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Z. Cabarkapa 4min. 0-1fg, 1to, 1pf N. Krstic 29min, 1-4fg, 0-2ft, 2reb, 5ast, 1st, 4pf, 2pts
no frx, samo nemoj vishe da stavljash ta srca u postove, pochetje ljudi da prichaju:J
Z. Rebraca DNP N. Krstic 41min, 6-15fg, 8-10ft, 13reb, 5ast, 5to, 1blk, 6pf, 20pts min - minuti fg - shut iz igre ft - slobodna bacanja 3pt - shut za 3 reb - skokovi ast - asistencije to - izgubljene lopte st - ukradene lopte pf - faulovi pts - poeni DNP - nije igrao ESPN - Clippers backup center Zeljko Rebraca, who has been sidelined because of an irregular heartbeat, received good news after undergoing several tests, including a normal EKG reading, the Los Angeles Times reported. The news "was as good as it could be," coach Mike Dunleavy told the paper. "There may be some more tests they have to run, or whatever, but so far it seems like everything is progressing." The team will still be cautious with Rebraca's recovery and return, Dunleavy said. No timetable has been established for activating him. "I guess after the next couple of days the doctors will tell me something," Dunleavy told the paper. "When he's ready to play they will let me know."
Z. Cabarkapa 7min, 1-2fg, 2-3ft, 2reb, 2ast, 1pf, 4pts D. Milicic 10min, 1-3fg, 2blk, 1pf, 2pts M. Jaric 41min, 4-9fg, 0-1 3pt, 4reb, 5ast, 2to, 4pf, 8pts S. Pavlovic DNP V. Radmanovic 23min, 5-11fg, 4-9 3pt, 3reb, 1ast, 4to, 4pf, 14pts
potpuno se slazem sa prva 2 pasusa rewiev-a, dalje nisam ni gledao
ne mogu da verujem da ga je koreja izduvala...
P. Stojakovic DNP N. Krstic 25min, 3-7fg, 1reb, 2ast, 2to, 4pf, 6pts Z. Rebraca DNP Z. Cabarkapa 4min, 1-1fg, 2-3ft, 2reb, 4pts M. Jaric 39min, 10-15fg, 3-5 3pt, 1-1ft, 1reb, 5ast, 2to, 3st, 4pf, 24pts D. Milicic DNP i moram samo da dodam: GO HAWKS! GO HAWKS! GO HAWKS!
S. Pavlovic 4min, 0-2fg V. Radmanovic 41min, 5-13fg, 3-9 3pt, 9reb, 4ast, 3to, 5pf, 13pts
navijam da dobijemo wild card. nikada nije dobro propustiti veliko takmichenje. treba natji dobrog selektora, izbaciti par trulih jabuka i opet tjemo biti respektabilna ekipa. stanje u kosharkashkom savezu je ochajno, ali malo je sportova gde nije tako, ali barem imamo talentovane igrache kao u malo kojem drugom sportu. sho se shansi tiche italijani i koreja idu sigurno(iz finansijsko geografskih razloga), ostaje da se nadamo da tje jevropa dobiti 3 mesta(na rachun portorika) te da tje nashe zlato vredeti vishe od argumenata koje eventualno mogu da iznesu pre svega turci i rusi, a zatim i hrvati.
Ticker - Los Angeles Clippers center Zeljko Rebraca was diagnosed with an irregular heartbeat following Wednesday's game against Toronto and is sidelined indefinitely. After scoring four points and committing four fouls in 11 minutes of the 103-100 win over the Raptors, Rebraca was admitted to Centinela Hospital. He will remain hospitalized while undergoing further tests.
Z. Cabarkapa 20min, 3-9fg, 2-2ft, 5reb, 1ast, 1to, 1st, 2pf, 8pts Z. Rebraca 10min, 2-2fg, 1reb, 1ast, 1to, 4pf, 4pts P. Stojakovic DNP N. Krstic 27min, 8-14fg, 3-4ft, 4reb, 1ast, 1to, 2blk, 4pf, 19pts M. Jaric 18min, 0-3fg, 0-2 3pt, 2-2ft, 1reb, 2ast, 4to, 1st, 3pf, 2pts D. Milicic 9min, 1-4ft, 2reb, 1ast, 2to, 3blk, 1pf, 1pts Carbaka je prvi put dobio malo vetju minutazu zbog povrede pietrusa, ali povratkom na teren ike diogua, perspektivnog rukija, koji takodje igra chetvorku njegove shanse da se konstantno dobija ovakvu minutazu praktichno padaju u vodu darko je za 9min uspeo da udari 3 rampe dok nekim centrima za to trebaju 3 tekme sa 30min+ khmkrstitjkhm, ali i da zaradi tehnichku, a da pri tom ni jednom ne shutira iz igre ligom se pronela glasina da min, u pokushaju da zadrzi garnetta, zeli da dovede boozera iz uta, a u zamenu bi ishli candiman i hudson/jaric. sada se smanjena markova minutaza moze tumachiti dvojako: ili polako ispada iz rotacije i bitje trejdovan ili hudson dobija minutazu da bi mu porasle cena te uta bila lakshe ubedjena da odradi trejd
i ima li nesho od njih. chuo sam pesmu chernobil i nisha vishe ne mogu da nadjem.
