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The X
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Everything posted by Blunt

  1. Topic je cool :) Evo nesto bzv, izlupano od pocetka do kraja sa sve novom vrstom karata - undead :D
  2. Interesantna karta... Mada opet jedna od onih koje zavise od stecene prednosti, inace nema sanse ovo da se zastiti u nekom late game-u u kome je to vracanje healtha zapravo i bitno. Ipak <3 za priest Tier 11 ^^
  3. Ipak mi je nekako "meh"... 50% je mnogo rizika.
  4. Blunt


    Mozes da kontaktiras blizz, prilozis sigurnosne podatke i skeniranu licnu kartu i da ti skinu authenticator.
  5. Nepismen bre, ne umije dva dana da sveze jednu recenicu dostojnu coveka sa 8 razreda osnovne.
  6. SIguran sam da mnogo vise skilla treba za zoo u odnosu na jedan warr ctrl... Sramota. Koje sranje sto ovaj usrani zoo nisu uspjeli da zaustave efikasno cak ni sa ovim deathrattle tauntovima iz naxxa. I ja navijam za Tiddlera, pokazao se, nema sta. A i jebes Amere naduvane.
  7. Uradio sam maksimalan update za topic, to je sve od info koje imamo za danas ;) Onaj stream ne mogu cekati, jebala ih organizacija uzasna.
  8. 50-50 vs Ragnaros, igrao bi u svako doba XD
  9. Da, tacno. Nova pakovanja a nema nikakvih novih valuta/resursa.
  10. A brate razbio je ovaj Tairei sa shamanom, skidam kapu.
  11. Iskreno, ovako nesto i cini HS interesantnim, bas se radujem :)
  12. >> Goblins Vs Gnomes << (link) Over 120 new cards Spectator mode People at Blizzcon will get to exclusively test the expansion content for the duration of the event. Release date - December 2014! Why did they do Goblin vs Gnomes? They wanted to make this Expansion designed to really shift up the meta game and give competitive players a lot of tools to work with All the "mech-like" cards from previously will now become mech (Harvest Golem will become a mech card) Every class has access to weapon now! (Blingtron 3000) They really like the idea of there being minions when they die, they bring other minions into play. A lot of those type of effects are being added There's a new pack type, costs 100 gold like the old one. There are 5 cards, same rarity distribution. You can disenchant or CRAFT the new cards with old arcane dust Trailer (link) Gameplay! (link) New board New cards Spectator mode Spectator mode was heavily requested beacuse of the booming competitive scene and all the tournaments With spectator mode you can spectate both players, in tournaments and such. Stream the whole game from a single client You will be able to see both players hand, if they both allow for it You can hover over cards independently. It's gonna be really awesome for casting
  13. Value trade i dobra anticipacija i moze da se daleko dogura i sa losim dekom.
  14. Ma opustno brate, nije kao da ti treba citava vjecnost da normalno nabudzis sve portrete. Samo jedno par godina ako si casual ;)
  15. Ja jedva cekam, tablet sam bas skoro nabavio. Nadam se da ce na Blizzconu da daju datum i da ce to biti do kraja novembra.
  16. Mali offtopic - Saranjivac igra Heroes of the Storm Alfu tako da ima nas ovde nekolicina koji se nadamo da cemo sa ovim novim talasom da dobijemo kljuceve preko friends liste! Doduse samo ako nabudzi lvl20 :P
  17. A vi ste mislili za onaj fatigue? :D Lol i to je bilo bruka
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vskfr4yG3o
  19. Kakav brat ovaj Kolento, bas bih volio da osvoji ovaj turnir na Blizzconu.
  20. Super super, pozitivan stav, dopada mi se :)
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