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Everything posted by Silencer

  1. Tuan Nguyen na Dailytech blogu prikazuje odnos izmedju količine novca koji Blizzard dobija svakog meseca od prodaje BC-a i mesečnog članstva sa količinom noviteta i sadr
  2. An extremely high percentage of mob models in this expansion was ripped directly from the original game. Colors were changed and names were edited, but overall, only a small handful of new models were added." This is just simply not true, and I'm going to guess you read this somewhere else instead of actually having played the expansion. I think if you were to simply jump into Hellfire Peninsula and see a few boars (with original models and textures, by the way) that could be your impression, but even then there are fel reavers, burrowers, rock flayers, shivarra, wrathguard, arakkoa, etc. When you move on to the very next zone, Zangarmarsh, there's even more new and unique mobs with almost nothing you've ever seen before, and those that you do recognize are probably races that aren't going to be changed in look, like the Naga. "Blizzard also delayed the Burning Crusades expansion for a long time." That's a bit of assumption there as to how our development plans were intended. Since the release of the game and before the release of the expansion there were huge amounts of content added, for free. I don't see rushing the release of an expansion just for the sake of saying we put something out there sooner you can call a proper expansion as a good thing. Do you? "Those who paid for the expansion were also asked to pay a retail price that matched the original game when it was released -- that is an obscenely expensive amount considering that the original game is much more grander in scale." The expansion retails for a lower price than the original game when it released, so that's not true. The "grandness" is personal opinion, but it's a price point we feel matches the enormous amounts of content that have been put in to the expansion. Including two new races, a new profession, fifteen 5-person dungeons (for comparison the original game launched with the same number I believe), five 25-man dungeons, a 10-person dungeon, hundreds of new quests, hundreds and hundreds of new items, as well as free updates that are adding even more content, such as the new solo and small-group content and Black Temple in the 2.1 patch. I really shouldn't have to make the expansion sound good though, people playing know how much content is there. "Hunter pets that swim deeper and faster than a druid in aquatic form -- I don't know about Blizzard but I certainly have never seen a cat out-swim a seal" Pets generally aren't inhibited my swimming speed reductions. "infantry that can run faster than the fastest ground mount in the game." Probably because we want them to catch you. I think this and the previous point seem to be based on an idea that the game should only use mechanics that follow what should be possible in the real world, instead of what help make the game challenging or to fill specific needs of challenging/restricting/empowering various aspects. We try very hard to limit mechanics to "what makes sense", but that's not always going to be the case, it's a game, for the sake of it they can't all make perfect sense. There's no actual gravity or physics that bind player actions in the game world either, fyi. ;) "Blizzard also recently announced that the druid class will receive an epic flight form -- instantly castable but will cost 5000 gold to learn the epic riding skill. Wait a minute, you need a "riding skill" to turn into a bird and fly away? Blizzard, what exactly are we riding here?" See above. The article comments on class balance and that's not something I will reply to in as general a manner, I realize classes and inevitably how they interact with each other and the world (of warcraft) around them are a subject that many find very personal. I don't feel it would be appropriate to attempt to sum up the entirety of class balance in a single paragraph as the article has. It's easy to pick specific popular ideas, popular because they seem like they could be true, or because they fight against some sort of authority, and use them rather blatantly. It's far more difficult to see beyond the layer of ridiculousness and actually begin to work within a reasonable and logical view. Beyond that how do you work within a soupy mess where the two are emulsified together? And how do you begin to skim the fat off the top so that you can get to the delicious and clear consumme that you hope lay underneath it somewhere?
