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`Dr. Nick Riviera`

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Everything posted by `Dr. Nick Riviera`

  1. Druga se bash nije dala... A sve su se is3povale da ce da ih siluje...
  2. Link1 (GIF, 490k) Link2 (GIF, 494k) Link3 (GIF, 492k) Link4 (GIF, 472k) Smeh... http://drnickriviera.freenukehosting.com/japanskefore/
  3. Gospodar Prstenova je po mom mishljenju najkompletnija knjiga... P.S. Mislim da je glupo otvarati ovakav topic poshto ovde vecina ljudi nije chulu ni za jednu drugu Tolkinovu knjigu osim za GP...
  4. Joj, mene boli kad gledam ovo... Stvarno je Ultimate Ownage...
  5. Van konqrencije: "The Neverhood Chronicles" Pa onda: Monkey island Sam & Max Road to El Dorado . . .
  6. Kad ukapirash shta se dogadja, onda se ni ne 3pujesh vishe... @Gotenks Zashto drzish Hasanaginicu u avataru?
  7. Ovo sam izchachkao na jednom sajti, pa rek'o mozda ce nekom koristiti... Go to Code: http://www.google.com/ Method 1: Write this string in google search: "parent directory " /appz/ -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums "parent directory " DVDRip -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums "parent directory "Xvid -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums "parent directory " Gamez -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums "parent directory " MP3 -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums "parent directory " Name of Singer or album -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums Notice that only the word after the parent directory is changing, change it to what you want and you will get a lot of stuff. Voila! Method 2: Write this string in google search: ?intitle:index.of? mp3 You only need add the name of the song/artist/singer. Example: ?intitle:index.of? mp3 nirvana Voila! Method 3: Write this string in google search: inurl:micr0soft filetype:iso You can change the string to watever you want, ex. micr0soft to adobe, iso to zip etc... (be sure to copy the whole code)
  8. Zashto lepo nedade direktan link... http://www.blennus.com/video/Morning_Musum...ng_The_Ring.wmv
  9. Naravno, ali pruzaju 5min zadovoljstva...
  10. Kao shto je vec recheno, super raklama, ali su malo zloupotrebili neke stvari...
  11. A kakve ja veze imam sa CSom? Nisam video kako to izgleda vec chetiri meseca...
  12. Posetite Xenomorph-ov novi forum na adresi: http://endrebodi.freestarthost.com/forum/index.php by `Dr. Nick Riviera`
  13. Ima i abshost.net Oni rade po slichnom principu, ali mislim da nisu toliko striktni...
  14. Da, postoji besplatan hosting koji daje 800MB webspace-a i unlimited baza podataka... www.freenukehosting.com
  15. Magija shminke: Lady #1 Lady #2 Lady #3 Lady #4 Lady #5
  16. Mmmm, mmm... U opisu fotografije pishe: Software: Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Tako da se ne nadaj... :)
  17. Bolji je rin.ru, a i ovaj ubacuje GOMILU spyware-a...
  18. Zolinu teoriju da Lakija niko nikad nije ni video ptvrdjuje i chinjenica da je bio 'onemogucen' da se pojavi u emisiji Game Over kad je to od njega bilo ochekivano... [:D]
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