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  1. World of Warcraft PTR Patch 2.3.0 The latest test realm patch notes can always be found at http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/patchnotes/...patchnotes.html The latest patch notes can always be found at http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/patchnotes/ Zul'Aman Zul'Aman is a 10-player, level 70 outdoor instance located in the Ghostlands. Players will be able to confront six new bosses including the Forest Troll Warlord Zul'jin. Guild Banks Introduced The Guild Bank is a shared repository for an entire guild and will be accessible through new NPC's called guild bankers. The Guild Bank will allow players with the appropriate permissions to store items and money for use by the rest of the guild. Permissions to withdraw and deposit money and items are controlled by the guild leader through the guild controls menu. The Guild Bank is divided up into separate tabs so that the guild leader may restrict access or group items into distinct categories. o Up to 6 purchasable tabs each containing 98 item slots o Permissions to view/deposit/withdraw per tab o You may use your Guild Bank withdraw limits to pay for item repairs (now enabled on all merchants) o Transaction logs of the last 50 actions in the bank viewable on a per tab basis General * Experience: The amount of experience needed to gain a level has been decreased between levels 20 and 60. In addition, the amount of experience granted by quests has been increased between levels 30 and 60. * Expertise: We have added a new stat and associated rating called expertise and expertise rating. Expertise rating converts to expertise at the same rate that weapon skill rating formerly converted at. Each point of expertise reduces the chance for your attacks to be dodged or parried by 0.25%. * Healing reduction effects will now affect all health drain spells and abilities (e.g. Mortal Strike will reduce health gained from Drain Life). * Healing: Almost all items and enchantments that provide bonus healing now also provide a smaller number (approximately 1/3) of bonus spell damage. There are a few items and enchantments where this was not possible, such as random-stat items and Zul'Gurub enchantments, but this is now the case on virtually all other items. * On Kill Effects: Items and abilities that trigger on killing an enemy will no longer trigger on using an ability that kills your pet. * Weapon Skill: All items and abilities that granted weapon skill have been changed. In most cases, they were converted to expertise or expertise rating. Ranged attacks do not benefit from expertise, so ranged weapon skill has generally been replaced by critical strike bonuses or hit bonuses. In a few cases, talents have been changed to other effects to avoid granting players excessive amounts of expertise. * A new flight path has been added to the Rebel Camp in northern Stranglethorn Vale. * Flying units can see ground units and vice versa at any altitude. * Players no longer gain the moving AOE radius bonus if they are jumping. * Client spell cast requests are now sent to the server even if your player is already casting another spell. This eliminates the need for /stopcasting in macros to compensate for latency. * Vendor Discounts: All vendors with an associate faction now give discounts at all levels above neutral. o Friendly: 5% discount o Honored: 10% discount o Revered: 15% discount o Exalted: 20% discount o Quest givers who have available daily quests will have a blue exclamation point instead of a yellow one. * Pets will try to get behind their targets when engaging in melee combat. * Racial Abilities o Dwarf: Gun Specialization now increases chance to critically hit with Guns by 1% rather than increasing weapon skill. o Gnome: Escape Artist cooldown increased to 1 min, 45 sec. o Troll: Bow and Thrown Specialization now increases chance to critically hit with those weapons by 1% rather than increasing weapon skill. PvP * Battlegrounds o Daily quests have been added targeting a random battleground for that day. Look for Alliance Brigadier Generals and Horde Warbringers near your faction's battlemasters in all major capitals. o Dropping the Flag in a battleground will now result in a debuff that will not allow you to pick up the flag again for 3 seconds. o Druids who are shapeshifted when they receive the Restoration buff from battlegrounds will now correctly regenerate mana. o Players will now be able to cast spells for free in the Battleground before it begins. o Players will now be able to cast spells for free for a few seconds after being resurrected by a Spirit Guide in the Battleground. o Alterac Valley + Additional Warmasters no longer report for duty upon destroying an enemy tower. However, destroying an enemy tower still eliminates the associated opposing Warmaster. + All Warmasters are linked to each other and their respective Generals and can no longer be pulled individually. + Honor from capturing towers has been increased. + All Commanders and Lieutenants have left Alterac Valley in search for other battle opportunities. + Players will no longer be sent to their starting tunnels on death unless that team controls no graveyards in the battleground. + Many NPCs in Stormpike and Frostwolf holds are no longer elite + Bonus Honor in Alterac Valley is now only awarded during the battle for destroying enemy towers and slaying the enemy Captain. Upon conclusion of the battle, bonus honor is also awarded for intact towers, a surviving Captain, and for victory in the battle. The total bonus honor awarded should be similar to the previous total. + The Horde and Alliance now have a limited number of reinforcements available in the battle for Alterac Valley. The number of reinforcements available is reduced upon player death, loss of towers, and death of Captain Galvangar or Balinda Stonehearth. In addition, all available reinforcements are lost upon the death of General Drek'Thar or Vanndar Stormpike. If a team is reduced to zero reinforcements, the opposing team wins the battle. + Towers and Graveyards in Alterac Valley are now captured in 4 minutes (down from 5). o Eye of the Storm + The points awarded from capturing the flag in Eye of the Storm is now increase based on the number of bases the capturing team owns. o Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin, Eye of the Storm + Additional bonus honor is now awarded upon conclusion of the battle. Druids * Barkskin: It is no longer possible to cast this spell while Cycloned. * Cure Poison and Abolish Poison are now usable in Tree of Life Form. * Cure Poison, Abolish Poison and Remove Curse range increased to 40 yards. * Entangling Roots: It is no longer possible for multiple Druids to have Entangling Roots on the same target. In addition, it will now always be removed correctly if multiple Druids overwrite each other's Entangling Roots. * Feral Attack Power: Items that granted bonus attack power in Cat, Bear, Dire Bear, and Moonkin forms have been re-evaluated. In almost all cases, the attack power on the item has been increased. This change corrects an issue where feral weapon damage was not keeping up with other classes in its rate of increase. * Force of Nature: This ability will no longer automatically break stealth on victims in its casting area. Nearby stealthed characters may still be attacked if they are too close to the summoned Treants. * Heart of the Wild: This talent no longer provides 4/8/12/16/20% bonus Strength in Cat Form. Instead it provides 2/4/6/8/10% bonus attack power. * Hibernate: This spell will now always be removed correctly if multiple Druids overwrite each other's Hibernate. * Intensity (Restoration) increased to 10/20/30% mana regeneration. * Primal Fury: This talent will now be learned correctly even if purchased while the Druid is dead. * Rebirth cooldown reduced to 20 minutes, from 30 minutes. * Remove Curse is now usable in Moonkin Form. * Shapeshifting Spells: Some of these spells were causing additional unintended threat. That additional unintended threat has been removed. * Soothe Animal: This spell now properly consumes Nature's Swiftness. * Tranquility now gains additional benefit from spell damage and healing bonuses. Hunters * Arcane Shot (Ranks 6 and above) now dispel 1 Magic effect in addition to their normal damage. * Explosive Trap: The initial damage dealt by this trap is now also increased by 10% of your ranged attack power. * Immolation Trap: The total damage dealt by this trap is now also increased by 10% of your ranged attack power. * Misdirection: This spell will now always be removed correctly if multiple Hunters overwrite each other's Misdirection. * Readiness: This talent now finishes the cooldown on Kill Command. * Serpent Sting, Immolation Trap and Explosive Trap all gain additional damage based on ranged attack power. * Serpent Sting: The total damage dealt by this sting is now also increased by 10% of your ranged attack power. * Steady Shot: Tooltip clarified to indicate base weapon damage is used in the damage calculation. * Trueshot Aura (Marksmanship) no longer costs mana to cast and will last until cancelled. * Wyvern Sting (Survival) is now instant cast and has a maximum duration of 10 seconds in PvP. Mages * Arcane Intellect and Arcane Brilliance mana costs reduced. * Arcane Meditation (Arcane) increased to 10/20/30% mana regeneration. * Detect Magic removed. All players may now see their target's beneficial effects at all times. * Evocation now regenerates 15% of total mana every 2 seconds rather than increase Spirit based regeneration. * Fire Ward and Frost Ward now gain additional benefit from spell damage bonuses. Base absorb values of ranks 5 and 6 have been reduced. * Hypothermia duration increased to 45 sec. * Ice Barrier now gains additional benefit from spell damage bonuses. Base absorb values of ranks 5 and 6 have been reduced. * Improved Fireball: The reduction in damage coefficient caused by this talent has been removed. * Improved Frostbolt: The reduction in damage coefficient caused by this talent has been removed. * Polymorph: It is no longer possible to polymorph a player and have that player remain mounted. In addition, it will now always be removed correctly if multiple Mages overwrite each other's Polymorph. * Portal Spells: Portal spells to capital cities can no longer be cast in battlegrounds. * Remove Curse range increased to 40 yards. * (NEW SPELL) Ritual of Refreshment available on trainers at level 70. Paladins * Blessing of Light: Lower ranks of Flash of Light and Holy Light are now properly penalized when used with this Blessing. * Cleanse and Purify range increased to 40 yards. * Crusader Strike (Retribution) cooldown reduced from 10 to 6 seconds. * Exorcism