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Ali opet poredjenje nije fer jer nije isti scenario.Ovo prvo nema kise pa nema reflekcija sa mokre podloge i drugacija pozicija helikoptera pa je osvetlenje takodje drugacije. Ista scena ona,razlika mozda samo sto ima vise dinamicke magle malo na staroj PC da izgleda kao ps4 verziji,nista vise.Likovi u kutscenama izgledaju isto. Sumnjam da su "osakatili" PC jer nije tolika razlika uopste,pojedini efekti na ps4 jednostavno su smanjeni ili iskljuceni,videcemo.
To se konzolari uzdigli, PS4 gameplay, ocekivali istu grafiku kao sa e3a koja bila na PCu sa 2 GTX680 a PS4 ima GPU slican kao HD 7850. Licno,meni i dalje igra izgleda dobro cak i na konzolama,mnogo detalja se tu renderuje. Od pocetka govore da je PC glavna platforma za igru,potvrdili su da je zadnji trailer,gameplay i onaj 14 minutni gameplay originalno sa ps4a.Ostalo je bilo na PCu ali su smanjeni detalji sa ps4 specsima u vidu i opet izgleda bolje od ovog zadnjeg. Obecali su PC gameplay pre releasea i nema razloga zasto bi downgrejdovali grafiku za PC (po req izgleda da nisu),pa cak iako ovo nije potvrdjeni recommended, minimum dovoljno govori da ce sigurno ici preko ps4 hardwarea koji je tenutno mid-range.
GameSpot -- 9/10 "Dark Souls II is loaded with secrets and surprises, and even though I have finished the game once, there are so many elements I am still uncovering. I may not have yet unveiled all there is to know about this beastly game, even after 80 hours of play, but I do know this: I will be adventuring through Drangleic for many months to come, sure to be haunted nightly by the disturbing gazes of the faceless titans that tenderize my flesh with their two-ton hammers." [Full review] VideoGamer -- 10/10 "Dark Souls 2 is a refined, slicker version of what I consider to be the greatest video game ever made, and it is a title we’ll be finding more and more about post-release as its genius is fully uncovered." [Full review] CVG -- 10/10 "Whether or not you come to believe that this is better than its predecessor will likely depend on how blindly you accepted the former game's faults. Dark Souls 2 irons out those flaws, and its world expands in ways that fans won't expect, but will undoubtedly appreciate. Its layers of depth, and colossal scope for challenge, community and discovery, is a gaming event of such impact it'll be referred to time and time again for years to come." [Full review] Edge -- 9/10 "It is a game that asks everything of you and gives so much back, keeping its cards close to its chest, and revealing them only to those prepared to die and die again. It is made to be played for hundreds, if not thousands, of hours as you try new builds, explore PVP and experiment with covenants, all the while slowly peeling back the layers of its lore. Some of its ideas work better than others, and Drangleic is no match for Lordran’s intricate design, but Dark Souls II is, like its predecessors, brilliant, beautiful, and absolutely essential." [Full review] IGN -- 9.0/10 "Dark Souls II is a smart, massive, and incredibly rewarding sequel. It’s crammed with deep systems, tense encounters, and enough clever multiplayer and New Game Plus elements to make me want to restart the second I saw the end credits. Not all of the tweaks and additions worked out for the best, but with such great enemies and levels to fight and explore, Dark Souls II made 60 hours of pain and agony so much fun they flew by in a heartbeat." [Full review] Eurogamer -- 9/10 "Overall, Dark Souls 2 probably isn't quite the same masterpiece Dark Souls is, but then neither is anything else, and the fact it comes so close is remarkable. From Software has delivered on its goal of opening the game up a bit to more daunted players without breaking the heart of Souls, and Drangleic belongs in the same conversation as Lordran for any number of reasons - but this is still an iterative sequel, so many of the old routines and patterns of discovery inevitably sparkle a little less the second time around. Only a little, though, and when the worst you can say is that a game is only nearly as good as Dark Souls, that's still a pretty strong recommendation." [Full review] The Guardian -- 5/5 "Dark Souls II is an extraordinary game. If it stops short of fulfilling something precious within the soul, it certainly has the heart, mind and fingers covered." [Full review]
Recommended nije potvrdjen,iskocio je na Uplay,sada su ga makli,jedino je minimum official. Ne cudi, predobro igra izgleda (e3 2012 reveal je jedini max out PC gameplay za sada) za max detalje u 1080p+ i 8xAA trebace nesto slicno jer igra renderuje ogroman broj detalja kao sto su dynamic weather,fog,clouds,shadows,lightning.Takodje draw distance,detalji,teksture,broj NPCa na ekranu i ostale stvarcice.Mene jedino cudi minimum jer igra je potvrdjena za x360,ps3 i wiiu ali izgleda da je to totalno druga verzija builda u pitanju.