  3. Screenshot or it didn't happen ! :)
  4. There can't be many of you out there, that are playing WoW and have not snapped up a copy of the BC, but just in case there are. Blizzard is now offering a free 10 day trial of the BC, if you already have WoW installed. The trial includes jewelcrafting, as well as the Blood Elf and Draenai races to tinker with. If you do decide to go the whole hog and upgrade to the full version, then the good news is you can keep the same characters from the trial. The trial version is available http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/burningcrus...rial/index.html Znaci ostao sam bez komentara kad sam ovo procitao :) Sve ce da urade za vise korisnika i da vrate stare :D
  5. http://www.warcraftmovies.com/stream.php?id=38718 ZNACI KOMA!!! :) LOL sta mi se desilo upravo, Uplatim WoW 2 meseca nisam igrao ! Login in Selecting server: Frostmane Selecting Character: Stiven Log in World Server Down Autentication server offline Tolko o mom vracanju nazad u wow :(
  6. Now that the BC has been out for some time, Blizzard has spiced up the Darkmoon card, so when the faire comes to town you can drag yourself away from your usual activities, seek the following cards as highlighted by Tiare. [Darkmoon Card: Vengeance] (Ace - Eight of Storms) You have a 10% chance when hit by an attack or harmful spell to deal 95 to 115 holy damage to your attacker. [Darkmoon Card: Wrath] (Ace - Eight of Furies) Each time one of your direct damage attacks does not critically strike, you gain 17 critical strike rating and 17 spell critical strike rating for the next 10 sec. This effect is consumed when you deal a critical strike. (Stacks up to 20 times) [Darkmoon Card: Crusade] (Ace - Eight of Blessings) Each time you deal melee damage to an opponent, you gain 6 attack power for the next 10 sec., stacking up to 20 times. Each time you land a harmful spell on an opponent, you gain 8 spell damage for the next 10 sec., stacking up to 10 times. [Darkmoon Card: Madness] (Ace - Eight of Lunacy) Each time you land a killing blow on an enemy, you gain the Power of Madness. (No data on Power of Madness yet, I'll update the post when I find it.) Ovaj Ace - Eight of Lunacy ne ide za paladina bash :) Info sa wow foruma: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.h...41668&sid=1
  7. Lol kako su gnomi jadni :)
  8. http://www.warcraftmovies.com/stream.php?id=38561 Tier 6 + Ilidanko :) /svrsio na warlocka ;)
  9. O Boze za $131.88 kolko je inace 5k golda :) mogu da pojebem nesto postenije :D A moze i dobar rostilj i alkohol da se kupi za te pare... Prosto mi je inace bilo do j kad sam citao u 7 ujutru ovo lol :)
  10. Kek za elixere :)))))) A few things for you today which you should take note of including Alchemy Elixir changes. In an upcoming patch we will be changing the way elixirs function, allowing a player to only have two elixirs on them at any one time. The change will allow you to use one offensive elixir, and one defensive elixir. All elixirs will be set into one of these two categories. This also means that although elixirs of the same type cannot be used at the same time, they will now stack with class buffs. This change will generally not impact solo players who currently already only use one or two elixirs at a time, but will certainly be a restriction for players who tend to use a lot of elixirs simultaneously. In the case of raid and small group parties the change is a clear benefit. The need for herbs and materials, and thus the strain on a guild or individual alchemist to collect these items is lowered substantially, in combination with the encounters being tuned with the limitation in mind. This change to elixirs and flasks also allows us to improve and expand the alchemy profession in new ways, and removes the need to design and balance encounters around the potential use of all possible elixirs. We
  11. We have taken the time to put together a brief preview of the Profession changes for the upcoming content patch. This list does not contain all of the upcoming changes, but instead gives a brief look at what is to come. Alchemy * Elixirs now stack in two categories, Battle (Offensive) and Guardian (Defensive) Elixirs. You can only have one of each type of Elixir up at a time. As a result Elixirs now stack with class abilities such as "Arcane Intellect." * Four new defensive elixirs have been added. Two are on trainers, one is in Halaa and one is in Cenarion Expedition. * "Flask of Petrification" can no longer be turned off during its duration, but it now will clear all threat from all monsters for the duration of the effect. Though monsters may reaquire you after the effect ends. * The cost to purchase Imbued Vials has been reduced. Enchanting * Enchant Bracer-Spellpower had its primal costs reduced slightly. * Enchanting recipes that increase spell damage now also increase healing as well. * The "Major Defense Bracer" enchantment has been moved from Ethereum Researchers to Ethereum Nullifiers. Engineering * A recipe for "Frost Grenades" and the "Icy Blasting Primers" needed to make them are now on engineering trainers. * Engineering recipes can now be placed in engineering bags, as can engineer made fireworks. * Many engineering recipes will now give skillups for longer than the previously did. * "Seaforium" now opens locked chests as well as locked doors * The Poultryizer and Nigh Invulnerability Belt now cause mishaps less often. * The Goblin Rocket Launcher cooldown has been reduced significantly. * 11 new epic goggles have been introduced at 350 engineering skill and are available from the trainer. They range from cloth to plate, and have a variety of stats to appeal to most talent specs. Fishing * The fishing timer has been reduced from 30 to 20 seconds and it now takes less time to fish. * The fishing timer can no longer run through its duration without a fish biting. * Fishing has been removed from Arathi Basin and Alterac Valley. * You can now fish in Underbog. Jewelcrafting * The jewelcrafting UI now has gems split up by color so it is easier to find gems of a specific color to create. * A number new gem cuts to existing gems have been added to the game. Included among them are a spell hit gem and more multi-stat gems that have attack power on them. * Jewelcrafters can make two new melee oriented meta gems. One is found randomly as a world drop and the other sold by the reputation vendor. * Thorium requirements for most recipes has been reduced. * Prospecting now always yields at least 1 gem. Overall, the amount of gems received from prospecting has been increased. * New recipes have been added that use the Jaggal and Shadow Pearls. Leatherworking * Skinning higher level creatures will give more leather; you will no longer get a single leather scrap. * "Knothide Armor" kits now require less leather to make and give skill increases for longer. * Leatherworking made primalstrike set now has an attack power set bonus rather than a strength set bonus. In addition to the Black Temple's appearance in the upcoming 2.1 patch, an abundance of new solo and small-group content is coming to World of Warcraft. Groups and solo adventurers will discover much to do in the new quest hubs of Skettis, Ogri'la, and the Ethereum Prison. Druids will be able to acquire their epic Flight Form, and what's more, everyone can now quest for their very own Nether Drake epic flying mount! Read about these additions in more detail on our Under Development page.
