You are a Jedi Master.
You are the best the Jedi have to offer. You have great wisdom and your combat abilities are hard to match. The Force is your ally, and it is useful to solve difficult problems, to help you push yourself to your limits and to accomplish seemingly impossible feats. Patience and inner strength have made you the person you are now.
You are the pinnacle of the Jedi Order.
nerd dressed as a clone "I am a stormtrooper" lik koji odgovara "U are a huge nerd"
Oba su bljutava.Jelen su sjebali bash.Pola pivo,pola voda.MB od samog starta nije bio losh,ali se nije uopshte poboljshao.Zgotivio sam Weifert kad sam ga probao u novom staklenom pakovanju.I sad mi je naj.I Law mi se dopao kad sam probao ono od 2L Q pack.Znachi MB i nekako,ali Jelen niposhto!
Brat me je prozvao REMA kao MARE na shatrovachkom pre nekih 5-6 godina dok je to bilo u fazonu... I ostade REMA.Inache sam se na netu potpisivao kao Stormtrooper zbog benda Stormtroopers Of Death koji mi je bio omiljeni.
Ako mene pitate,horoskop je jedno veliko sranje... Zhiwish svoj zhiwot i ne interesuje te
neko sranje tipa gde ccesh biti,shta ccesh raditi,jesti,da li ccesh biti bolestan,ne raspolozhen,itd.