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Everything posted by Silencer

  1. Ja sam na telekomu od nedelje mi sve radi savrseno i WoW I Starcraft II, i evo gledam stream dok igram. Sta ste se uvatili za taj telekom toliko.
  2. Ravencrest :) Skoro smo napravili kanal PvP (ko igra na tom serveru alliance side /join pvp) jedno 50 ljudi uvek tu. Premade svakog dana, rostiljamo hordu kako hoces. Honor poene ne mozes da potrosis, horda pravi karaktere i proziva nas. Poceo je Battleground PvP da mi se svidja, ne secam se da sam izgubio u proslih 10 dana nesto. Sve je zamislio lik koji drzi guild The Battlemasters, lagano ljudi dolaze tu da rade achivements kako bi svi dobilil battlemaster titulu. Ovo bi trebalo da ima svaki server. Elem naidjem na roga koji mi je na flisti, i nesto bezveze krenem da prozivam klinceo d 12 godina i lik mi se pozali da ima 12 godina a puni uskoro 13. Pogledam 3v3 rasting 2143 :O Lepo pricam da RMP igraju deca i sve ostale harry poter setupove. Najbolje da igram arenu u 1 ujutru kad oni spavaju. Evo me od 9 ujutru do sada na Telekom ADSL-u (sad sam tek izvalio da mi je link na adslu) nema nijednog lag problema.
  3. E vidis dzabe ja imam 5.9k GearScore al kad me inspectuju i vide da nosim i dalje Turalyon's Legsplate of Triumph nece da me inv !
  4. Gearscore. Addon je keva, ICC 25 man hoces da ubijes profesora ili blood queen :P ja sam ubio blood queen sa mana pool 33k lol gs mi je bio 5.5k, lecio sam tanka. Ja ne bi nikom dao da mi udje sa GS manjeg od 5.6k kad je paladin u pitanju, sada paladini imaju 40k mane kad se izbafuju mozda i vise, po tom GS-u ti znas kolko je on sposoban da leci tenka sa spamom holy lighta, dok sam ja morao da trazim inervate, da popijem mana pot =) Jebiga u nekim stvarima je taj GS skroz ql. Jednostavno addon menja Epic achiv. Jos kad udjes u raid vidis kolki je sredji raid GS, i time vidis dal vredi da radis nesto u njemu. Naravno nalazim u tome da je gear i skill bitan kako god okrenes. Ne mozes da pravis jak dps ako nosis crap wep. E sad, cenim vise vanilla igraca is WoW-a i TBC-a koji je lecio nego nekog novog pecenog iz WoTLK, jer za mene su vece znanje imali hileri koji su radili BWL i AQ40 nego ovi danas, sto sviraju kurcu.
  5. Hey, ne brinite se, monopol telekomu je prosao. Sad je Telenor usao u igru (jes da ce da koristi telekomove linije), sve dok ne izgradi svoju infrastrukturu mreze :D Posle ce sezampro da iznajmi liniju od teleolola :)
  6. Ja koristim Donet Wireless, radi lepo. Evo arenu igram od 3pm - 6.30pm. Pravim pauzu pa nastavljam.
  7. Des Frizzbe kad cemo u kafanu ! :) Sisos ne zoves. Elem na Donetu sam ceo dan nemam nikakav lag spike !!! It's working pro. Verovatno ce biti da je adsl sad stvarno u pitanju, mada se korisnici i dalje zale na cyclone bgroup da laguje ubi boze i to isto od cetvrtka. Moguce da ima nekih drugih zagusenja. Telekom ocajno otvara i youjizz.com tube8.com i tnaflix.com :D Sto se tiche wow servera i oni jebu isto, razlog je pise 80ms, a ne moze Trade da se radi ili ah da se koristi, ili vendor. I to nisu u pitanju srbi nego svi odjednom na trade kanal spamuju za lag.