mana cost reduced. * Hammer of Wrath mana cost reduced. * Holy Wrath mana cost reduced. * Improved Seal of the Crusader (Retribution) benefits folded into the base spell. This talent now gives the benefits of the Sanctified Crusader talent instead. * Judgement of Light: The combat log will now show the mana gained from rank 5 of this ability as Judgement of Light instead of Seal of Light. * Pursuit of Justice (Retribution) is now 3 ranks and increases movement speed by 5/10/15% and also reduces the chance you'll be hit by spells by 1/2/3%. * Sanctified Crusader (Retribution) renamed Sanctified Seals, which now increases your chance to critically hit with all spells and melee attacks by 1/2/3% and reduces the chance your Seals will be dispelled by 33/66/100%. * Vengeance (Retribution) duration increased from 15 to 30 seconds. * Vindication (Retribution) frequency and duration increased and now reduces all attributes by 5/10/15%, not just Strength and Agility. * Weapon Expertise (Protection) renamed Combat Expertise, now increases expertise by 1/2/3/4/5 and total Stamina by 2/4/6/8/10%. Priests * Chastise (NEW) is now available to Dwarf and Draenei priests at level 20. Chastise causes Holy damage and incapacitates the target for 2 seconds. * Circle of Healing: The base amount of healing from this spell has been reduced along with increasing the bonus it receives from bonus healing effects. Characters with more than 1338 healing will see their Circle of Healing heal for more than previous patches. Characters with less than 1338 healing will see their Circle of Healing heal for less. * Cure Disease and Abolish Disease range increased to 40 yards. * Divine Spirit: It is no longer possible for a target to simultaneously have Divine Spirit rank 5 and Prayer of Spirit Rank 1 icons showing at the same time. * Elune's Grace (Night Elf) effect changed to reduce chance to be hit by melee and ranged attacks by 20% for 15 seconds. There is now only 1 rank of the spell. * Fear Ward is now available to all priests at level 20. Duration reduced to 3 minutes, cooldown increased to 3 minutes. * Fixed a bug where the global cooldown was triggered when shifting out of Shadowform. * Holy Fire: The tooltip on rank 4 has been adjusted. * Inner Focus: Rank 4 will now properly affect Lightwell. * Inner Focus: This effect is now properly consumed by casting Mind Soothe. * Meditation (Discipline) increased to 10/20/30% mana regeneration. * Pain Suppression (Discipline Talent) is now usable on friendly targets, instantly reduces the target's threat by 5%, reduces damage taken by 40% and its cooldown has been reduced to 2 minutes. * Prayer of Healing, Circle of Healing and Holy Nova (healing effect) now gain additional benefit from spell damage and healing bonuses. * Power Word: Fortitude, Divine Spirit, Prayer of Fortitude and Prayer of Spirit mana costs reduced. * Power Word: Shield now gains additional benefit from spell damage and healing bonuses. Base absorb values of ranks 10, 11 and 12 have been reduced. * Shackle Undead: This spell will now always be removed correctly if multiple Priests overwrite each other's Shackle Undead. * Shadow Word: Death: Resilience no longer reduces the backlash damage from this spell. * Starshards (Night Elf) is no longer channeled, costs 0 mana, is now a Magic effect, lasts 15 seconds, causes damage every 3 seconds and has a 30 second cooldown. Rogues * All poisons will now enchant the weapon for 1 hour, increased from 30 minutes * Blind is now a physical (no longer a poison) attack. Reagent requirement removed. Now shares the same diminish category as Cyclone and is now diminished in PvE as well as PvP. * Fleet Footed (Assassination) now increases movement speed by 8/15%. * Kick: Interrupting a channeled spell with this ability will now always properly prevent casting spells from the same spell school for 5 sec. * Precision: This talent now also applies to ranged weapons. * Remorseless Attacks: This talent can no longer be triggered by the death of a rogue's target dummy or other pet. * Riposte is now subject to diminishing returns in PvP. * Rogue's Deadly Throw missile speed increased significantly and snare duration increased slightly. * Ruthlessness now only affects melee finishing moves. It no longer works with Deadly Throw. * Shadowstep (Subtlety) can now be used at any time, not only while stealthed. Threat caused by next Ambush, Garrote or Backstab is reduced by 50%. Cooldown increased to 40 seconds. Shaman * Chain Heal: The tooltips on tanks 1-3 have been adjusted. * Chain Lightning cast time reduced to 2.0 (from 2.5), mana costs reduced, benefit from spell damage reduced appropriately. * Cure Poison and Cure Disease range increased to 40 yards. * Earth Shield: This spell will now always be removed correctly if multiple Shaman overwrite each other's Earth Shield. * Earth Shock: Interrupting a channeled spell with this spell will now always properly prevent casting spells from the same spell school for 2 sec. * Elemental Focus (Elemental) now reduces the mana cost of the next 2 damage spells by 40%. * Frost Shock is no longer subject to diminishing returns. * Grounding Totem: This totem is now destroyed upon redirecting any spell to itself. * Lightning Bolt cast time reduced to 2.5 (from 3.0 where applicable), mana costs reduced, benefit from spell damage reduced appropriately. * Lightning Mastery (Elemental) cast time reduction reduced to .1/.2/.3/.4/.5 seconds. * Lightning Overload (Elemental) now has a 4/8/12/16/20% chance to occur and the additional spell causes half damage and no additional threat. * Mana Spring Totem effect increased. * Mental Quickness (Enhancement) now also increases spell damage and healing equal to 10/20/30% of your attack power. * Two-Handed Axes and Two-Handed Maces are now trainable by all Shaman at the appropriate weapon masters. The Enhancement talent has been replaced by Shamanistic Focus. * Shamanistic Focus (New Enhancement Talent): After landing a melee critical strike, you enter a Focused state. The Focused state reduces the mana cost of your next Shock spell by 60%. * Shamanistic Rage (Enhancement) now also reduces all damage taken by 30% for the duration. * Spirit Weapons (Enhancement) threat reduction increased to 30% from 15%. * Rockbiter Weapon: For ranks 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 the increased damage resulting from this enchantment has been reduced slightly to match the intended numbers given in the tooltip. Ranks 1, 2, 3, and 9 are unchanged. * Water Shield: This spell no longer costs any mana to cast and its duration has been shortened. At the end of its duration, it now grants mana for any remaining globes. In addition, the mana granted per globe has been substantially increased. * Windfury Weapon: This enchantment can no longer be triggered while you are disarmed. Warlock * Banish can no longer be cast on targets tapped by other players or groups. * Conflagrate: The Immolate debuff will now always be removed correctly when this spell is cast. * Drain Life and Siphon Life now reduce the amount healed when the warlock is affected by healing reducing effects (e.g. Mortal Strike, Wounding Poison). * Hellfire: This spell will no longer cause enemy spells to increase casting time or reduce channel time. It will also no longer prevent flag captures in Battlegrounds. * Nether Protection (Destruction) now has a new, more distinct visual effect. * Ritual of Souls now takes significantly less time to cast and complete. * Seed of Corruption detonation will now obey line of sight. * Shadow Embrace: This talent's effect can no longer trigger other effects. * Shadow Ward: This spell now gains additional benefit from spell damage bonuses. Base absorb value of rank 4 has been reduced. * Soul Siphon (Affliction) now increases damage by 2/4% and no longer affects Drain Mana. Warrior * Charge will work more often when targets are up against unpathable areas like walls and poles. * Defiance (Protection) now also grants 2/4/6 weapon expertise. * Devastate (Protection) now combines the effects of Sunder Armor into its effect. It is also now affected by all talents and items that affect Sunder Armor. * Disarm is now subject to diminishing returns in PvP. * Improved Berserker Stance (Fury) now also reduces all threat caused while in Berserker Stance by 2/4/6/8/10% * Improved Intercept and Weapon Mastery have swapped locations in the talent trees. * Intervene will no longer place you in combat. * Hamstring now has a 10 second duration when used on PvP targets. * Mace Specialization (Arms) now has a reduced chance to occur but generates 7 rage instead of 6. * Pummel: Interrupting a channeled spell with this ability will now always properly prevent casting spells from the same spell school for 4 sec. * Shield Bash: Interrupting a channeled spell with this ability will now always properly prevent casting spells from the same spell school for 6 sec. * Shield Slam (Protection) now always tries to dispel one Magic effect on the target. * Sweeping Strikes and Deathwish have swapped locations in the talent trees. * Sweeping Strikes (Fury) now lasts 10 seconds and affects your next 10 swings. * Tactical Mastery: This talent also now grants greatly increased threat from Mortal Strike and Bloodthirst when in Defensive Stance. * Weapon Mastery (Arms) now reduces duration of Disarm effects against you by 25/50% rather than giving you a 50% chance to avoid or full immunity to Disarm effects. * Whirlwind: This ability now strikes with both weapons when a Warrior is dual-wielding. Professions * You can now control-click on a recipe to see how the item that is made by that recipe will look on you in the dressing room. * Alchemy o Added a sound for when a cauldron is created. * Blacksmithing o A new world drop recipe for an Adamantite Weapon Chain has been added. This new weapon chain both reduces disarm duration and increases parry rating. * Cooking o Daily cooking quests are now available from The Rokk in Shattrath City! In addition to gold, you can receive random cooking reagents and new recipes as a reward for completing these quests. * Enchanting: o Duration of wizard and mana oils created by enchanters has been increased. * Engineering: o Engineers can now create incredible new flying machines! Find Niobe Whizzlespark in Shadowmoon Valley to learn these fantastic new plans. o Plans for a new Field Repair Bot are rumored to belong to a select few Gan'arg Analyzers in Blade's Edge Mountains. * Fishing: o Players can now track fishing nodes. This ability is learned from a journal sometimes found in crates obtained through fishing. o New fish can now be caught in Zul'Aman and Deadwind Pass. Recipes for preparing these new fish are obtained through the daily cooking quests. o