  12. Ma ja bi to zbog nedolicnog ponasanja bichovo i seko ruke... Pa bi video dal ce da krade posle ;)
  13. 3 godine zatvora ti gine i mozda neka novcana nadoknada. oko 6000 din. Jos ako povredjeni digne tuzbu protiv tebe sto si ga dusevno povredio izvredjao onda si ga najebao samo tako... Pocni da farmujes gold da platis sudske troskove i advokata ;)
  14. Kole :) moze cu mu posaljem 100g :) samo mi uplati mesec dana wow :) da mogu da se ulogujem :P mesec ipo dana nisam igrao wow... /panic /krizira
  15. Izvini Neo ja nisam nigde na wow forumu zakacio ovu sliku :/ a ostale ne citam sem ovog...
  16. http://members.lycos.nl/loran1234/wowspartaa.jpg
  17. Ma bre jel ume microsoft da napravi cursor za windows ? :)
  18. Mislim da je vecina ljudi cula za bug u M$ :) sto se tiche propusta u kursoru :) GG M$ :) Pa je meta sada postala i WoW Vesti od BBC-a: Research by security firm Symantec suggests that the raw value of a WoW account is now higher than a credit card and its associated verification data. One card can be sold for up to $6 (
  19. Now you can really put your l33t WoW skills to the test as the World Series of Video Games has revealed their 2007 line-up of titles which includes WoW. This is the news you've been waiting for. Four primary games, six stops, $750,000 in prizes. World of Warcraft. Is there a bigger game? It was on South Park! Quake 4 is back with the fast paced competition you've grown to love since you downloaded that demo of Thresh back in '98. For the metalheads, Guitar Hero 2 rips onto your console, groupies included. Just don't belt out Freebird at your next party. Last but not least, the bruises and scars look oh so real in EA Sports' Fight Night Round 3. The game is phenomenal; it takes ultra-realism to a whole new level. This is indeed good news for those who love a challenge and it's also good news for Blizzard who can now take the game to a really comparative level. Coming up shortly on worldofwar.net is an exclusive interview with Matt Ringel, president of Games Media Properties and the World Series of Video Games. Intervju sa Predsrednikom WSVG Matt Ringel mo
  20. Ja nisam zdrav, pijem pusim i evo kicma me cima ne mogu da se savijem ... Sad idem lepo da uzmem potvrdu od lekara da sam nesposoban za rad valjda cu dobijem 7 dana da ne idem u vojsku :D a ko zna mozda i dobijem indalidsko :)
  21. EN US 2.0.10 - 2.0.12 Version [WoW-] 3.2 MB EN US 2.0.3 - 2.0.12 Version [wow-] 4.9 MB EN GB 2.0.10 - 2.0.12 Version [wow-] 3.2 MB EN GB 2.0.3 - 2.0.12 Version [WoW-] 19 MB Mirrors: http://www.wowwiki.com/Patch_mirrors Mac * Improved memory usage and stability under Mac OS X 10.4.9 using multi-threaded OpenGL Bug Fixes * Attempting to turn in a guild charter with a signature from a player that formed his own guild will no longer result in an inappropriate error message. * Using the customer support "Auto-Unstuck" will now trigger the one-hour cooldown on the player's hearthstone. * Arenas o Players will no longer be able to see their opponents in the Combat Log of an Arena match-up before the game starts. * Battlegrounds o Eye of the Storm: Players should no longer be able to exit the bubble before the match starts. * Mechanar o The gate at the top of the elevator in Mechanar will now remain open while attempting the gauntlet and after Pathaleon the Calculator is killed. * Caverns of Time: Old Hillsbrad o The Escape from Durnholde event will no longer break
  22. In an epic adventure surpassing the War of the Shifting Sands and the opening of the gates of Ahn
  23. PA ima on u account menagment cancle account jebote...
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch_fullscreen?vi...0incl.%20Atiesh Ja ovom u inat ne bi vratio Epix i aties...
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