for points and then be able to fix from resupply.
Problem is, the corrupt file is also having the effect of making the game unstable. And no resupply has yet arrived.
You can bet your bo11ocks that Vitality wont issue a crackfix, cos there is nothing to be fixed.
What will happen is a proper will come of size around 1GB which will be the scimitar.Jerusalem.forge replacement and possibly another corrupt file.
In meantime, you can collect flags. “