Fishing difficulty reduced for some areas in Nagrand. * Herbalism o Picking herbs will no longer cause effects on items to trigger. * Jewelcrafting: o A new skyfire meta gem recipe can be obtained from the Coilskar Siren of Shadowmoon Valley. This new meta gem increases critical strike rating and critical strike damage with spells. * Leatherworking: o Stylin' hats no longer require Zhevra leather. o Greatly increased the radius of the Drums of Battle, Drums of Restoration, Drums of Speed, and Drums of War. o Removed the casting time from the Drums of Battle, Drums of Restoration, Drums of Speed, and Drums of War. o Slightly increased the radius of Drums of Panic. o Reduced the casting time of Drums of Panic and added a global cooldown equal to the casting time. o Drums of Speed and Drums of Restoration are no longer world drop recipes, and can now be obtained from the Mag'har and Kurenai faction vendors with revered standing. o A new recipe is available from Grand Master leatherworking trainers to create glove reinforcements, providing a substantial armor bonus. Reinforcements are a permanent enchantment and cannot be placed with other permanent enchantments. o New recipes are available from Grand Master leatherworking trainers to make 20 slot quivers and ammo pouches. o New recipes are available from the Honor Hold, Thrallmar, and Lower City quartermasters to create 24 slot quivers and ammo pouches. * Mining o Mining will no longer cause effects on items to trigger. Items * All old world dungeons have had their loot revisited. Players will now find that all loot dropped inside instances will be of Superior quality. * Arena Relics: New relics have been added to support all talent trees for relic users. In addition, most of the arena-system relics have been renamed so there is a more consistent naming convention. * Arakkoa Feather: This item can now be sold to a vendor. * Ashtongue Talisman of Lethality: This item will no longer trigger when the victim of your finishing move is immune to that attack. * Ashtongue Talisman of Vision: The mana granted by this trinket has been increased. * Ashtongue Talisman of Vision: This item will no longer receive multiple chances to trigger per cast of Stormstrike. * Ashtongue Talisman of Zeal: The damage over time affect from judgments has been adjusted so that it will work properly. It now has a shorter duration, and is not refreshed by melee attacks. * Ashtongue Talisman of Zeal: The damage over time effect from this trinket is no longer refreshed by autoattacks and does not charge mana. * Band of Eternity will now make the correct sound when moved in a player's inventory. * Black Bow of the Betrayer: The triggered effect from this item will no longer use up charges of Misdirection. In addition, the triggered effect will no longer break crowd control effects. * Bloodsea Brigand's Vest will now make the correct sound when moved in a player's inventory. * Boundless Agony can now be disenchanted. * Cataclysm Raiment: The bonuses on this set have been adjusted. * Cooldown removed from Noggenfogger Elixirs. The shrink effect will no longer stack with other shrink effects. * Cowl of Benevolence will now make the correct sound when moved in a player's inventory. * Crystalforge Raiment: The bonuses on this set have been adjusted. * Darkmoon Card: Vengeance: This item will no longer trigger from environmental damage. * Dropped items that were rings/trinkets/one handed weapons that were previously unique are now unique-equipped. That means that you can have more than one of those items, but you can only have a single one of them equipped. * Enriched Terocone Juice: This item now properly provides mana regeneration no matter how it is used. * Expose Weakness: The triggered effect from this talent will no longer use up charges of Misdirection. * Felsteel Chests: The loot from these chests has been improved. * Gladiator's armor pieces of like nature from various seasons will now all meet the requirements for their shared set bonus. This means if you are using 2 pieces of Season 1 gear and 2 pieces of Season 2 gear of the same design you will now have your 4 piece set bonus. * Gladiator's Chain Gauntlets: The bonus damage on these gloves has been increased from 4% to 5%. * Grand Marshal's Dragonhide Helm: The intellect on this item was increased slightly to match the equivalent Horde-only item. * Hand of Antu'sul: The effect that triggers from this item will no longer cause a cooldown on Warrior's Thunderclap ability. * Lightfathom Scepter will now make the correct sound when moved in a player's inventory. * Lockboxes will now display the numerical lockpicking skill required to open them. * Low Level Cloth Items: All agility and strength on low-level cloth items has been replaced with other stats, usually bonus spell damage, but also sometimes other stats beneficial to mana users. * Merciless Gladiator's Chain Gauntlets: The bonus damage on these gloves has been increased from 4% to 5%. * Mr. Pinchy: This item no longer destroys itself when its charges run out. This resolves some bugs that occurred when its final charge was used. * Mystical Skyfire Diamond: A cooldown has been added to this item's effect, but the chance for it to trigger has been increased. * Ogri'la Faction Vendor: This vendor now sells potions useable anywhere for a large number of Apexis Shards. * Overseer Disguise: It is no longer possible via use of this item to be on a mount while in Moonkin Form or Tree of Life Form. * Pendant of the Violet Eye: This trinket will no longer fire multiple times from a single casting of some Paladin spells. * Shadowmoon Grunts will no longer drop Black Temple quality loot. * Shiffar's Nexus Horn: Many spells and abilities can now trigger this item that were unable to before. * Skyshatter Raiment: The four piece bonus is now being applied correctly and the two piece bonus will affect the correct spells. * Tidefury Raiment: The additional mana granted to Water Shield by this set has been increased. * Tome of Fiery Redemption: This item no longer can be triggered by casting blessings. * Totem of the Thunderhead: The additional mana granted to Water Shield by this totem has been increased. * Unstable Flask of the Sorcerer: This flask will now provide the bonus to healing specified in its tooltip. * Vambraces of Ending will now make the correct sound when moved in a player's inventory. Dungeons and Raids * Players that complete the attunement quests for Tempest Keep and Coilfang Resevoir may now choose to display a new title, "'character name' Champion of the Naaru." * Elite mobs outside of pre-Burning Crusade dungeons have been changed to non-elite. * The level ranges of pre-Burning Crusade dungeons have been adjusted to a narrower range. * Meeting stone level requirements, the Looking for Group system, and quests have been adjusted to match the new dungeon level ranges. * Auchenai Crypts o Wandering Ghosts are now neutral to players o Summoned Ghosts now take longer to summon in. * Auchindoun: Sethekk Halls o Mobs inside Sethekk Halls will now continue to award Lower City reputation into Exalted. * Caverns of Time: Battle of Mount Hyjal o Increased the reputation awarded for killing Archimonde in Hyjal Summit. * Hellfire Citadel: Magtheridon's Lair o Mind Exhaustion is not applied until Magtheridon is successfully banished. * Karazhan o The number of creatures that must be killed in the Karazhan Servants Quarters area before a miniboss spawns has been reduced. o Phase hounds in Karazhan will now phase out less frequently. o Coldmist Widows no longer wipe threat when casting Poison Bolt volley. o The Chess Event chess in Karazhan now has a tap list so it can only be looted by players who were involved in the chess event. o Wrath of the Titans will no longer cause Shackle Undead to break. * Tempest Keep o The Blood Elves that patrol the Tempest Bridge no longer patrol directly into Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider's chamber. o Kael'thas + All four advisors have had their health reduced by 10%. + All of the summoned weapons have had their health reduced by 10%. o Al'ar + The ability "Meteor" has been renamed to "Dive Bomb". Quests * New random Daily Dungeon quests have been added for both the heroic and non-heroic five-person Outland dungeons, as well as for the 5-person Caverns of Time instances. Each day both a single heroic and a single non-heroic dungeon are randomly targeted by these quests. The Consortium quest givers can be located in Shattrath's Lower City * Aether rays can now be wrangled earlier. * Dustwallow Marsh o Many new quests have been added to the zone. o The Steamwheedle Cartel have just completed building the new town of Mudsprocket in south west Dustwallow Marsh. * Level 1-60 dungeon quests have had their experience and faction rewards increased. * Many elite creatures and quests in the level 1-60 experience have been changed to accommodate solo play. * Nutral, the flight master in Shattrath City, now has a quest for characters who are level 70 and do not yet have a riding skill of 225. The quest will direct a character to visit the appropriate riding instructor in Shadowmoon Valley so that the player will know where they can purchase the skill necessary to use a flying mount. * The icon for the Charged Crystal Focus has been changed. * The Repolarized Magneto Sphere now only functions within the Blade's Edge Mountains. * Upon completion of the Ghostlands quest, "A Little Dash of Seasoning", if a character still has the Apothecary's Poison; it will be removed from their inventory. User Interface * The Auction House UI has been much improved. The useless categories have been removed (Plate-Cloak for instance) and a number of additional sub categories have been added. In addition, many items have had their category changed so that they make more sense. * The Auction house time periods have been changed. Now items can be put up for sale for 12, 24, or 48 hours. The option to put up items for 8 hours has been removed. * The Battle Map has been renamed to the Zone Map and can be turned on for any zone rather than just PvP objective zones. There is now a drop down in the world map screen that allows you to choose when the zone map should display. * Items that have cooldowns will now display the base cooldown time in the item tooltip. * Game objects that you can interact with have a glow around them and display their name over the object to make them more obvious. * Items with Metagems in them will now display the gems required to activate the metagem and whether those requirements have been met on the item tooltip. * When you take damage and have a full screen UI up, the edges of the screen will flash red so you know you are under attack. * Inspect distance has been