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samo da dozivim Fallout MMORPG ili Nesto na forum Tiberium Warsa a da je MMORPG :P Onda cu wow da batalim za svagda :P Bah ovo mi sve vishe i vishe lici da cemo da zivimo u Matrixu :P The end is the beginning
sve od 16+ je ok od septembra vazi po zakonu da licne karte moraju da vade lica od 16+ godina tako da ono '91 ulazi ove godine u igru :)
Pa jeste ja prosto se osecam mladjim pored '90 god npr Klinke su za setanje,zezanje.....jer su slatke i blesave - sve te male bezobrazne devojcice, sa svojim utegnutim, mladim, neznim, krhkim, NAPALJENIM telima
Ja i dalje ne kapiram sta je loshe u igranju igrica :S kad to cini neki deo zadovoljstva, naravno u nekim merama. Necu da kazem sad da sam casual player wow-a :) jesam, ali dobro se secam kolko je loshe bilo grindarti 36 sati jebani Hide of the wild bez spavanja druzeci se sa guaranom i cipsom i zato sad imam pivski stomak :P Hvala bogu BC me nije tolko privuko pa da budem blesav :) evo dinogovo sam prekjuce tek 62 lvl :) a kupio sam bc 16 jan :P Sad ga prosto igram kad mi se igra, mada mozda je to sve zbog maloletnica koje jurim pa sam se malo opametio ili jebem ga mozda me alkohol iskvario u poslednje vreme.... Iskreno sve je ok dok ima svoju neku granicu i meru, sedeti za racunarom igrati se ne spavati etc to je vec bolest i hvala bogu ja sam se od toga izlecio.
Size: 2.86 Mb Click to Download v2.06 - v2.07 US Patch (EN US - AMERICKI SERVERI) Size: 3.44 Mb Click to Download v2.06 - v2.07 GB Patch (EN GB - EVROPSKI SERVERI) Patch Notes... General * The amount of haste granted by a point of haste rating has been increased by about 50%. * 20 slot bags are now bind on equip. * Any effect which benefits the victim of a critical strike will now trigger even if resilience converted the attack from a critical strike to a normal strike; this applies to melee, ranged, and spell. The affected talents, abilities, and items are: "Eye for an Eye", "Blessed Resilience", "Enrage", "Martyrdom", "Blood Craze", "Eye of the Storm", and "Bonespike Shoulder". * The Crust Bruster has had a loot icon and sound change. * Players can no longer send gift wrapped packages via COD. * When sharing a quest, the order logic has changed to check whether or not the player has completed or is ineligible for the quest before checking whether their quest log is full. PvP * Battlegrounds o If Primalist Thurloga is attacked and pulled off her pathing on the way to summon Lokholar the Ice Lord, she will now properly path back to the summoning ring to complete the event. o PVP flags and graveyard nodes can no longer be captured through collision. Raids and Dungeons * Players are no longer able to accept the quest "The Opening of the Dark Portal" while the Black Morass encounter is engaged. * In the Black Morass, Chrono Lord Deja will now properly spawn during a Heroic Mode attempt. * After completing the Black Morass encounter, all the additional mobs in the zone will no longer all aggro. * Durnholde Lookouts will now properly despawn after all 5 of the Baracks in Caverns of Time: Escape from Durnholde are burned down. * The items required to complete the Karazhan key quest can now only be looted by the first group in the instance to reach them. * Berthold the Doorman will now have a gossip option to teleport players to the Shade of Aran's room. This gossip option only becomes available when players have defeated the Shade of Aran. * The aggro range for players when under the effect of "Incite Chaos" while fighting Blackheart the Inciter in the Shadow Labrynth has been adjusted. * Many creatures within Coilfang Resevoir have been slightly retuned. * Many creatures within the Mana Tombs have been slightly retuned. Mac * Stability improvements in Multi-Threaded OpenGL support on future OS X releases. Bug Fixes * The talent "Combat Potency" no longer causes rogues to have a chance to gain energy when other players hit them with off-hand attacks. * Players with multiple chat windows will no longer have fixed channels (ie. general, trade) added back to the main chat window every time they log on. * Attempting to prospect less than 5 pieces of ore will no longer cause a game crash. (Spanish Only) * The Fel Reaver for "It's A Fel Reaver, But With Heart" quest will now respawn properly if you wipe on the quest. * Fixed a crash that could occur when on a flight path. * Fixed the local defense channel so that it will properly change based on the player's zone.
A da ga bijes ti ipak malo, zamisli da ne mozes da dobijes sifru nazad nikako :)
DING 61 LVL ! :) KKNP :) trebalo mi je 15 dana za 1 lvl :P Do I have life now ? :D
Hmmmm, ja se jednom oprosti sad bacam pare da chatujem sa ljudima u wow.... Ne znam kako i to da batalim :) prosto ne mogu da napustim ljude koji gotivim u WoW...
tyrande ga je prevarila sigurno :) ja ne mogu da izdrzim nedelju dana ako se ne ispraznim :D
Ja imam samo TBC nemam wow obican instaliran :( Btw, kako sam uzo TBC, lego da spavam u 22:00 15.januara 2007, otiso normalno na posao 16.januara u 07:00, reko Poslovodji da ranije moram da izadjem oko 12:00 sati - pustio me. Dolazim kuci, okreno broj telefona svoje firme, izdiktirao mi kolega CD Key, upgrade, login - nisam moro da instaliram TBC i evo 60 lvl sam 1/3 napuljenog XP-a i tako cu dok sam na civilnom sluzenju biti Role Player radim po koji quest nigde se ne zurim kao kad sam kreno sa igram obican World of Warcraft. Meni je trebalo 21 dan za 60 lvl tacno, potrudicu se da mi lvlovanje od 60-70 bude vishe duze i uzbudljivije, polako nigde se ne zurim...
