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Posts posted by bolkonski

  1. bolje da sam onda uzeo warriora!

    Nema veze, znam ja tebe Melkore od one igre, besplatnog mmorpg-a, sto si ga igrao sam Koletom, ti si bio najopusteniji i uvek si pomagao noobovima kao sto sam ja, smaracu ja tebe, veruj.

  2. Deep Throat, regarded as the most successful porn film of all time (it cost $25,000 to make in 1972 and has earned more than $600 million) will be re-released later this month as both an NC-17 production and an R-rated censored edition, Daily Variety reported today (Tuesday). The release coincides with that of Inside Deep Throat, an NC-17 documentary produced by Imagine Entertainment's Brian Grazer, that discusses the trials and tribulations of those involved in producing the original movie.

    Ovo mu dodje kao kada Lukas ofarba i ozvuci svoju prvu trilogiju.

  3. Ma ja imam jedan licni problem, meni je dosadno da idem sam, bas sam zao hteo da se orijentisem na holy/dic ali kako vidim ubacicu po nesto i u shadow, samo da proucim spellove i koliki uticaj na njih imaju talenti.

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