increased to 30 yards. * When you inspect another player, you can now see their talent choices as well as their equipment. * The Mind Control and Possession action bar has been revamped. * You can now send up to 12 items in a single mail message. * When you have an outgoing mail open, you can right-click on items to attach them to that outgoing mail. * When you have a trade window open, you can right-click an item to move it to the trade window. * When you have unopened mail, you can mouse over the recent mail icon and get the name of the people who most recently sent you the mail. * When you speak with an NPC with a single function (Banker, Flight Master, Etc) and who has no other gossip options or quests you will go straight to their functional pane rather than to the gossip pane. Most importantly this means that clicking on a flight master will bring up the flight path map directly rather than the gossip pane with the option to bring up the flight path map. * Quests that are much below your level will now have the tag (Low Level) in the gossip pane attached to the quest. This will make it easier to tell which quest to accept when a quest giver has both low and high level quests. * You can now set the loot threshold (/threshold) with a word as well as the loot threshold number for an instance- /threshold Epic- also sets the party loot threshold to Epic items or better quality /threshold Rare-sets the party loot threshold to Rare items or better quality * Corpses that belong to someone in your party, but that you cannot loot will say in the corpse mouseover who has loot rights on that corpse. This will help skinners who want to know who to talk to in order to skin their corpse, as well as master looters when special loot drops on a normal monster. Everyone will then see that there is a monster that the master looter has loot rights on. * The raid panes that have been pulled out into the gamefield should save their option settings between sessions now. * When raid bosses send an important message to the center of your screen it will be larger and have an effect that makes it more noticeable. * The raid warning command now appears in a larger font in the center screen and grows and shrinks slightly when it appears to make it more noticeable. * NPCs with a single function will now display an icon that indicates their function on mouseover. * When an Addon attempts to perform an action that is prohibited in combat, you will get a chat message "Interface action failed because of an AddOn". This only occurs once per login. * Many interface elements now display players in their class color so you can easily recognize what class a player is. Interface elements affected by this are LFG, Channel UI, Guild and Who. * The value of the TargetNearestDistance setting is validated at load time. * If a non-standard refresh rate is selected in the video options, it will now be saved. * Many On Use items now display the cooldown in the item tooltip. * The tooltip for Block on the character sheet now displays the amount of damage reduced by a successful block. * New macro commands: /targetlastenemy, /targetlastfriend * New macro command to target by entire name: /targetexact * For more details on UI macro and scripting changes, see the UI & Macro forum. World Environment * Stranglethorn Vale o Saltscale Tide-Lords no longer have frost nova o The fear on Mosh'ogg Lords is reduced * Lowered the fireball damage of Defias Pillagers * Increased the cooldowns on the heals of Kurzen Medicine Men * The standard Disarm ability that many creatures use now has a duration of 5 seconds instead of 6 seconds. * Sonic Burst now silences for 6 seconds instead of 10. Bug Fixes * An issue with spawn rates in Forge Camp: Terror and Forge Camp: Wrath has been fixed. * Fixed the position of one of the Box of Mushrooms objects at Ango'rosh Stronghold for the quest, "Stealing Back the Mushrooms". * Fixed the position of a mineral node in the Blade's Edge Mountains so that it is no longer floating in the air. * Fixed a problem with the directions in the quest, "The Ultimate Bloodsport". * Fixed a bug in the pet sheet stamina mouseover tooltip that showed an incorrect health increase value. * Fixed an issue with aura stacking and debuff cooldowns when reapplying a debuff after being charmed. * Libram of Saints Departed: This relic now functions properly again. Links: Official Blizzard 'Blue' Forum Post http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.h...629&sid=1#0 Test Realm Patch Notes http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/patchnotes/...patchnotes.html
  2. Objavice 2 nedelje pre nego sto ce Arena Season 3 poceti. Tako da sigurno uvek imas 2 nedelje plus :)
  3. http://forums.wow-europe.com/thread.html?t...55567&sid=1 Official theader btw :)
  4. Scammeri su opet u akciji i to ni manje ni više nego sa slanjem e-maila koji vam govori da ste ušli u WotLK beta program! IGNORIŠITE ove emailove i nikako nemojte kliknuti na link da bi ste se prijavili u WoW WotLK program! E-Mail sadrži sledeći text, ukoliko dobijete nešto slično brišite odmah! Ponovo, nemojte nikako kliknuti na link, ako želite da vaš account bude sačuvan ukoliko primite ovu poštu.
  5. E do mojega kad ja opet sad moram da farmujem nove honor iteme ! :(
  6. Auuuuuuu :) koj offtopic :D BTW zasto paladin nema resilience kod retri armora ?
  7. These are the announced changes we're planning in 2.3 for the Paladin class. Mana cost for Exorcism, Holy Wrath, and Hammer of Wrath lowered http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=1 777967162&postId=19976316726&sid=1#146 Vengean ce duration increased to 30 seconds http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=1 777967162&postId=19976316726&sid=1#146 Improve d Seal of Crusader benefits put into base spell, talent benefits replaced with those of Sancitified Crusader http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=1 777967162&postId=19976315356&sid=1#4 Sanctifie d Crusader renamed to Sanctified Seals, which increases chance to critically hit with all spells and melee attacks by 1/2/3% and reduces the chance your Seals will be dispelled by 33/66/100% http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=1 777967162&postId=19976315356&sid=1#4 Crusader Strike cooldown reduced to 6 seconds http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=1 778047001&postId=19976313564&sid=1#39 Vindicat ion frequency and duration increased and reduces all attributes by 5/10/15% http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=1 777967162&postId=19971531416&sid=1#340 Pursuit of Justice is now 3 ranks and increases movement speed by 5/10/15% and reduces the chance to be hit by spells by 1/2/3%. http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=1 777967162&postId=19971531416&sid=1#340
  8. Ovo je u 2.4 Patch kad ce i zvanicno biti objavljen prestanak tbc :) developmenta :) i more focus on WoTLK :) nesto na kontu kad je naxx izasao to je bilo zadnje pred TBC. Retri pala buff = Raid DPS ! :) YEY 2.3 samo da izadje.
  9. Hmmmm ja imam igraonicu i bas nemam takvih problem bar jos, mada mislim da bi ti najbolje resio problem kad bi imao neki router u kome ces hardverski podesiti lepo firewall, kao i NOD32 koji ja koristim, isto update windows XP sa novim bitnim ispravkama tipa ovaj kursom u windowsu koji je .ani fajl preko njega kinezi kradu WoW naloge :) Mozda te to jebe tipa to AV ne vidi isto.
  10. US serveri su upravo startovali sa 2.2.0 patchom :) videcemo da li ce evropski isterati kako treba :D
  11. Patch 2.2.0 The latest patch notes can always be found at http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/patchnotes/ General - Voice Chat - The new Voice Chat feature is now available in game. Players will need to go into the Options menu under Sound & Voice to activate it. Volume sliders are available for the microphone, speakers, and game-audio fade (which automatically lowers the game audio when a voice communication is received), as is a “push-to-talk” setting. Right-clicking on a player’s name now includes the option to mute or unmute that player. Muting another player blocks all voice chat from him or her; the ignore feature now blocks both voice chat and text chat from that player. For the Voice Chat F.A.Q. visit the following links: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.h...15291&sid=1 http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.h...12664&sid=1 - Chat Channels- New Chat Channel controls and functionality are now available under the Chat tab in the Social window of the interface. The interface will now show the channels players are in or are available to them, depending on the area of the world they are in, along with the addition of new private channel controls. - A new feature for reporting players as being AFK in battlegrounds by right clicking has been added. When enough reports are registered, a 60 second debuff will begin to count down. Once the timer is up a new debuff will appear that will prevent the player from gaining any honor while it is on. This debuff can be negated as soon as the player engages in PvP combat. - Haste: Haste has been rebalanced. It has returned to the ratios from the launch of Burning Crusade. Melee attacks and spell casts will now benefit at identical rates from haste. This change results in a reduction in the benefit of haste for melee attacks and an increase in the benefit for spellcasters. - Troll Berserk: The spell haste on this ability was incorrectly too high and has been corrected. - Resilience Rating: The reduction to the percent chance to get a critical strike now also reduces the damage dealt by damage over time effects by the same percentage. - Daze: Defense skill will no longer reduce the chance players have to receive the Daze effect when attacked from behind by enemies. - Area Spells: In some cases guards in neutral areas would not aggro against pvp attacks from area spells. That is now fixed. - Corrected the damage modifier calculation for Resilience when the attacker has bonus critical strike damage. - Power Regeneration: Any effect which triggers a change in your rate of power regeneration (Mana, Rage, Energy, Focus) will now cause an immediate reward of some power at the old rate of increase, and then begin new “ticks” of power at the new rate approximately 2 seconds later. This was done to improve functionality of abilities such as Evocation and Innervate so that they did not have wasted “ticks”. - Mac Movie Capture: the Mac client can now capture in-game video to QuickTime movie files using a configurable choice of codec, resolution, and frame rate. Two new entries have been added to the Key Bindings dialog for start/stop recording and for cancellation of a recording. For more detailed configuration