Ekskluzivni In-Game kućni ljubimac: Netherwhelp
Silencer replied to Sajro's topic in World of Warcraft
Drzim ti palceve Sajro :) -
Preuzeto sa http://www.worldofwar.net This evening Blizzard sent out an email to WoW subscribers which encouraged them to take part in a general survey. While there were the usual questions such as what systems to you own, how many hours you play etc, there was something really interesting. There were a series of questions concerning WoW account security and it appears Blizzard ate toying with the idea of implementing some sort of 'dongle' which could be applied via a USB port and when plugged in gives you access to your account. I took note of the questions from the survey and it is an interesting development. Personally I think this is a great idea if it protects users from keyloggers and trojans. If you received the email make sure you go through the survey and post your thoughts on this. The questions regarding security are as follows: Additional security systems: Blizzard is considering implementing a voluntary security system for World of Warcraft. This system would generate passwords that you could use only one time. Because your password would constantly change, your account would be more secure. If a system of this type were to be -implemented, how interested would you be in using it? * Disconnected Token. A disconnected token is a physical object that will fit on your keyring or in your pocket. Questions regarding security systems Blizzard have been looking at: * It has an LCD screen and a button or keypad. When you press the button or keypad, it will display the password on the LCD screen. It runs on batteries that will last for years. For security reasons, the batteries can
Meni kupuje drugarica iz Austrije TBC, mrzi me da teglim noge po Beogradu :) A videcu posle par komada da uzmem, ako ostane nesto posle vas neizivljenih :)
Mozete lagano da obrisete World of Warcraft instalaciju i instalirate The Burning Crusade, preko njega ce moci da se loguju i obicni World of Warcraft korisnici i TBC korisnici, tako da bi vam WoW klasican samo bzvz zauzimao mesta. Cuvajte patcheve 2.0.1-2.0.3 i 2.0.3-2.0.4 jer ce vam trebati. Evo i shoot da radi http://www.wow-serbia.com/silencer/bc.jpg Ovo je naravno klasican wow account koji nije upgradovan i logovo sam se preko TBC clienta.
Imao sam prilike da svog lika provedem kroz Shattrath City dok je bila invazija Infernala demona i unistavanje grada. Nisu neki screenovi ali mnogo mi je lagovalo :( niti sam sedeo za jakom masinom :) sta je tu je nadam se da neko ima bolje da baci da vidimo ;) Screenshot-ove mozete pogledati ovde: http://www.sdinfo.co.yu/wow/1.jpg http://www.sdinfo.co.yu/wow/2.jpg http://www.sdinfo.co.yu/wow/3.jpg http://www.sdinfo.co.yu/wow/4.jpg http://www.sdinfo.co.yu/wow/5.jpg http://www.sdinfo.co.yu/wow/6.jpg http://www.sdinfo.co.yu/wow/7.jpg http://www.sdinfo.co.yu/wow/8.jpg http://www.sdinfo.co.yu/wow/9.jpg http://www.sdinfo.co.yu/wow/10.jpg http://www.sdinfo.co.yu/wow/11.jpg http://www.sdinfo.co.yu/wow/12.jpg http://www.sdinfo.co.yu/wow/13.jpg Bilo je lepo ucestvovati u raidu sa 40 aliance i horde koja je bila da pomogne u ubijanju zmaja, velike bube, doduse bilo je komplikovano ubiti demone jel ima neki koji samo prodju i tu trava vishe ne nice tipa unholy aura koja me je trsila 3000 dmg, a da ne pricam sto me je nesto critalo 26k :)
The Burning Crusade Beta test will end tonight at midnight. To properly mark the occasion, starting this evening around 6 pm there will be a special End of Beta event on the Beta Test Realms. We hope you enjoy it and we thank you all for your hard work during The Burning Crusade Beta test. See you in Outland!
Nisam nije istina :( Ja to samo cisto kao hobi sve i zbog chata :)
Kole bas u tome je problem hardcore + upropastio zivot :P Ja sam ta nesreca :P I sad sam free like bird :D
Muka mi od tih tiera! Dabogda ne mozes da uzmes tier 5 i 6 narednih godinu dana!
Paladini imaju divine shield
Ajde ajde ne moras da instaliras patch :) batali wow da igras do TBC :) odmori se malo evo petak subota nedelja :) izadjes malo u diskoteke splavove dodjes 3 dana kuci pijan i u utorak se oporavis za TBC :)
Prosto vishe i da ne poverujes 8 miliona korisnika za deceniju pa i da doguraju 3 milijarde korisnika i eto nam na Matrix :) Pitam se samo ko ce biti chosen one :P I prophet :) Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. announced today that World of Warcraft