  8. Heh imam od danas fun boy na ravencrestu :D Stivenlol bice ql kad budimo isli premade, on holy ja ret :P
  9. Ma nema sanse to da uradi, sta fali afrikancima ? :O P.S. Radi arena i battleground nema laga.
  10. 1908 2v2 Rating nikad imao u WotLK, igram Shadow Priest / Ret Pala :D Srecan sam ko kuce, i jedva ckeam da uzmem 2k sledece nedelje :)
  11. Od cetrvrtka je krenula jebanijada, od petka jos gora jebanijada. Ja osecam da je problem do servera, nemoguce je da se jedino mi srbi zalimo na telekom, da je neko od vas pogledao eu forum tech support shvatio bi da nije jedini. Jednostavno svi jebeno laguju ja sam danas popio 2 DC-a. Imam dva provajdera, WIDI DONET i Telekom OpenADSL 16mbit. Telekom radi i dobijao sam lagove u areni tacnije 100 ms ali odjednom sve stane i posle 10 sekundi se nastavi :P DONET koji vuce link iz rumunije, (ima i telekomov link smao ja nisam na njemu), radi slicno, samo sto u nekim trenucima ne mogu nista da jebeno prodam ili krenem da casutjem spell, ono stoji jedno 5 minuta i popijem D/C. Nije do vas evo da vam odmah kazem da preko Telekoma radi super Hello Kitty Online, i SC II Beta :D Ja iskreno osecam da ce sutra sve biti reseno ili je vec reseno posto je Lag is in the Air event prosao :D Negde oko 9:31 im je zakucao Stormrage ... E do kurca upravo im zakucao Terenas realm :S Inace kontaktirao sam Blizzard povodom ovoga, i stigao mi je e-mail... (klasika)
  12. rute dnsova <- hahahahahahahh rute dnsova LOL :D pao sam sa stolice. Ko zna mozda svaki karakter ima svoj domain lol pa se resolvuje nasa ip adresa da se vidimo u igri ? :D Kakve veze imaju rute dnsova sa wow serverima ? :) ja koristim google dns i jel to telekom azurira ? :D
  13. Ajde ljudi chill a bit, to je sve zbog eventa Lag is in the Air. Sutra ce sve da radi kako treba, dve nedelje nas jebu serveri zbog love is in the air crapa. Evo ja sam prodao jedan trash kod vendora i cekam 5 minuta da prodje :P trade ne radi ne radi nista svi zivi se zale lolol :D Evo malo informacija o tome sta se desava na primer sa Cyclone Bgroup: Natryndon: http://forums.wow-europe.com/thread.html?topicId=12680047910&sid=1&pageNo=2#29 Hey guys, I just wanted to give you all an update on this. There are indeed some technical issues with the Cyclone Battlegroup right now and we are working hard on resolving them and getting all of you back into Azeroth and Outland. I sincerely apologise for the inconvenience caused and thank you all for your patience and understanding. Kropacius: http://forums.wow-europe.com/thread.html?topicId=12679907892&sid=1&pageNo=2 I'm trying to keep all the reports in one thread. Please keep it civil, report what is happening and try and describe it as well as you can. I don't want to have to ban people, I understand your frustration I raid on Cyclone as well I know what is happening, it is not good and I want to see it fixed as much as you do. The server hardware is pretty much top end and its not a case of simply adding more RAM. This has been ongoing for a while and it is being looked into but things like this will take time. There is no denying that this is server side. I cant give an ETA as I don't have one, I keep trying to find out more information but this is handled by the network team and they like to keep information about hardware etc pretty quiet. I'm going to remind everyone one final time. (I LOL IRL) Keep a civil tongue, feel free to vent but any insults, to anyone, however frustrated you may be will result in a forum holiday. Have you actually read the blue posts? We are investigating this, our network team is on it right now. I cannot give a time frame as I don't have one. If there are any free days to be issued they will be announced in the general forums. I'm trying to keep this in one thread as I said, my comment about my playing there was just information about me and gives you an understanding of the issue. I'm not shutting you up, just trying to keep things ordered and easy to track. I'm not sure what you want me to say, I am not the network team, it is being worked on and it will be sorted when it can be but I cant tell you anything else than that. I could say "oh yeah it will be fixed in 20 years" would that be any more helpful? I cant give you an ETA as I don't have one, making promises that are not delivered just makes things worse. There seems to be an issue with the server backed, but what exactly it is I don't know. There are some cases of server lag that are due to load that happens at peak time. The current issue is something a lot worse that is causing serious issues at all times and this is what we are focusing on right now.