options please see the Mac Options panel in game. Mac OS X 10.4.9 and QuickTime 7.1.6 or better are required. Not all machines have enough performance to smoothly capture video at high frame rates; end user experimentation will be required to find appropriate settings for each system. - Pets are now affected by Paladin greater blessings. - Kill Triggered Effects: Effects that trigger from killing your target will no longer trigger from killing your pet. - Non-combat pets may not be selected as the target for spells or abilities. - Non-combat pets now have the tag “Companion” instead of “Minion”. - Being attacked by guardians, such as summoned Treants, will no longer automatically cause neutral guards to attack you. - Meeting Stones can no longer be used to summon players that do not meet the level requirements. - Damage and health leech effects always affect flying players even if they are immune to the rest of the spell’s affects while in flight. - Troll Berserk: The spell haste on this ability was incorrectly too high and has been corrected. PvP - Dueling players may not use a Lightwell that they didn’t create themselves. - Battlegrounds Eye of the Storm: The points awarded from capturing the flag now increase based on the number of bases the capturing teams owns. - Arenas Arena calculations have been modified. In addition, the penalty for smaller arena teams (2v2, 3v3) has been slightly reduced. Items that are indicated as quest items in their tooltips and have a “use” or “equip” ability will not work in PvP arenas. Players will no longer be able to change armor once an arena battle has begun. Changing armor will still be available during the one-minute prep time prior to the battle. Main hand, off hand and ranged weapon swapping in combat remains unchanged. Druids - Cat Form (Night Elf) melee attack range was too short compared to Tauren Cat Form and other attack ranges. It has been increased. - Cyclone: It is no longer possible to Cyclone two targets at the same time in the outdoor world. - Cyclone: Paladin Auras, Trueshot Aura, and Aspect of the Pack will now be automatically reactivated when Cyclone wears off of a victim who had one of the abilities active. - Enrage: If this buff is clicked off early, the armor penalty it causes will now be removed as well. - Enrage and Furor should no longer initiate combat, though it will prevent rage decay for the duration. - Entangling Roots: It is no longer possible to have Entangling Roots on two targets at the same time in the outdoor world. - Entangling Roots: It is no longer possible to have more than one rank of this spell active on a player. - Force of Nature: Using this spell in a neutral town will no longer cause its victim to be attacked by town guards. It also will no longer cause nearby party members to lose stealth. - Hibernate and Entangling Roots duration against PvP targets has been reduced to 10 seconds. - Hurricane: This spell is now affected by area damage caps. Its bonus damage coefficients have also been increased. - Hurricane: A tooltip error in rank 3 has been corrected. - Lacerate: The damage from this ability will now stack properly when two different characters are applying Lacerate to a target. - Mangle: The duration remaining graphic will now display properly for Mangle after it has been refreshed on a target. It will also no longer sometimes apply the Mangle debuff to nearby targets when the Mangle victim is killed by Mangle. - Nature's Grasp: This ability can now trigger while the Druid is sitting. - Tree of Life: The party aura from this shapeshift now extends the full 40-yard radius as stated in the tooltip. Hunters - Aspect of the Cheetah: This ability will now cause Hunters to become dazed when struck while sitting. - Aspect of the Pack: This ability will now cause party members to become dazed when struck while sitting. - Aspect of the Viper: This ability has received a slight redesign. The amount of mana regained will increase as the Hunter’s percentage of mana remaining decreases. At about 60% mana, it is equivalent to the previous version of Aspect of the Viper. Below that margin, it is better (up to twice as much mana as the old version); while above that margin, it will be less effective. The mana regained never drops below 10% of intellect every 5 sec. or goes above 50% of intellect every 5 sec. - Freezing Trap and Scare Beast duration against PvP targets has been reduced to 10 seconds. - Hunter's Mark: The duration remaining graphic will now display properly for Hunter's Mark after it has been refreshed on a target, and will properly consume mana when recasting it to refresh its duration. - Kill Command will not charge the hunter mana if their pet is on passive. - Kill Command no longer affects the Hunter’s current target. - Misdirection: Items used while Misdirection is active will now consume a charge correctly. - Steady Shot: The tooltip stating the percentage of Attack Power gained by Steady Shot was inaccurate and has been corrected. The damage remains unchanged. - Volley: This spell is now affected by area damage caps. Its bonus damage coefficients have also been increased. It also correctly consumes charges of Misdirection. - Hunter pets Raptors can now learn Dash. Mages - Arcane Missiles: Some procs were not triggered by this spell and now will be (such as Eye of Magtheridon). The tooltip for this spell will now update correctly when a Mage is affected by spell haste. - Blizzard: This spell is now affected by area damage caps. Its bonus damage coefficients have also been increased. - Dragon's Breath: The movement-slowing component of this spell is now properly considered a Snare. Immunity and clearing effects will now work properly with it. - Frost Nova: This spell is now affected correctly by area damage caps. - Molten Armor: This armor can now be triggered while the Mage is sitting. - Polymorph duration against PvP targets has been reduced to 10 seconds. - Slow: It is no longer sometimes possible to Slow two targets at the same time in the outdoor world. - Spell Steal now receives the proper amount of points from a stacked aura. Paladins - Auras: Changing auras will no longer trigger effects that occur when you cast a spell. - Blessing of Freedom cooldown increased to 25 seconds. - Blessing of Protection: This spell can no longer be cast on others when stunned. It can only be cast on self (to break the stun) under those circumstances. - Blessing of Kings, Light, Might, Salvation, Sanctuary and Wisdom increased to 10 minutes. - Blessing of Sacrifice now has a 1-minute cooldown. - Consecration will now properly hit large creatures. - Greater Blessing of Kings, Light, Might, Salvation, Sanctuary and Wisdom increased to 30 minutes. - Guardian's Favor now increases duration of Blessing of Freedom by 2/4 seconds. - Eye for an Eye: This ability can now trigger while the Paladin is sitting. - Hammer of Wrath cast time reduced to .5 seconds, global cooldown reduced to .5 seconds. - Illumination: Paladins will now correctly gain mana from this ability if they sit down to drink right after a healing crit, and receiving mana from this ability will no longer cause a Paladin who is sitting to stand up. - Judgement: The Judgement spells will no longer cause triggered effects to go off twice. - Redoubt: This ability can now trigger while the Paladin is sitting. - Reckoning: This ability can now trigger while the Paladin is sitting. - Righteous Defense: In some cases this ability would fail to work properly when the Paladin casting it had just been crowd controlled by a creature. That is now fixed. - Sanctified Judgement: This talent will now give the correct amount of mana when used in conjunction with Seal of Justice. - Seal of Righteousness: The tooltip for this ability has been improved. It now displays a different number for one-handed weapons and two-handed weapons, and adjusts to the speed of your current weapon. It displays a single number, rather than a range of numbers for different handedness and speeds. - Seal of Vengeance: The damage from this ability will now stack properly when two different characters are applying Seal of Vengeance effects to a target. - Seal of Vengeance duration increased to 15 seconds. In addition, when Seal of Vengeance strikes a target that already has 5 applications you will cause instant Holy damage. Priests - Focused Power: This talent now increases the hit chance of all components of Mass Dispel correctly. - Inner Focus: This ability will no longer lose charges when Shadowguard or Touch of Weakness is triggered. - Lightwell: The heals from this ability are now increased by the bonus healing effects on the Priest. - Mass Dispel: The portion of this spell that removes immunity effects (Blessing of Protection, Ice Block, etc.), now has a chance to be resisted, and will display correctly to the combat log. It will no longer cause Rogues and Druids in Cat Form to lose stealth. - Mind Control: Creatures immune to this spell will now cause an immediate error message rather than make it seem like the spell succeeded with no effect. - Mind Control duration against PvP targets has been reduced to 10 seconds. - Pain Suppression: This talent will now reduce the chance for any buff on the Priest to be dispelled, rather than reduce the chance of dispelling buffs cast while it is active. - Prayer of Mending: This spell can no longer jump to an Imp with Phase Shift active. It will also no longer cause the healed target to stand up. - Prayer of Mending: This ability will now be triggered when a player takes damage from effects placed on friendly targets. - Shadowguard: This ability will now work properly even when the Priest is stunned, fleeing, or incapacitated. - Shackle Undead: It is no longer possible to have Shackle Undead on two targets at the same time in the outdoor world. - Surge of Light: This ability now properly grants its effects to one and only one casting of Smite each time it activates. Interaction issues with Inner Focus have been fixed. - Touch of Weakness: This ability will now trigger properly if struck while mounted. Rogues - Blade Flurry: This ability will now do damage to secondary targets when the primary target takes no damage due to a damage shield (such as Power Word: Shield). - Cold Blood: This effect will now be consumed by all crits, including those against targets with damage shields. - Master of Subtlety: The bonus damage from this talent is now properly removed when a Rogue loses stealth from zoning. - Sap: It is no longer possible to Sap two targets at the same time in the outdoor world. - Sap duration against PvP targets has been reduced to 10 seconds. - Sword Specialization: This talent’s free extra attacks can no longer trigger additional extra attacks. Shaman - Earthbind Totem: This totem