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Everything posted by Silencer

  1. Facerollujem arenu sa roguom 2v2 =) Vristimo od smeha evo prvi put u zivotu kolko mrzim 2v2 uzeo sam 2k rating :) Edit: .... pade ja na 1900 :)
  2. Kolko Nerd rage theadera na wow forumima protiv ghostcrawlera ;) Mislim da ce jadnik da da otkaz. Otkrio sam poruku koju je Blizzard ostavio Paladinima, sigurno ima veze sa cataclysmom ! Vezano je za Da Vincijev Kod. Pentagram koji prestavlja Venere, na osnovu sukcesivne inferiorne Venere u odnosu sa Zodijakom. Kad budem saznao vise javicu ! Za sada imam dokaz, jer nasi dijamanti na Wrahtful gearu su definitivno pet zvezdi pentagrama.
  3. Neka mi daju Mortal Strike i mogu da mi uzmu dispell. Elem sad sam posalo mail blizzardu da vidim sto su tolki rasisti da recruit-a-friend ne moze da radi za srbe ! Ocu jebenog mounta =(
  4. Meni se ne svidja, igram paladina jer moze da leci bije dispelluje i ne stoji mi skoro nijedan debuff sem kletve. I sad mi oduzimaju dispell Sheep =( I dotove na meni. Necu ne svidja mi se jednostavno ima da me biju sad njih kolko hoces jos vise. Neka mi lepo ukinu Retribution talente, da ne zivim u svetu da mogu da igram taj spec.
  5. # Protection and Retribution paladins will lose their current ability to dispel magic. JEBEM TI CATACLYSM VEC VIDIM DA MI IDE UZ KURAC!!!!
  6. Uzo danas http://www.wowhead.com/?achievement=4496 9000 achiv pointz !
  7. Capmo vidi sta kazi Crygl za paladine, mnogo smo bre jaki: So many changes... I'll try to keep this brief. The most recent changes to the class have been sweeping in nature. We have moved two paladin trees away from their reliance on Intellect. We have built in multiple new mechanics that either streamlined or recreated entire aspects of paladin play. We've worked to make paladins viable in each role available to them. We've overhauled, tweaked and rebalanced the class with the goal of ensuring longevity and fun. As part of these changes, the Retribution tree received a massive overhaul and has been going strong ever since. Multiple abilities were added and to the tree, it was moved away from it's reliance on seemingly random ability occurrences, to a more standard ability rotation. It also has its own unique ability to manage it's resources. Along with the Retribution changes, came several changes to the Protection tree. These changes streamlined the tree's ability to tank multiple mobs, while simultaneously increasing the ability to hold threat on single target encounters. The Holy tree has also had substantial changes throughout the game. However, the functionality of it remains roughly the same, but it has a few more tricks up its sleeves then it previously did. @ http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=23041934041&postId=230402307425&sid=1#21
  8. Gledam svoje stare video zapise gde sam korisio Seal of Martyr, i sad vidim da sa ovim gearom i Seal of Right, pravim smesniji dmg od sezone 5-6.
  9. Warrior ispred mene sa legendary axe 6445 GS =( Fuckin sick.
  10. Ajd mi objasni sto meni nece da radi kao /cast exo /use 10 ? :O
  11. Jel ima neko problem, evo sad probam macro /cast Exorcism /use 10 i jebote lagano mi baca error msg, Item not ready yet :S Kapiram da je na CD jebeni Pyro rocket, al mi nije na CD Exorcism
  12. Dobio sam novi WoW Fansite Code of Conduct, koji mi kaze da ne smem nista da leak-ujem, ne smem da objavim nikakav spoiler, nit smem da drzim neki conent pod sifrom :S Zivo me interesuje sta ce MMO Champ da radi, dal ce da se slozi sa ovim ili ce da izadje is fansite programa. * Fan sites should neither host nor direct others to hacks, cheats, exploits, or unreleased content. Such content is damaging to the game and the community; since we are attempting to build the community and encourage its growth, we ask that you do not host or link to such content on your site. This includes “leaked” information such as unconfirmed patch notes. Violation of this rule can result in removal from the program. I dalje doduse nisam siguran jel spada spoiler u ovo :/ (anyway spoiler moze da ima vise znacenja) Evo malo mi je Vaneras objasnio lepse :P "The CoC do include unreleased or leaked content, but fan sites will of course be free to post things that are released in a beta that is not covered by a Non Disclosure Agreement." Anyway mislim da je ovo do sada najbolji scam ikada ;) Novi scam Pao mi Heroic Brytlol
