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In good standing. Ponude na pm ili ovde. I drugi steam account x2 steam accounta za 1.200 dinara.
To je tvoja stvar tebra, bitno je da ste ti i bulbi drugari skoro na prst u bulju :( Uskoro ces dobiti poziv od njega da setate pse zajedno.
Casual :)
Dajte neke tipove za danas :) @alfa i Pera, pa i ja sam pao na Grcima :(
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFPsvF3UOdo Nagledao sam se brdo klipova ovog tipa ali ovo je apsolutno savrsenstvo.
Fail Aco :( Zapratio sam tvoj predlog i odmah fail :( Nema veze, sutra im otimamo pare :D
Dobio sam na 2 rate zahvaljujuci Igoru, vlasniku xsporta. Popio sam veceras pre treninga i uz kreatin je mnoogo dobra stvar al' opet, prvo je konzumiranje, vedecemo kako ce se pokazati.
Hvala svima :) Trazila je da je vodim u mek u Novi Sad i naravno da sam joj ispunio zelju a za rodjendan sada 31.10 sam uplatio deciju igraonicu. Dan je protekao idealno.
Sjajno poceo dan. Isao da gledam cerku posto je skola organizovala maskenbal. Naravno, moje dete em sto je najbolji djak generacije jos je i ubedljivo najlepsa :).. Tatino dete, naravno. Zvao me i Direktor skole na razgovor i rekao mi je da ce kao nagradu dobiti lap top. Ponosan sam. :)
Pa zato sto imas 50 kg sa krevetom, moze ti se.. Ja ne smem nista od UH uvece.
Bravo bostanu, samo cepaj.
Stvarno si car, al' majke mi :D :D :D Slican nam je obrok s tim sto ja izbegavam ugljene hidrate nakon treninga.
Upozorenje - Liste usera koji su scamovali na market sekciji
Astora replied to misaking[X]'s topic in World of Warcraft
Vratio sam pare oko 11 jutros Wow Gold Corporation-u. Izvinjavam se na svemu. -
Zajeban je kreatin. Primetio sam da od kako sam ga poceo piti (prvi put pre par meseci) imao sam nenormalan apetit ali sam se uspeo kontrolisati za stolom. Kupim ponovo jutros i jedva uspevam da se obuzdam.
Da budem follower glupom bokseru? haha ma ti si lud :D :D
Ponovo krenuo sa suplementacijom. Uzeo Twin Labov kreatin monohidrat, DAA i 100 % whey protein.
Обућина: Пресуда стигла, жалићемо се, стадион је наш! Поштар је јуче закуцао на врата Партизана. У плавој коверти, уместо рођенданске честитке, стигло је обавештење из Вишег суда у Београду. Спор између црно-белих и војске, у вези власништва над стадионом у Хумској, решен је у корист Министарства одбране! - Стигла нам је јутрос судска одлука. Тек је заведена. Имаћемо састанак, видети шта и како даље – открио је „Журналу” јуче поподне Милан Обућина, генерални секретар ЈСД Партизан. Једно је, пак, сигурно… - Разговараћемо са адвокатима, људима од струке. Имамо рок од 15 дана да упутимо жалбу. Наравно да ћемо се жалити! Подршка стиже са свих страна… - Јављају нам се људи који су учествовали у изградњи стадиона. Многи су сведоци деценијских односа војске са Партизаном. Није све тако као што се представља. Александар Вучић, први потпредседник Владе Републике Србије, са разумевањем је прихватио изјаву Душка Вујошевића, председника ЈСД Партизан, да ће стадион бранити динамитом и сам се заложио за проналазак разумног решења. - Свакако да став господина Александра Вучића још више буди оптимизам – закључио је Милан Обућина, генерални секретар ЈСД Партизан.
Pa sto bih vadio na rutinsku proveru? :) Ako 'pak iskopa neki kurac kulturno cu da kazem "kolega, nasi smo, evo ti sluzbena" :D
I vecne drugare.