will no longer break Rogue stealth. - Earth Shield: It is no longer possible to Earth Shield two targets at the same time in the outdoor world. - Earth Shield is now canceled at logout. - Elemental Focus: The free spell triggered by a Lightning Overload will no longer consume this effect. - Flametongue Weapon: Damage lowered slightly on rank 6 so that it is never better than rank 7. - Focused Mind (Restoration) now reduces duration of Silence/Interrupt mechanics by 10/20/30%. - Lightning Shield: This ability will now work properly even when the Shaman is stunned, fleeing, or incapacitated. - Nature's Guardian: This ability can now trigger while the Shaman is sitting. - Totems: Totems that grant only friendly beneficial effects will no longer trigger attacks from neutral city guards. Warlocks - Banish, Seduction, Enslave Demon and Fear duration against PvP targets has been reduced to 10 seconds. - Death Coil: Immunity to Horror effects no longer grants immunity to the damage portion of this spell. - Demonic Knowledge: This effect will no longer deactivate when the Warlock's pet is Banished. - Drain Life: The tooltip for this spell will now update correctly when a Warlock is affected by spell haste. - Inferno: This spell will now cause the Infernal's attacks to put the Warlock into combat with neutral town guards. - Intercept (Felguard) will now cause damage to targets that are immune to stun. - Nether Protection: This ability can now trigger while the Warlock is sitting. - Nightfall: This ability can now trigger while the Warlock is sitting. - Rain of Fire: This spell is now affected by area damage caps. Its bonus damage coefficients have also been increased. - Seed of Corruption: Dead targets will no longer be erroneously counted toward the damage cap on this spell. - Shadow Embrace: The effect from this talent will no longer last indefinitely if applied while charmed by an NPC. - Unstable Affliction: This spell will no longer fail when a Warlock deselects their target midway through the cast. Warriors - A Warrior's Overpower will properly become available when one of his Sword Specialization procs is dodged by another player. - Bloodrage should no longer initiate combat, though it will prevent rage decay for the duration. - Bloodrage: Warriors no longer remain in combat indefinitely if this ability is active while zoning. - Devastate: The duration remaining graphic will now display properly for Sunder Armor after it has been refreshed on a target by Devastate. - Intercept will now cause damage to targets that are immune to stun. - Sword Specialization: This talent’s free extra attacks can no longer trigger additional extra attacks. Items - Adamantite Bound Chest: These chests found in the outdoor world now contain level-appropriate loot. - Adamantite Bound Chest: These chests will no longer contain Adamantite Bars. - Adamantite Figurine: This item is no longer affected by global cooldowns. - Airman's Ribbon of Gallantry: The tooltip for this item now lists the effect duration. - Alliance Shaman Level 60 PvP Items: These now have the correct costs. - Ankhs now stack to ten. - Ashtongue Talisman of Lethality: This trinket now works properly with Kidney Shot. - Avatar Raiment Set: The set bonus for Renew now increases the duration of Renew by 3 seconds instead of increasing the target's resistance. - Black Qiraji Battletank: It is no longer possible to cast a spell while boarding this mount. - Blazefury Medallion: This item will no longer trigger against targets affected by Sap. - Blue Ogre Brew: This item now gives an error message when you attempt to use it outside of the Blade's Edge Plateaus. - Cerebral Cortex Compound: This item's tooltip now indicates it counts as an elixir. - Characters with a full inventory who turn in a Deathwing Brood Cloak to Sky Commander Keller in exchange for an Apexis Crystal will now receive the crystal in the mail. - Corrected the sound made by many items when moved in players' inventories. - Corruptor Raiment Set: The pet healing bonus from this set is now triggered from damage dealt instead of damage received, at a lower percentage. Damage over time spells will trigger it correctly. - Corruptor Raiment: The heal from this set bonus can no longer be a critical heal. - Crown of the Sun: This item now makes the correct sound when moved in inventory. - Crystalweave Bracers: This item now makes the correct sound when moved in inventory. - Cyclone Regalia: The tooltip on the Energize bonus has been altered to state this bonus only reduces the base mana cost of the spell. - Darkmoon Card: Madness: This item will no longer trigger from using Demonic Sacrifice on a pet. - Darkmoon Card: Crusade: This item can no longer trigger from Mind Soothe, Soothe Animal, or Mind Vision. - Deathmantle Armor Pieces: These items now make the correct sound when moved in inventory. - Defiler's Plate Spaulders: Honor cost of this item corrected to its intended value. - Demonic Bulwark: This item incorrectly had a base amount of bonus healing in addition to its random stats. That base bonus healing has been removed. - Design: Mystic Dawnstone: This recipe for a +8 resilience-rating gem will now always have a copy on the vendor initially when Halaa is captured by a faction and when the vendor restocks. - Enriched Terocone Juice: Using this item will no longer trigger a cooldown for using all other food and drink. Its purchase price has also been corrected. - Essence Infused Mushroom: This item can now be disenchanted. - Eye of Arachnida: This item's 3rd charge will now work correctly. However, an item with 0 charges will remain, and this item is now unable to be vendored or disenchanted. - Faceplate of the Impenetrable: This item now makes the correct sound when moved in inventory. - Fel Reaver’s Piston: This item will no longer be triggered by the healing generated by Vampiric Embrace. - Figurine of the Colossus: This item is no longer affected by global cooldowns. - Figurine of the Colossus: This item is now useable when the user has no mana. - Flasks: Various tooltips have been adjusted for consistency. - Formula: Enchant Chest - Major Resilience: Corrected a tooltip error. - Formula: Enchant Cloak - Dodge: This enchanting recipe is now available from the Lower City Quartermaster. The reagents required have been adjusted to match the level 70 content. - Formula: Enchant Cloak - Greater Fire Resistance: The reagents required for this recipe have been adjusted to better match the level 70 content. - Formula: Enchant Cloak - Greater Nature Resistance: The reagents required for this recipe have been adjusted to better match the level 70 content. - Formula: Enchant Cloak - Stealth: This enchanting recipe is now available from the Cenarion Expedition Quartermaster. The reagents required have been adjusted to match the level 70 content. - Formula: Enchant Cloak - Subtlety: This enchanting recipe is now available from the Thrallmar Quartermaster and Honor Hold Quartermaster. The reagents required have been adjusted to match the level 70 content. - Formula: Enchant Gloves - Superior Agility: This enchanting recipe is now available from the Keepers of Time Quartermaster. The reagents required have been adjusted to match the level 70 content. - Formula: Enchant Gloves - Threat: This enchanting recipe is now available from the Sha'tar Quartermaster. The reagents required have been adjusted to match the level 70 content. - Formula: Enchant Weapon - Greater Agility: This enchanting recipe is now available from the Violet Eye vendor. - Gizzard Gum: This item's tooltip now indicates it counts as an elixir. - Greater Rune of Warding: Due to persistent bugs with its design, this item has been redesigned for patch 2.2. It now enchants a piece of chest armor so it has a chance per hit of giving you physical damage absorption. - Grips of Silent Justice: This item now makes the correct sound when moved in inventory. - Ground Scorpok Assay: This item's tooltip now indicates it counts as an elixir. - Heavy Fel Iron Chest: These chests found in the outdoor world now contain level-appropriate loot. - Horde Paladin Level 60 PvP Items: These now have the correct costs. - Increased the duration of the Mystical Skyfire Diamond’s cast speed buff to 10 seconds. - Incarnate Raiment Set: The Flexibility buff from this set is no longer removed by taking damage. - Insignia of the Alliance: This item now indicates it removes effects instead of dispelling them. - Insignia of the Horde: This item now indicates it removes effects instead of dispelling them. - Kronk's Grab Bag: This bag will now always contain some item. - Leggings of Beast Mastery: The stamina and armor granted by this item for your pet have been increased. - Leggings of Divine Retribution: This item now makes the correct sound when moved in inventory. - Lesser Rune of Warding: Due to persistent bugs with its design, this item has been redesigned for patch 2.2. It now enchants a piece of chest armor so it has a chance per hit of giving you physical damage absorption. - Lesser Ward of Shielding: This item was not providing any benefit to the user or placing a buff icon on them. It is now functioning properly. - Libram of Avengement: The tooltip for this item now specifies it only works with the damaging Judgements (Command, Righteousness, Vengeance, Blood). - Lionheart Champion: This item now has a sound effect on its proc. - Lionheart Executioner: This item now has a sound effect on its proc. - Lung Juice Cocktail: This item's tooltip now indicates it counts as an elixir. - Mark of Defiance: This item is now triggered from landing harmful spells on a target, instead of just direct-damage spells. - Marshal's Silk Cuffs: Critical strike rating on this item now the same as General's Silk Cuffs. - Medallion of the Alliance: This item now indicates it removes effects instead of dispelling them. - Medallion of the Horde: This item now indicates it removes effects instead of dispelling them. - Merciless Gladiator’s Barrier: This spell damage shield has been added to the arena vendor. - Merciless Gladiator’s Legguards: This item now appears as a kilt. - Merciless Gladiator's Plate Helm: The melee hit rating on this item has been changed to hit rating (it now applies to melee and ranged). - Merciless Gladiator's Plate Helm will now properly hide facial hair. - Merciless Gladiator’s Redoubt: This healing shield has been added to the arena vendor. - Merciless Gladiator’s Ringmail Helm: This item will disable hair from being displayed. - Merciless Gladiator’s Leather Spaulders: Critical strike rating was too low and has been fixed. - Merciless Gladiator's Touch of Defeat: This item now has a fire shoot animation to match its damage type. - Mr. Pinchy: Items received from Mr. Pinchy when your inventory