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Everything posted by voodoo_

  1. Izvini Dži, ali morao sam Aaaaaaaaaahahahaha [roflmao]
  2. Teretana će tek da krene, mora ovo da se intenzivira i da se uozbilji ishrana.
  3. Što se bre mrcvarite tim trčanjem, bolje radite ruke i ramena!
  4. Taf lak. Bek on topik, Update 1.01 * added some infrastructure support for additional downloadable content * updated the image of the Batarian race in the codex * fixed an issue where the center channel for hardware audio wouldn't play correctly sometimes * fixed an issue where the hardware mouse pointer would disappear when first selected * fixed an issue where Shepard did not auto-crouch when entering cover in some places * fixed a tool-tip indicating a game restart is needed before enabling hardware or software audio if the option was changed * fixed an issue where ambient conversation would not be heard from rear speakers sometimes * fixed a text string to make it clearer on how to exit a vehicle * fixed a text string so the tool top for dragging the map is clearer in French languages builds Mass Effect Configuration Utility * fixed a crash running on certain multi-core AMD systems * fixed an issue where video RAM was not being reported properly on certain cards Fully optimized for the PC, “Bring Down the Sky” is the first in a series of planned downloadable content that will further expand the Mass Effect story and universe. It includes a new uncharted world that introduces the deadly Batarian alien race, approximately 90 minutes of new gameplay and an original soundtrack. The storyline for the new content begins as Batarian extremists have hijacked a mobile asteroid station in the Asgard system, setting it on a collision course with the nearby colony world of Terra Nova. Only Commander Shepard can save the millions of innocent civilians before the asteroid completes its deadly descent. DLC Installation Instructions 1. Log in to the BioWare Community (register for a free BioWare Community Account or Login to your account now) 2. Register Your Mass Effect (PC) CD Key and get a Mass Effect: Bring Down the Sky CD Key for free! * Once you are logged in, register your Mass Effect (PC) CD Key on this CD Key Page. (login required) * Your Mass Effect : Bring Down the Sky CD Key will be listed once your key is registered. 3. Download and Run the Installer * Run the downloaded file to install the new content. * Enter your Mass Effect: Bring Down the Sky CD Key when asked by the installer. * You can always access this CD Key from your Mass Effect CD Key page. (login required)
  5. Eh, pa što onda ti ljudi dadoše tolke pare na škole?
  6. A patch? Na 1.0, 1.1 i 1.1a učitava sto godina, od 1.2 i nadalje je bolje.
  7. Kad ona devojka ustade, reko sad će panjetr. Jel ono Ivan na kauču, u ulozi gluvog Rej Čarlsa?
  8. Idi Ramize, mnogo je dobro za mozak kad se ode iz Beograda na par dana. Ovde može da se odlepi.
  9. Gothic 3 ima poslednji patch 1.6 (koji btw skida i DVD check) i donosi razne izmene sa programerske strane i rewriteovan memory menadžer, krpi memory leakove i kurce palce. Al tu ima mali apsurd, ljudi sa manje od giga rama se žale da im igra zapravo radi lošije nego pre, a ovi sa giga i više (including myself) kažu da šljaka bolje. Tu je i dalje catch da ne treba koristiti teksture na high zbog problema sa endžinom, a ostale opcije ako možeš da isteraš na high, samo udri. Al opet, dvojku ne treba propustiti iako je kombat sistem sranje. Nego za Witchera probaj patch 1.3, ne znam kako može loše da ti radi ako imaš giga rama i GF7 karticu.
  10. [kole]da, tako je i igor radio svojim dečacima[/kole]
  11. Trojka ti neće raditi, kec ima retardiran kontrolni sistem, igraj dvojku odma.
  12. Nema poente igrati igru iz ptičije perspektive gde se vodi jedan lik, a da nije Diablo.
  13. http://kb.mozillazine.org/Mozilla_Suite_:_FAQs_:_Signature
  14. Ah da, Čikago :) dok je vozio Lamborginija po gradu a iznad šine za voz, reko' "odakle li mi je ovo poznato - a da, Midtown Madness 1" :D
  15. Fanki si ko fanki haus bend! Jest vala, ovi Batajničani su sve sami radikali.
  16. Preko emulatora, preporučujem VirtuaNES.
  17. Kupila sestra neke ženske novine, a u njima poklon ženske naočare. Koliko je ovo gej, jebo te život.
  18. Ma ima nego dođu jednom mesečno i odu za tri dana, jebo ih ja.
  19. Zato što Oblivion koristi nesrećni GameBryo, endžin za sve živo od poteznih strategija do first-person shootera :|
  20. Naoštrio se da uzmem neke Microlab 2.0 2x30W drvene zvučnike, al nema ih trenutno nigde u BG. Sranje.
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