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Everything posted by SteXmaN
Neka ima ovde,trebali bi sequel da odrade TOTAL OVERDOSE FTW
Moram je bacit,valjda će moći preko emulatora.
Ne mora donvote samo kazete bilo je
Posle patcha može da se baca,FPS je donekle doveden u normalu(25-60 avg.53).AI će biti popravljen u sledećem i to je to,igra kida.
A dobro,klasični hack and slash,nema ih puno na PC pa zbog toga.
A nisam ni ja dok je bila 2D,čuo za nju ali nikad me nije privlačila. Probah ovaj remake i baš sam se oduševio sa settingom i pričom,a najviše kraj,nisam ga očekivao . Dobar voice acting i dialog,20-25h gameplaya(borba,puzzle solving,platforming),odličan port nikakvih problem nisam imao a i nije zahtevna. Dobro stoji na metacriticu (85),zaslužuje makar da se proba jer nema nešto toliko kvalitetnih naslova u poslednje vreme.
Gameplay Sequel za Lords of Shadow.Sjajna igra i nebi Patrick Stewart pozajmljivao glas za neko smeće ,preporučujem da se baci. Edit: Takodje tu su i Robert Carlyle,Natascha McElhone i Aleksandar Mikic (likić iz Bosne,bio je u par filmova)
Here are the patch notes for Total War: ROME II Patch 1 (due for release on 06/09/2013): For additional information on improving graphical performance visit this thread. • Higher average frame rates with out-of-the-box settings (more conservative settings) • Fix for DirectX 10.0 Lighting issue reported - environment map wasn't being created leading to black reflections. • Fixed a sunken Samothrace temple complex world wonder on the Campaign map. • Fixed defender being able to create encampments when involved in a combined battle. • Added some localisation fixes to audio packs in French, Russian, Italian, German and Spanish. • Fixed lock up in Multiplayer Campaign battles when a desynchronisation occurs. Players are now notified of the desynchronisation, and the battle ends. • Fixed Multiplayer Campaign battle "overrun" prompt, which was not being shown to a player if they were a reinforcement and the other player was spectating. • Fixed corrupt loading screen when changing to fullscreen / windowed mode after a battle, and then going into another battle. • Fix for Multiplayer Campaign host being unable to move the camera in campaign, after reloading a save game on some rare occasions. • Safe guards added to prevent a very rare crash in coastal assault battles. • Fix for game lock up during end turn sequence / Celtic AI faction turn in single player campaign. • Improved AI use of walls on Athens large settlement battle map. • Improvements to Auto-resolve balancing in Single Player and Multiplayer Campaign modes. • Aligned ship unit upkeep costs with land units - made mercenary ships more expensive and non-mercenary ships cheaper. • Fixed slow turning rates for transport ships. • Improved civil war balancing in relation to campaign difficulty. • Fixed vehicle ground pipes, to prevent Siege Towers becoming immovable when they are left empty during the Deployment Phase of a Siege Battle, then units were moved into the Siege Tower when the battle has started. • Fixed bug when ramming sideways into moving ship, which caused the ramming ship stick to target and strafe along with it in battles. • Reduced the chance of Naval units sometimes clipping through the ground or harbours / ports during Port Assault battles when attempting to disembark. • Fixed issue where armies would be stuck in Muster stance and could not exit that stance in Campaign modes. • Fixed case where spies could get stuck on top of fleets in Campaign modes. • Fixed rare post battle lockup in Campaign modes. • Improved unit pathfinding in Barbarian village battle maps (fixed no go zones). • Fix for Multiplayer Campaign lock up when the player was reinforcing an AI ally who was victorious in battle, causing the player to become stuck with no victory / continue / exit battle user interface functionality. • Fix for cultural influence bonus from the Shrine of Neptune building • Fix for “Zone of Controls” of hidden armies being visible to both players in head to head Multiplayer Campaign mode on mouse-over. • Assorted minor fixes to city battle maps. • Fix for "Rome Wasn't Built in a Day" achievement failing to unlock when its requirements were met in some situations.
Ne znam šta ste očekivali. Da krene u nekakav killing spree ?
Znam da je malo kasno ali postoji mogućnost da se baca sa narodnom,serveri su puni 24/7 ,pa me interesuje da li mogu tutorijal da bacim ovde ? Ako ne eo podforum Serbian, Bosnian, Croatian,samo bacite topic i šaljem linkove. o7
Razlika je u tome sto se ne koristi njihov novi engine,tako da je ogromna razlika(kretanje,animacije,fizika)
Zbog licence,a i FIFA je bila bolja igra.Ove godine PES izgleda sjajno,čeka se demo :)
Postoji velika mogućnost da će ova igra da fail-uje...videćemo.
Ono,nisu pogubljeni više kao u S2,odma nalaze sa kim se kolju ,jedini problem za mene kao što si rekao je to da kratko traju,padaju prebrzo.Vidi se da ima tehničkih problema i sa animacijama(likovi se spajaju jedni sa drugim,udaljeni previše kad zadaju udarac itd) ali valjda će ispraviti sa prvim patchom. Igra nije završena... Total War: Rome 2 to get first patch this Friday, weekly fixes for immediate future Eo eo rade rade.Forum im je floodovan sa problemima-low batlle&map performance
A ono...vide se mogućnosti što se tiče mehanike kretanja iz prvog lica,fino izgleda.Grafički,radnja igre je 99% indoor sa vrlo malo osvetljenih prostorija :) pa se ne može očekivati nešto spektakularno,nzm probaće se pa ću videti iz prve ruke
Igra tehnički nije uredu.Teksture se ne loaduju kako treba(probao opciju Unlimited Vid mem ali dzaba) ,sjenki NEEMA ,fps dropuje bez ikakvih razloga(low-extreme fps pada),AA podešavanje samo "on-off" što je sramno,meni je dovoljno 2*MSAA ili FXAA na normal/medium samo toliko da se ivice malo izoštre,ovaj setting na ON nzm koji je ali guta frame rate. Jednostavno ovo za mene nije igrivo,čekam patch,nadam se da će ispraviti propuste koji nisu trebali da budu tu uopšte. Što se tiče gameplaya igra izgleda sjajno,makljaža je odlična edit:sjenke su uredu,nzm zasto se nijesu loadovale prvi put...
Demo 11. takodje i za Fifu
Samo mi nije jasno kako uspiju da ostave komentar
Probaj Vsync off,nzm dok ne vidim
I ja tek sutra,net me jebe... :/
Eo PCgamer review Total War: Rome 2 review 85 kao zbog par bagova,koji će najverovatnije biti popravljeni sa prvim patchom,a dali su Saints Row 4(bolje reći 3.4) 90,smeće od igre, Ono šta znam PC excluziva,trebali su da ispoštuju "Right now, Rome 2 has its flaws, but is still a sumptuous, slow-burn strategy game with some of the best land battles in the series. Aesthetically, it’s a triumph. Empire management, alliances, the UI and battlefields have all improved, which makes it doubly frustrating to encounter the floppy AI that will be extremely familiar to Total War fans by now. Still, nothing out there does what Total War does with this degree of scope and detail. I’d still recommend it to armchair generals anywhere."