is full will now be mailed to you. - Mystical Skyfire Diamond: Channeled spells will now properly consume the Focus effect. - Netherblade armor now has the correct sounds associated with it. - Oil of Immolation: Tooltip error corrected. - Pendant of the Violet Eye: This item will now trigger properly from spells that cost a percentage of base mana. - Power Infused Mushroom: This item can now be disenchanted. - Red Ogre Brew: This item now gives an error message when you attempt to use it outside of the Blade's Edge Plateaus. - Rift Stalker Armor: The pet healing set bonus now heals for a percentage of damage dealt by the Hunter. - R.O.I.D.S.: This item's tooltip now indicates it counts as an elixir. - Sagefish Delight: The buff from this item has been modified to work the same as all other mana per 5 buffs and displays correctly on the character sheet. - Schematic: Fused Wiring: Vendors who sell this recipe will now properly restock it after a period of time. - Sheen of Zanza: This item's tooltip now indicates it counts as an elixir. - Shiny Red Apple: Druids in animal forms can no longer eat this food item. - Shuriken of Negation: Item level and stats increased to match other items in from Gruul. - Six Demon Bag: The damage spells cast by this item no longer benefit from a player’s bonus spell damage effects. - Skyguard Rations: Tooltip error corrected. - Skyguard Silver Cross: The tooltip for this item now lists the effect duration. - Skyshatter Raiment: The bonuses in this set have had the spells they affect swapped. - Skyshatter Regalia: The Totemic Mastery set bonus will no longer force the Shaman to stand up and stop eating and drinking. - Slayer's Armor: The set bonus for Sinister Strike, Backstab, and Mutilate now also works for Hemorrhage. - Smoked Sagefish: The buff from this item has been modified to work the same as all other mana per 5 buffs and displays correctly on the character sheet. - Spirit of Zanza: This item's tooltip now indicates it counts as an elixir. - Spyglass of the Hidden Fleet: This item is now useable by shapeshifted Druids. - Staff of Natural Fury: Tooltip clarified to indicate it reduces the base mana cost of shapeshifts, not the final cost. - Stormstout: Corrected the tooltip due to capitalization inconsistency. - Swiftness of Zanza: This item's tooltip now indicates it counts as an elixir. - Talon of Al'ar: The bonus damage to all Shot abilities now provides the full bonus to Scatter Shot and Silencing Shot. - Talasite Owl: The effect from this item will now last its intended full duration. - The blood elf paladin quest reward Scourgebane now works against demons as well as undead. - Trappings of the Unseen Path Set: The buff on your pet from this set bonus will no longer appear to be constantly running out and refreshing. - Trogg Ale: Corrected the tooltip due to capitalization inconsistency. - Unstable Talasite: The tooltip on this gem now indicates it counts as blue and yellow, and it behaves accordingly. - Veteran’s Scaled Belt: Stats have been adjusted to correct budget. - Veteran’s Scaled Greaves: Stats have been adjusted to correct budget. - Voidheart Set: The tooltips for the two-piece bonuses have been adjusted slightly so that there is no longer a blank set bonus. The functionality of the set bonus was unchanged. - Warbringer Armor Set: The bonus from Revenge will now apply correctly to Shield Slam. - Wild Draenish Vest: This item now makes the correct sound when moved in inventory. - Windrider Mounts: These items now make the correct sound when moved in inventory. - Winterfall Firewater: This item's tooltip now indicates it counts as an elixir. - Wolfshead Helm: This helm will no longer give twice the rage it was intended to give. - World Breaker: The bonus from this item being triggered will no longer fade before it can provide its benefit. Professions - Various crafting recipes have been added to the Violet Eye faction vendor. - Triggered Effects: Tradeskill recipes will no longer trigger items that are designed to be triggered by only combat spells. - Alchemy Flask of Shadow Fortification will transform into the Flask of Pure Death. This new flask increases Frost, Fire, and Shadow spell damage. Flask of Arcane Fortification will transform into the Flask of Blinding Light. This new flask increases Holy, Nature, and Arcane spell damage. A new flask that increases all resists and stats has been added to the Violet Eye reputation vendor. - Blacksmithing Changed the set bonuses afforded by Fel Iron Plate to increase hit chance and Strength. Added a new recipe for Ragesteel Shoulders that drops from an unknown creature in Shadowmoon Valley. Reduced the number of pieces required to get the benefits of the Ragesteel set bonus. - Enchanting Nexus Transformation: This recipe to transform a Nexus Crystal into a Small Prismatic Shard has been added to some Enchanting trainers. Small Prismatic Shards: This recipe to transform a Large Prismatic Shard into 3 Small Prismatic Shards has been added to some Enchanting trainers. Large Prismatic Shard: It is no longer possible to gain skill points in Enchanting from this recipe. - Engineering Reduced the cooldown on the engineer-made Parachute Cloak. - Jewelcrafting Added a recipe for Steady Talasite to the Halaa vendors. This new recipe requires Halaa Research Tokens to purchase and creates a superior green gem that grants Resilience and Stamina. Quests - "Banish the Demons" now rewards either a Darkrune or a Fragmented Darkrune. Five fragmented Darkrunes can be combined to create a Darkrune. - During the quest, "The Smallest Creatures", the marmot's stealth ability is working once again. - Firewing Warlocks are less likely to want to engage in melee combat. - Fixed an issue wherein a character with a Darkrune would not be able to turn it in to Gahk in return for a Crystalforged Darkrune unless they first completed the daily quest "Banish More Demons" that day. - In the "Bad Medicine" quest in Stranglethorn, Jungle Remedies can now be found on Jungle Fighters. - In Hillsbrad, additional Syndicate Papers were added to the Corahn's Dagger subzone Syndicate camp. Quest text was changed to reflect this. - In the "Bomb Them Again" quest, the cooldown of the Skyguard bombs was decreased to 5 seconds (was 10). - In the "Relic's Emanation" quest, the money reward was decreased while the Ogri'la faction reward was increased. - Mawg Grimshot's flavor events have been fixed. - Resolved issues with Obsidia, Rivendark, Insidion, and Furywing sometimes not responding to their eggs being used. - The duration of the Apexis Relic and Apexis Monument beams was slightly reduced, to more easily separate 2 back-to-back beams. - The following Quest Objects will no longer briefly despawn when looted: Mythology of the Titans, Compendium of the Fallen, Maiden's Folly Charts, Maiden's Folly Log, Spirit of Silverpine Charts, Spirit of Silverpine Log. - Various issues breaking the "Showdown" quest fight have been resolved. Dungeons and Raids - Tempest Keep and Coilfang raid bosses will now all drop at least 3 items each. - Auchindoun- Heroic Sethekk Halls Polymorph should no longer affect the main tank. - Auchindoun- Shadow Labyrinth The recast time for the Shadow Word: Pain cast by Cabal Shadow Priests has been increased. - Black Temple Saber Lash tanks will no longer be knocked back by Sinister Beam or hit by Fatal Attraction, even if they dodge or parry the attack. Mother Shahraz will now pick a new beam to cast after every 3rd beam instead of after every 5th. This means she is much less likely to cast the same beam many times in a row. Fatal Attraction now deals 750 damage on the first tick, 1500 on the second, 2250 on the third, and 3000 on all subsequent ticks. Prismatic Shield is now more fun. Specifically, Mother Shahraz now takes bonus damage from one school when she is resistant to its opposite. Her resistances now change randomly every 15 seconds and are capped at 25%. - Caverns of Time- Battle of Mount Hyjal Faction and loot rewards has been added to non-boss mobs in the Battle of Mount Hyjal raid event. The faction awarded by bosses has been decreased to balance this. The health of Jaina and Thrall have been increased again from their temporarily lowered values. They should be able to absorb quite a bit more incidental damage during the event. Archimonde has received several adjustments and fixes to prevent some of the harder to counter combinations of his abilities. Archimonde's Soul Charge silence has been lowered in duration to 4 seconds, and the death of the Priest with Spirit of Redemption will no longer create two Soul Charges. The casting time of Archimonde's fear has been increased to 1.5 seconds, and he should now use his Fear ability on a much more consistent interval. Archimonde will also no longer cast Grip of the Legion on very far away targets. Archimonde will no longer cast Grip of the Legion on targets that have just been hit with Air Burst. - Caverns of Time- Black Morass Increased recast time on Shadow Bolt Volley on Rift Keeper, also reduced damage on Heroic. Reduced hit points of Infinite Executioners on Heroic. Decreases the maximum possible stacks of Temporus' Mortal Wound from 10 to 7. Increased recast time for Temporus' Hasten spell on Heroic. - Caverns of Time- Escape from Durnholde Keep When the limit on Thrall respawns after event failure has been reached, the Epoch Hunter will now properly despawn. Human Illusion: This effect in Old Hillsbrad will no longer be applied to Dwarf and Human Priests when they exit Shadowform. The composition of the pulls around the barracks in Durnholde Keep is now more consistent. Players should no longer face more than two Riflemen, or more than one Warden. The group of guards underneath the bridge has been removed in Heroic difficulty. The Thrall escort event now allows 20 tries at completing the event instead of 3. - Coilfang Reservoir: Serpentshrine Cavern Coilfang Priestesses no longer perform Spirit of Redemption. Underbog Colossus' Acid Spray is now somewhat less dangerous. Underbog Colossus' Spore Quake now has a shorter duration. Greyheart Tidecallers' Virulent poison is now less deadly. Serpentshrine Sporebats now charge less frequently. Greyheart Nether-Mages now blink less frequently. Serpentshrine Lurkers have had their damage output reduced. - Hellfire Citadel: Shattered Halls The melee damage dealt by Shattered Hand Reavers, Shattered Hand Legionnaires, Shattered Hand Heathens, and Rabid Warhounds in Heroic Mode has been reduced. - Karazhan Nightbane's Distracting Ash can now be removed with Cloak of Shadows. Tinhead in Karazhan is now immune to bleeds. Romulo and Julianne now clear all negative effects on themselves before they come back from "death". - Scholomance Ras Frostwhisper's Frost