Comet ISON is doing just fine! Submitted by Karl on Wed, 10/09/2013 - 08:23 There has been a lot of speculation brewing over the past few days that C/2012 S1 aka comet ISON may either have already fragmented and fizzled, or is about to do so at any moment. I'm not going to point directly to any sources that are making these claims as I don't think those articles deserve the web traffic. Instead, I'll let you judge for yourselves: does this look like a fizzled out comet? Comet ISON is looking more beautiful than ever in this image taken at Arizona's Mount Lemmon Observatory by Adam Block on October 8, 2013. [image Credit: Adam Block via spaceweather.com] That gorgeous image was taken just a couple of days ago and to me (and my colleagues on the CIOC), it looks a lot like a healthy comet! So I think it's time I gave an update on exactly what ISON is doing right now, and what we might expect of its future behavior. At time of writing, comet ISON is approximately 1.48AU (~221 million km, 138 million miles) from the Sun, and 1.90AU (~284 million km, 177 million miles) from Earth, and is traveling at 34.6km/s (~125,000 kph, ~77,000mph). It recently made its close approach to Mars, and now is cruising towards its extremely close brush with the Sun just 50 days from today. [Cool fact: at perihelion, ISON will be traveling at a whopping 377km/s, or over 800,000mph!] We really do not know what comet ISON is going to do when it gets near the Sun, and we have been clear about this from the beginning. Its passage through the solar corona is going to expose it to some really pretty insane solar radiation bombardment that will begin to furiously boil its surface away. In addition to that, the gravitational tug of the Sun will pull and stretch the comet, testing its structural integrity to the absolute maximum. Either, or both, of these factors could lead to its demise at any point in the days surrounding perihelion. However, the CIOC's Matthew Knight recently published a paper in which he outlines his reasons for why he thinks comet ISON has a pretty good chance of surviving its encounter. I have known and worked closely with Matthew for nearly ten years now, and if I had to lay money down on ISON's fate, it would definitely be on Matthew's side of the fence! Of course all of us within the CIOC have slightly differing opinions of how ISON will perform but one thing I think we all agree on is that ISON will at least reach perihelion in some appreciable form, and put on a really good show in the solar spacecraft (e.g. SOHO and STEREO). Since the CIOC was formed in early 2013, we have stated that our best guess for ISON's peak brightness at perihelion will be around mag -3 to -5. After all these months, all the rumors and speculation, and all the reports of fizzling and fragmenting... we still stand by that as our best guess. That is all in the future though, and really is just our educated guess - the comet itself may well prove us wrong. But what we can say for certain, right now, is that comet ISON is doing just fine! It continues to behave like a fairly typical, if somewhat smaller-than-average, Oort Cloud comet. It has given no indication that it has fragmented and while such an event can never be ruled out, we see no evidence or hint that the comet is in any imminent danger of doing so. Any reports to the contrary are just speculation. How can we be so sure? Because we can see the comet! Opposite is just one more recent example of an extremely high-quality image of ISON taken by Nick Howes, Ernesto Guido and Martino Nicolini as part of a series of daily imaging sequences they have been recording to help study the morphology (shape, size, etc) of comet ISON. And they are not the only ones! Every day now we are seeing new and beautiful images of ISON appearing on the SpaceWeather.com Comet ISON Realtime Gallery from astronomers, both professional and amateur, from all around the world. With this wealth of imaging data we can see that as of one day ago at least, comet ISON was happy, healthy and seemingly in one piece. If you don't believe us, go out and find your local amateur astronomy club or observatory and find out when they are planning on viewing ISON. Then you can literally see it with your own eyes!
Izgleda da to vise ne vazi, njima je naredba da pisu koliko su ucesnika saobracaja zaustavili i sta su zatekli. Ovo su vecinom bili novi koje ja ne poznajem i koji mene ne poznaju a da vadim sluzbenu necu jer i oni rade svoj posao a isto to me je Kum pitao samo sto je to malo preterano 8 puta jednog zaustaviti al' ajde. Da je doslo do pisanja kazne, vadio bih sluzbenu odmah :D
evo ti + (pluscina) @ Lesko Nema ko drugi osim komsija ili onih koji poznaju vase jutarnje navike a cisto sumnjam da ce tu policija ista uraditi. Daj Boze al' ne verujem =/ Usput, danas neka akcija Saobracajne policije u Indjiji. Ima ih skoro na svakoj raskrsnici i zaustavili su me sve ukupno 8 puta. Svu opremu su proveravali, kao da su trazili razlog da napisu kaznu a kasnije od kuma saznam da su dobili naredjenje da pisu sto vise kazni mogu. Tezak jebeni dan.
A nije to nista, ko zna koliko jos ubira od Stranke i od Televizije..
Zvao kum da dodjem na pecenu pastrmku na talandaru i u prvi mah sam se dvoumio da l' da odem ili ne posto nisam bas jako dugo jeo pastrmku i najprijatnije sam se iznenadio kakav ukus ima pastrmka. Uzeo je u ribarnici svezu, tamo mu odmah ocistili i trcao do kuce da baci na talandaru. Sjajno.