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Everything posted by VoOdoO_MaN

  1. Izvalite sad i ovo :)) Ganja now Legal for Italian Rastas In Italy a new ruling by the Supreme Court of Cassation has sided with the Rastafarian religion's treatment of marijuana as a sacred sacrament. The news from Rome hit the streets Friday morning, as a case brought before appeal judges against a reggae musician sentenced to 16 months in prison by a lower court in Perugia , was overturned. Virtually unheard of in Roman Catholic Italy, Rastafarians were presented to the court as a faith that allows its members to smoke even 10 grams of marijuana daily. In the ruling the Court of Cassation stated, "Members of the Rastafari faith were entitled to have in possession 'abundant' amounts of marijuana since smoking is an integral part of their religion."
  2. Kako je brutalan ovaj set Roger Sanchez - Release Yourself (Guestmix Tocadisco)-SAT-09-19-2008
  3. ako samo izgledash normalno i znash da kazhesh obezbedjenju lepo "dobar dan" :)
  4. A i mogli bi da igramo stoni-tenis nekad, pa javi, poshto imamo sto na faksu :)
  5. NE SERI? Ahahahahhahaha :))) evo ja dao prvu godinu, vichi ako ti trebaju radovi i ostala sranja :D
  6. ^jedino shto valja u meku trenutno, a i mozhesh da se zasitish od 2 :)
  7. H sam i krenuo da napishem ali kad sam se sjebao nisam hteo da mrljam :D
  8. http://www.nothingtoxic.com/media/12176437..._Point_Knockout
  9. Kralj ovaj crnja shto ih snima :D http://www.nothingtoxic.com/media/12114178...p_an_Older_Lady
  10. ISTOPIO SE LED U KLIMI! Inanche bezveze sam ustao jer sam mislio da u 10 treba da budem na faksu... Odoh neshto da meznem...
  11. Ne. izashao je neki dobar divx screener :)
  12. I uopshte kako stalno neshto mljacka, oblizuje se, koluta ochima itd. ga u potpunosti chini neverovatnim glumcem! Dobar mu je u pochetku i trik sa olovkom koja nestaje :))) EDIT: Pa nije to Jokeru :D
  13. Evo josh jedne potvrde iz UK-a Ecstasy To Be Downgraded to Class B Drug / UK is Cool. Ecstacy could become a class B drug next year after findings of drug bodies and police suggest that it is at "the bottom of the scale of harm." The Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) have told MPs that the third most popular illegal drug in the UK is several thousands times less harmful than its class A counterparts such as heroin. There are less than 10 ecstacy-related deaths in the UK each year. The ACMD will carry out an evidence session next Friday, 26 September, but a consequent decision will not be made until next year. Drugs Minister Vernon Coaker claims he will oppose the move to downgrade the drug. Pilule za lilule :))
  14. Zashto bi rekao deset? Ako mu je ovaj rekao shest? :))) EDIT: lol ladno nisam ni video da si napisao 10 :D
  15. Kako su mi legla ova dva girosa...aaaa presavio sam se...:)
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