Armor Chilled effect is now properly classified as a snare mechanic. - Tempest Keep: Arcatraz The Devastate cast by Unbound Devastators now does Physical damage. The recast time for the Deafening Roar spell cast by Unbound Devastators has been increased on Heroic mode. Wrath-Scryer Soccothrates' Knock Away can no longer be dodged or parried. This will help prevent the catastrophic placement of multiple flames on top of each other. Harbinger Skyriss casts his Fear spell less often. - Tempest Keep: Botanica The time between casting of Thorgrin the Tender's Hellfire has been increased. The time between casting of Thorgrin the Tender’s Sacrifice has been increased in Heroic Mode. Thorgrin the Tender’s Enrage ability now increases his melee damage by 75% instead of 110%. - Tempest Keep: Mechanar Raging Flames in the Nethermancer Sepethrea encounter have had their movement speed reduced slightly in heroic mode. The Arcane Servants summoned by Sunseeker Netherbinders are now properly classified as Arcane Elementals, deal less melee damage and have fewer hit points. - Tempest Keep: The Eye The spells cast by High Astromancer Solarian have been extensively reworked. Wrath of the Astromancer is a now completely different in function. Mark of the Astromancer has been renamed to Light of the Astromancer and no longer reduces Arcane resistance. A player's Arcane Resistance now also provides normal damage mitigation to Solarian's spells. Phoenix-Hawk Hatchlings now use Wing Buffet less frequently. Crimson Hand Centurions now deal less damage with Arcane Flurry. Crimson Hand Battle Mages have had their Frost Attack damage reduced. User Interface - Cast sequence macros no longer get stuck at feral druid abilities. - Toggling the world map can be bound to an extended mouse button. - Improved the handling of items with charges on the action bar. - Fixed an issue where moveable frames would end up off screen after changing either to or from a widescreen resolution. - Fixed an issue where moveable frames would end up off screen after changing the UI scale. - Fixed issue where font strings would get clipped when the UI was scaled. - The pitchLimit console command has been re-enabled. - Conditional macros with multiple targets will use the appropriate context sensitive target for visual range feedback. - Conditional macro processing has been greatly optimized. - Macros with specific cast targets will no longer cast on your current target if the specified target doesn’t exist. - Warlocks can no longer get both Fel Stamina and Sacrifice Shield using a macro. - For additional notes on Lua and XML changes please visit the UI & Macros Forum- http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/board.ht...p;forumId=11114 World Environment - The following old-world factions have had their acquisition rate significantly increased: Cenarion Circle, Argent Dawn, Timbermaw Hold. - If you get a positive reputation from combat you also get the corresponding opposite reputation reduction. - Adjusted Yowler's level to 20 (from 25). - Adjusted the level of Redridge Bashers and Alphas. - Arcane Missiles: When cast by creatures, this spell will now properly cause activation of pets set to defensive mode. - Azuregos: The tooltip on this creature's Frost Breath now correctly indicates Frozen rather than impairing movement. - Chieftain Mummaki: This creature can now be pickpocketed. - Crypt Fiends around Azeroth and at Hyjal Summit are now more totem friendly. - Doctor Maleficus: This creature can now be pickpocketed. - Dragonmaw Peon: The creature now has the correct pickpocket loot. - Fel Corrupters in Blade’s Edge Mountain are now less potent. - Fixed an improper dialog option on Carolyn Ward, a Rogue Trainer in Undercity, when the player's Lockpicking was 300-324. - Highlord Mastrogonde: This creature now always drops at least a good quality item. - Kataru: The totem cast by this creature will now be treated as a totem, rather than as a creature. - Markaru: This creature is now skinnable. - Minor Fairbreeze Village fixes: The general goods vendor was moved from home to the lower inn, the pet vendor was moved from the upper inn to home, the upper inn is now flagged as an inn. - Mo’arg Doomsmith: This creature now drops Marks of Sargeras rather than Marks of Kil’jaeden. - Monstrous Kaliri: This creature now has loot and will give reputation. - Quest target Fel Spirits are now considered undead. - Vindicator Aeus in the Aldor bank is no longer attackable by players who are members of the Scryer faction. - Sethekk Ravenguard: The Howling Screech from this creature is now properly considered a Snare, and is clearable by Escape Artist and other abilities that remove Snares. - Skettis Windwalker: The Cyclone effect from this creature can now be cleared by PvP trinkets and Bestial Wrath/The Beast Within. - Skulloc Soulgrinder in Blade's Edge now correctly summons Sundered Ghosts to aid him in battle. - Void Reaver: The Arcane Orb ability used by this creature will now correctly Daze players affected by Aspect of the Pack or Aspect of the Cheetah. - Void Terror: This creature is now skinnable. - Wyrmcult Blackwhelp: This creature now can be skinned but can no longer be pickpocketed. - Wyrmcult Blackwhelp: This creature now can be skinned but can no longer be pickpocketed. - Blackrock Spire: The gems for the Seal of Ascension are now a 100% drop from Overlord Wyrmthalak, War Master Voone and Highlord Omokk. - Wailing Caverns: The Druids of the Talon will no longer permanently flee. - Blackfathom Deeps: Several creatures will no longer permanently flee. - Temple of Atal'Hakkar: Several creatures will no longer permanently flee. Mac - Additional graphic optimization utilizing AltiVec for PowerPC-Mac and SSE for Intel-Mac. This provides some performance benefit on systems where vertex animation shaders are either unavailable or disabled (recommended on systems with Intel integrated video). - Mac Options dialog has been added to the primary options panel. This dialog offers configuration options for any features that are presently unique to the Mac client, such as iTunes Remote and Movie Capture. - New iTunes Remote configuration options have been added to the Mac Options panel. Bug Fixes - Fixed problem where players could be disconnected by clicking on an item link in cross-server battlegrounds. - Pets will no longer chase players that Vanish. - Pets no longer follow enemies after being revived. - Stacked items will no longer disappear from a player’s inventory when zoning multiple times. - The WoW client on Windows no longer defaults to 800x600 video resolution if the WoW resolution is higher than the desktop resolution when going from fullscreen mode to windowed mode. - The Temple Concubine's polymorph no longer has the pig icon appearing when it sheeps a player but now shows the proper sheep icon. - Players using ranged attacks while under the shapeshift effects of Torment of the Worgen, will now play attack animations - The Toxic Spore Bats in the Lady Vashj encounter will now properly despawn if the raid party wipes. - Toxic Spores in the Lady Vashj encounter can no longer kill phase shifted imps. - Anzu can no longer be kited far from his spawn point and will properly leash. - The Doomguard Punisher will no longer hit players not involved in the Legion Ring Event. - Dressing room models for females are now showing the correct head when transformed into a Fel Orc via the Dragonmaw Illusion. - The trash pulls in the Grand Promenade will now shut off after the Blood Elf Council are killed. - Players can now accept daily quests even after their daily quest limit has been reached.
  12. Bump Partial 2 izasao (30 MB) Download Mirrors: http://www.wowwiki.com/Patch_mirrors Editovo bi gore svoj post, al nesto ne mogu izbacuje mi IPS Error :/ jebem ga sta je probacu sa drugog kompa da uredim HOWTO :P
  13. Aaaaaaaa perverzija :) svidja mi se :D
  14. Boze sad tek vidim u koje doba sam ja budan bio :S
  15. http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/account/res...t-a-friend.html Udri grome sevni munjo :)
  16. Vidi telekom ima nekio halo plus nesto ne znam ni ja sam dobio sam od njih zoves pariz englesku bla bla bla nisam procitao komplet sta i kako al mozda ti to zavrsi posao :) I btw kad budes pozvao neces ni da cujes da zvoni nego automatski mi se javi jebana sekretarica ;) tako ako zoves da cimnes samo :P nema toga :P odma krece razgovor kako okrenes broj.
  17. E ne zezaj me :) pravim sebi racun ovde, ajde posle cu da uzmem video kameru da snimim svoj mobilni i okacicu na youtube sta sam uradio :) 994408009310800 "welcome to blizzard entertainment billing department" to je prvo sto ces cuti. Inace koristim Telenor Postpaid (Prenesi 250), mozde nece na prepaid jebem ga.
  18. ja sam okreno sa mobilnog telefona ovaj broj "Telenor mreza" i dobio sam opet sad, ne zajebavam te.
  19. 99 44 0800 931 0800 Ja sam malo pre zvao dobio sam WoW Europe Billing Department, samo mi se javila sekretarica :)
  20. Sta si bre napisao na wow forumu ? :))))))))
  21. Pa bas sam planirao da ugasim igraonicu i zaposlim 10 kineza da rade kod mene i farmuju gold :) ne znam kako bi to islo na nase trziste? :D
  22. http://www.wowblues.com/us/wotlk-os-requir...1230693776.html Q: Requirements to play Wrath of the Lich King? Nethaera: Not worked out, but probably not requiring Windows Vista. A nek napisu ko ljudi nece trebati Vista a ne da se nerviram do januara meseca ;) Sevace mi levo jaje da upgradujem 10 masina da bi jebano terao wow...
  23. Blizzard je poznat po pravljenju igrica koje se mogu igrati na skoro svim Operativnim Sistemima kao i razumne sistemske konfiguracije. Na BlizzCon, Blizzard je pomenuo da oni rade sve najbolje, da ne morate promeniti svoju sistemsku konfiguraciju kako bi ste igrali novi nastavak. Ove večeri, dobili smo druge informacije u slučaju da se pitate, da li ćete morati upgradovati vaš Windows na Vistu... Ja lično još nisam migrirao na Vista (iz razloga sistemske zahtevnosti i nestabilnosti), a da ne pričam da legalnim putem morte izdvojiti lepu sumu jer Vista i nije baš jeftina kod Micro$ofta. Ne znam ni sam sta da mislim iz gore citiranih vesti buni me pocetak i kraj :) kao da zele vistu a da zele da svi mogu da igraju .... Videcemo mislim da blizzard nece napraviti pogresan korak :P
  24. Eh sad nisi rekao kolko pare hoces da izdvojis ja sam uzeo altec lansing neke ;) sa mikrofonom i zadovoljan sam 1600 din sam platio udobne su skroz, pogledacu koja je serija u pitanju :P ako oces nesto jeftinije da prodjes 700-800 din A4 Imas ok sluske ;) to su ove sto ja drzim u igraonici :P isto udobne ok lep zvuk. E sad ako ces da das 100 evra za sluske :) imam za tebe sa surroundingom i ostalim glupostima :)
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