  13. Pao je, i klasicno dropovo dagger za roga i spelldmg blade =(
  14. Dosadno :< FOR THE HORDE !
  15. Revenge and Unrelenting Assault We like Revenge on UA and we certainly like the new damage Protection can do with Revenge. If we make any change at all, it would probably be in the duration of the buff. Currently Revenge operates by giving the warrior 5 seconds in which to Revenge. This works fine when Revenge has a 5 sec cooldown, but UA removes that. Having no cooldown on Revenge is also probably fine if Revenge hits softly for Arms warriors, but it doesn't anymore. That allows a warrior who gets Revenge to light up to hit the button three or possibly four times in the window and do massive damage with each one. If we change Revenge to basically be one charge then the warrior can still pop the rogue or pet or whatever that triggers the block, dodge or parry, but they'd only get one hit instead of multiples. Such a change should not affect Protection at all. I can't believe all this QQ is getting a response from you. Popping shield block and revenge spaming as arms is not new at all. Nope. And it wasn't a big deal when Revenge didn't hit as hard as it does now. An alternative is to lower the damage Arms can do with Revenge, but we think in this case it's actually a better design that you can do one big Revenge per block / dodge / parry instead of a string of little ones. I could understand if you think warriors need some balancing but craving into fotm QQ disgusts me. Why are you soo quick to base nerfs off of the community's feedback but soo reluctant to buff them using their suggestions? Players often complain that we don't implement their suggested buffs or nerfs. This is nothing new. I suspect the volume of nerf posts exceed the buff posts because of the simple math that there are usually multiple classes asking for a nerf and one asking for a buff. We use player feedback to make informed decisions and we place more emphasis on intelligent or insightful points from players rather than a high-volume of low-quality QQ. "Warrior hit me hard" rage with perhaps an attached screenshot of dubious authenticity (tenacity vs. no resilience isn't uncommon) doesn't qualify as an intelligent or insightful point. Source @ http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=24038823780&pageNo=1&sid=1#9
  16. Pretplatio sam se na Skill Capped, posto je Kamil (http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Magtheridon&cn=Kamil)sa US Magderidona tamo kao ret gladiator =) citam njegove forum postove i gledam video zapise. Lik igra ret 0 / 19 /52 Evo tipa jedan samo wall of txt. Evo o 3v3 Druid / Ret / War:
  17. Uzo 2005 rating na 3v3 -.- prikenjali mi se od arene vise.
  18. Gledam sad AH i vidim da je ekonomija u kurcu :) Epix gemovi pala cena za 20-30%. Frost lotus je pao na 20 golda oko 50%, al zato lichbloom kosta 80g a bio je 20 golda :) I flaskovi su 30g a bili su 25g. I sta je svirao onaj kurcu da ce da pada cena kad meni na kraju flaskovi poskupeli zajedno sa matsovima =( A profesiju sa kojom zaradjujem kao neke pare.... Sad jos gore. AV vidim da niko vise ne igra, kad uradim queue samo za njega kaze lepo unavailable, isto i za wsg. Kapiram da se svelo da svi klikcu na Random pa sta ima padne... Uzas, ja mislim da je najbolje bilo kad nije postojao battleground. Najbolji po meni stari sistem koji je postojao u Vanilla WoW, dok ga nisu zasrali pred izlaskom TBC-a. Cinjenica jedina je da se brze dobija honor, ako pobedjujes. Al je premade umro po mom misljenju. Sad mi samo ostaje da kliknem random i da se nerviram kad mi upadnu 14 igraca prosek 12-14 godina. Elem sad naso blue post oko ovog sranja (Source http://forums.wow-europe.com/thread.html?topicId=12947097091&postId=129458824982&sid=1#20); Inace Random i dobijes AV - pobeda = 3.8k honora (naravno ovo je random bez nagrade 25 arena poena, verovatno je 5k sa nagradama)
  19. Igra je retardirana prot ret treba nerfovati i dati nesto da buffuje ret da mogu da igram ono sto volim i sto je realno normalno za pvp ako hoces da igras. Sad sam se iznervirao jer sam solovo Ret paladina i Warrior u Areni(Dobro malo mi je hunter pomogao bar da skinem bubble sa paladina). Jebeni Seal of Light 10% reckoning i pisas po melee klasama.
  20. Cudi me da nisi imao da predas sve odjednom :( Anyway, bar ne moram vise da queue za retardirane Battlegrounde. Sad samo one sto me zanimaju. Vidim da ce neki battlegroundi da umru. /point IoC
  21. * Last Man Standing: This achievement can no longer be earned in a skirmish match. LOL IDEM DA SE OBESIM! Lol uradio sam ga :)
  22. Nema vise maloletnica, sad sam se zabo sa jednom '88 :( jebiga mator sam 25 godina. Elem ocu ovo
  23. Gledao sam arena iteme, i moguce da sam pogledao offhand i main/one hand pa minapravilo zabunu u glavi :P
  24. Killy moram da pitam ne kapiram i dalje. Nisam se sluzio sa One Hand wep :P Realno usta se razumem je holy i ret i do sada sam igrao Samo paladina, nikad druge klase :P
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