  14. Elem, ovako je moj utisak pao na Patch 3.3.3 :D DK su ispusili jer ce da skinu sada glyph of diziz i metnuce umesto njega novi glif za Endless winter posto su isti nerfovali. Lokovi su dobili buff opet gg blizzard, oni su najjadnija klasa jelda ? :) Rogovi su dobili buff jer im mutilate buff nije bio dovoljan. Hunteri daju auru 100 yardi raidu, 3% veci dmg... Frostmage - Arena Overlordovi -.- E sad Kad su mogli lepo da smrde okolko i da svima na jebane dotove metnu CRITICAL, sto nije bilo u Patch notes nesto tipa ovako ? * Righteous Vengeance: The damage-over-time component of this ability can now produce critical strikes. Ili je to sto sam, sam solovo u AB-u 4 hordasa, pa ocekujem da mi blizzard baci jos jedan nerf, umesto buff ? 30 min deserter debuff... Znaci znam kako je kad izadjem i 15 minuta mi je debuff, kako li cu da se osecam sa 30 minuta. ugasicu igricu i odigracu sc 2 partiju.
  15. wowconcernseu@blizzard.com Lepo posalji mail, i zali se na tog GM-a, ja bi mu dao otkaz, ako je isitna ovo sto si rekao.
  16. Ne znam dal je sad do mene :) i da li ima neko slicnih problema danas, server Ravencrest laguje ko blesav cekam 10 minuta retriving char list, a posle 10 minuta loding screen :S Uzas.
  17. Moj drugar me zove danas i zali mi se da ne moze da igra wow, a inace je na sezamu. Ja koristim Telekom ADSL ili Donet Wifi, i radi mi wow na oba linka bez problema.
  18. Bah kako god. Kao sto ja mislim da battlemaster + 100k treba da daju neki meta achiv. Elem nasao sam svoj spas promenivsi Relentless Chest sa Gendarme's Cuirass http://www.wowhead.com/?item=49951 8% Hit capped vidi se promene kad tucem :P ----------------- Inace moj kranji debilizam o nerazmisljanju, je bio Paladin Hand of reckoning... Muke zive sam imao sa RMP, kada jure da me sapuju... I setim se jebote da ulazim u combat kad koristim taunt -.- 30 yardi gg rogue ga duva sada :D
  19. Ne kapiram sta je tolko bitno da bude AB / WSG / AV exalted fits of str. Ja prosto se nerviram kad vidim ko sve ima battlemaster titulu, jednostavno mi se prikenja. A skoro sam dobio of the alliance i kad vidim da pve geek koji nema pojma da igra pvp ima to sranje. Onda batcim switch na loremaster i tu ga ispusim, nosio sam i The Exalted, ali je blizz tako fino odradio sistem farmovanja reputacije da i to svako ima, realno ili da stojim na Commander ili da nosim Champion of the Frozen Wastes. Gratz btw za ruke ;)
  20. We have several changes planned for Battlegrounds in the next minor content patch and would like to share them with you now. This patch will be available for public testing and we encourage you to participate, queue up and provide some feedback on these changes. * Firstly, say goodbye to Battleground Marks of Honor. We feel this currency system is a bit outdated and are getting rid of it. Any items which require these marks as currency will have their costs adjusted appropriately to remove this requirement. The quest NPCs will still be available to award players Honor for turning in leftover marks, including individual Marks of Honor if a player has more marks from one Battleground than another, but this is only to help players clear this expired currency. * Next, the Battleground holiday weekend will now be denoted as "Call to Arms" in the Battleground tab and Calendar. If you prefer a specific Battleground over all others, look for those words next to its name to determine whether or not you'll receive bonus Honor. The bonus awards for Call to Arms Battlegrounds have been adjusted. o Winning a Call to Arms Battleground for the first time in a day will award players with 30 Honorable Kills worth of additional Honor currency and 25 Arena points. o Additional Call to Arms Battleground victories after the first win for a player that day will award them with 15 