V. Radmanovic 15min, 1-7fg, 0-2 3pt, 2reb, 1ast, 3to, 2pf, 2pts S. Pavlovic 3min, 1to, 1pf
N. Krstic 34min, 8-17fg, 0-1 3pt, 5-9ft, 10reb, 1ast, 2to, 1st, 5pf, 21pts Z. Cabarkapa DNP P. Stojakovic DNP(zbog lakshe povrede) min - minuti fg - shut iz igre ft - slobodna bacanja 3pt - shut za 3 reb - skokovi ast - asistencije to - izgubljene lopte st - ukradene lopte pf - faulovi pts - poeni DNP - nije igrao
kako sam ja chuo, on ostaje ovde do leta 2007. tek tada odlazi u chelsea. to bi bio odlichan potez, ostave ga ovde gde tje da igra umesto da sedi na klupi kod njih i ako se razvije u dobrog igracha dobili su ga povoljno, a ako zagori nisu ga preterano preplatili
P. Stojakovic 39reb, 9-14fg, 6-8 3pt, 1-1ft, 4reb, 3ast, 1to, 1st, 4pf, 25pts V. Radmanovic 30min, 7-13fg, 3-7 3pt, 6reb, 4ast, 1to 2st, 2pf, 17pts Z. Cabarkapa 6min, 1-2fg, 2pts Z. Rebraca 17min, 3-6fg, 4reb, 2to, 1st, 2pf, 6pts treba istatji da je radmanovitj odigrao najbolju partiju sezone, i da je jedini igrach koji je sa klupe pruzio dobru partiju na toj tekmi
sneg je jedina stvar koja zimu chini podnoshljivim godishnjim dobom
D. Milicic 16min, 2-4fg, 2reb, 2to, 1blk, 4pf, 4pts M. Jaric 20min, 2-4fg, 1-2 3pt, 3reb, 2ast, 3to, 1st, 4pf, 5pts N. Krstic 22min, 5-8fg, 1-2ft, 4reb, 5to, 1blk, 6pf, 11pts ne izostavljam ja nikoga(barem ne namerno). NJ je igrao samo 2 tekme ove nedelje, pa ti se mozda zato chini da ga izotavljam. inache nije mu nisha
Z. Rebraca 3min, 1-1fg, 2pf, 2pts V. Radmanovic 22min, 2-8fg, 1-3 3pt, 1-1ft, 4reb, 3ast, 1st, 2blk, 2pf, 6pts P. Stojakovic 39min, 6-12fg, 0-3 3pt, 7-8ft, 7reb, 6ast, 1to, 3pf, 19pts Z. Cabarkapa DNP D. Milicic 6min, 0-2fg, 1reb, 2blk, 1pf, 0pts S. Pavlovic 5min, 1-2fg, 2-2ft, 4pts
palo mi je na pamet da i sam postujem ovako nesho, a onda videh da se wule vratio...:J
M. Jaric 27min, 5-10fg, 0-1 3pt, 2reb, 1ast, 3to, 1st, 1blk, 1pf, 10pts
Z. Cabarkapa 6min, 0-3fg, 1-2ft, 1reb, 1pts V. Radmanovic 17min, 3-6fg, 0-2 3ft, 2reb, 1ast, 1st, 1blk, 3pf, 6pts St. Paul Pioneer Press - Timberwolves point guard Marko Jaric was distressed when he learned that former NBA star Vlade Divac is facing a charge of evading the army's draft in their native country of Serbia-Montenegro. The Associated Press reported that Divac, 37, was obliged by law to join compulsory six-month military service by age 35, the state prosecutors' office said Wednesday. Divac, who played 16 years in the NBA before retiring recently, could face a one-year prison sentence in Serbia-Montenegro if he does not join the army soon, legal experts told the Associated Press. "I can expect anything from that government in that country," said Jaric, who is not sure whether he could face the same issue as Divac in the future. "They have no appreciation anymore for anybody. … Vlade Divac is a legend over there. The guy is more popular than the president of the country.'" Jaric, 27, signed a six-year contract with the Wolves this offseason. If bound by law to serve in the military, he would need to think about fulfilling the commitment not long after his Wolves contract ends. Jaric said he thinks other factors might mean he would not have to serve in the military. "I have two passports," Jaric said after Wednesday's practice. "I have a Greek nationality. I have a Greek and Yugoslavian passport. I'm in a different situation than Vlade. I don't know what's going to happen."
Z. Rebraca 16min, 2-3fg, 2-2ft, 2reb, 2ast, 1st, 1blk, 3pf, 6pts P. Stojakovic 33min, 8-14fg, 2-6 3pt, 3-3ft, 3reb, 6ast, 2st, 1pf, 21pt M. Jaric 26min, 0-3fg, 0-2 3pt, 5-6ft, 4reb, 7ast, 2to, 2st, 2pf, 5pts V. Radmanovic 19min, 4-10fg, 3-7 3pt, 1reb, 2ast, 2blk, 2pf, 11pts N. Krstic 38min, 9-14fg, 7-10ft, 8reb, 3to, 1st, 2pf, 25pts D. Milicic 5min, 2-3fg, 3reb, 1to, 1pf, 4pts S. Pavlovic 1min, 1reb min - minuti fg - shut iz igre ft - slobodna bacanja 3pt - shut za 3 reb - skokovi ast - asistencije to - izgubljene lopte st - ukradene lopte pf - faulovi pts - poeni DNP - nije igrao proshlu notj su, sho se tiche nashih igracha, obelezile odlichne partije peje i krstitja u pobedama svojih ekipa, dodushe protiv ne bash preterano jakih ekipa darko je ponovo igrao nakon 2 utakmice na kojima nije ulazio u igru radman nastavlja pritisak na trenera putem medija, nije pomogao ni poluchasovni razgovor sa kapitenom ray alenom koji je proshlog leta bio slobodan agent, tako da je u svakom sluchaju imao sha da mu savetuje
Z. Cabarkapa 2min, 0-0fg, 2-2ft, 1pf, 2pts