Titanfall early unlock: here's how to bypass the regional launch restrictions
MINIMUM Supported OS: Windows Vista SP2 64bit, Windows 7 SP1 64bit, Windows 8 64bit Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad Q8400 @ 2.66Ghz or AMD Phenom II X4 940 @ 3.0Ghz RAM: 6 GB Video Card: 1024 VRAM DirectX 11 with Shader Model 5.0 (see supported list) Sound Card: DirectX 9 compatible Sound Card This product supports 64-bit operating systems ONLY RECOMMENDED Processor: Core i7 3770 @ 3.5Ghz or AMD FX-8350 @ 4.0Ghz RAM: 8 GB Video Card: 2048 VRAM DirectX 11 with Shader Model 5.0 or higher (see supported list) Sound Card: Surround Sound 5.1 capable sound card Supported Video Cards at Time of Release: nVidia GeForce GTX460 or better, GT500, GT600, GT700 series; AMD Radeon HD5850 or better, HD6000, HD7000, R7 and R9 series Intel® Iris™ Pro HD 5200
Nema pomoci,nmgu da editujem xD jedva xD
http://www.pcgames.de/Watch-Dogs-PS4-256954/Videos/Watch-Dogs-Brandneue-Gameplay-Szenen-im-Angespielt-Video-1112349/ novi gameplay
Minimum: OS: Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8 Processor: AMD® Phenom II™ X2 555 3.2Ghz or Intel® Pentium Core ™ 2 Duo E8500 3.17Ghz Memory: 2 GB RAM Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce® 9600GT, ATI Radeon™ HD 5870 Hard Drive: 8 GB available space Sound Card: Compatible with DirectX 9.0c or higher Network: Internet connection required for online play and product activation Recommended: OS: Windows 7 SP1 Processor: Intel® CoreTM i3 2100 3.10GHz or AMD® A8 3870K 3.0GHz Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 465 or higher, ATI Radeon™ HD 6870 or higher Hard Drive: 8 GB available space Sound Card: Compatible with DirectX 9.0c or higher Network: Internet connection required for online play and product Activation
A dobro,combo sistem za Void&Chaos je predobar i najveci damage pravis sa njima. Bas sam se pomucio da otkljucam sve i po prvi put backtracking mi nije bio smoran zbog levela,bas su kompleksni i stvarno stanes po par minuta i divis se dizajnu. Svidja mi se borba jer uvek moras da mislis na power skalu,ako lose ide fight se oduzi ne mozes da pravis veci damage sa voidom ili chaosom jer desi se da je prazan a sa whipom ne mozes da razbijes block u nekim slucajevima.Sta znam,fight mi je odlican,jednostavan combo sistem ali opet je potreban skill da fight izgleda ,ono,lepo xD
Odličan h&s,stealth segmenti su u stvari puzzle solving ali opet moglo je bez njih.Sve ostalo,combat,boss fajtovi,exploring,dizajn (vecine) levela,platforming,soundtrack,voice acting je odlično.Priča je dobra,malo je kraj slabasan,mozda i previdljiv za razliku od prve igre. Sve u svemu dobar game i nju su pojedini popljuvali bezpotrebno a svaki user score je preko 8.0,sto je i neka realna ocena. Licno,fanboy 9/10 will replay xD
Obrnuo na master,bez huda i pomagala.Mislio sam da cu moci da predjem preko nedostataka i da mi nece smetati ali ipak jesu,mali su i prelinearni leveli, otvori se igra malo kasnije ali opet nije to to.AI je retardiran i FOV im je negde oko 60 stepeni.Far Cry 3 gde je stealth opcioni jos je FPS,imao je mnogo bolji stealth AI xD Nemogucnost jump-a takodje smeta i pravi restrikciju,mozes da explorujes samo kako su oni predvideli. Prelaka igra,mnogo nedostataka i bagova,stvari koje su dobre padaju u bedu.Htio sam da mi se svidi bez obzira na sve ali kad je lose ,lose je.
repost The Quest to Build Xbox One and PS4 Emulators “It would be easier to create a PS4 or Xbox One emulator within the next year or so than it would be to create a PS3 or Xbox 360 emulator that ran at the speed of the device,” Emulacija je sasvim moguća ali u neku ruku to nebi ni bila,samo treba "emulirati" software,tj. način na koji konzole pokreću igru,sve ostalo je na hardweru koji je u suštini isti. “I see an emulator for these next-gen systems being similar to a piece of software like VMware or Xen or Hyper-V, where you’re actually building the machine to run as if it was a virtual machine. Normally, emulators are software executables that prop up their own little environment and play in a little sandbox,” he said. Hardware-assisted virtualization could help run emulator code “natively on the machine with hardware acceleration.” Takodje govori o njegovom projektu,xbox360 emulatoru koji još nije gotov ali ima nameru da ga zavrsi i objavi. --- RPCS3 Is A New PS3 Emulator, Still In Early Stage, Boots Commercial Game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YK1WFZF790 Eo vec ispravili glitcheve,tako da za godinu dve mozemo ocekivati potpuno operativan ps3 emulator
PC release date April 25,onaj leak tacan bio. "Dark Souls 2 will benefit from PC capabilities with increased texture resolution and an enhanced frame rate option. On top of that, From Software have been working to perfectly adapt the game for a mouse & keyboard combo."
Kojima wants a PC version of Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain "PC, that's my original background. I originally created PC games," Kojima said. "A long time ago I didn't want to rely on platforms to release games, so if people want it, I cannot make a formal announcement, but that is definitely something that I would like to do."
User made vs Ubisoft Official Trailer XD Samo ova outro muzika se pisa na BD trailer xD
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Vukodlak je cool jedno 5 minuta a posle shvatis koliko je beskoristan i ne dobijas bonus za sleeping/well rested. Povampirivao se nisam xD