Honorable Kills worth of additional Honor currency. o Losing a Call to Arms Battleground will award players with 5 Honorable Kills worth of additional Honor currency. * To bring the rate at which players obtain PvP rewards with Honor more in-line with the rate at which players obtain PvE rewards via the Dungeon Finder, we'll also be increasing the amount of Honor awarded for an Honorable Kill by 100%. In light of this, the amount of experience provided from an Honorable Kill, and the amount of Honor awarded for completing the Wintergrasp weekly quests, have been reduced by 50%. It's important to note one thing about these 50% decreases. All Honor awarded for completing objectives in Battlegrounds and Wintergrasp is actually based on an Honorable Kill conversion rate. So if you destroy a tower in Alterac Valley for example, the Honor you're awarded is actually based on a flat number of Honorable Kills. Since Honorable Kills will now award 100% more Honor, completing such objectives will also award more Honor. This is why experience gains based on completing Battleground objectives and Honor awarded from the Wintergrasp quests are being decreased by 50%. * Now that we hopefully have your attention, we're pleased to announce the implementation of the Random Battleground system! This system will work virtually the same as the Random Dungeon option in the Dungeon Finder and will replace the Battleground daily quests. Players can queue solo, or with a group of up to five players for a Random Battleground in the Battleground tab. As with the Random Dungeon option, the Battleground chosen will not be revealed until players zone into the Battleground for which they are selected. The bonus rewards for this system are identical to the updated Call to Arms bonuses. o Winning a Battleground using the Random Battleground option for the first time in a day will award players with 30 Honorable Kills worth of additional Honor currency and 25 Arena points. o Winning additional Battlegrounds using the Random Battleground option after the first random win will award players with 15 Honorable Kills worth of additional Honor currency. o Losing a Battleground using the Random Battleground option will award players with 5 Honorable Kills worth of additional Honor currency. o When using the Random Battleground option, players will not receive additional rewards if the Battleground chosen is under the effects of the Call to Arms bonuses. In other words, the bonuses do not stack. In addition, if a player has been rewarded 30 Honorable Kills worth of bonus Honor currency and 25 Arena points from either the Random Battleground system, or the Call to Arms Battleground, he or she will be rewarded 15 Honorable Kills worth of bonus Honor currency and no Arena points that day for each additional victory. This applies whether the Random Battleground system is used, or the Call to Arms Battleground is chosen specifically, as a player cannot be rewarded the full amount of bonus Honor and the 25 Arena points more than once per day. All of these features and changes will be available in the next minor patch which should be hitting the public test realms in the near future. Please help us out by testing this system and providing your feedback so we can make some fine-tuning adjustments before the patch's release. No Comment.
  21. Ja otisao i kurac nema gace da padnu. Bah igra mi se 5v5 arena...
  22. Kupio bi zicanu verziju, ali opet bi razmislio posto je u pitanju Creative. Od njih nista ne bi kupio u zivotu vise.
  23. Uzeh mac t1 wrathful, i sad se dvoumim dal da drzim 6% hit cap, ili da ga spustim na 5%, a time bi povecao crit za 1.5%, a smanjo dmg za 7 :/ Sitnice al da ga jebem iskreno, mrzim kad mnogo mislim.
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