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Everything posted by BGGsvrle

  1. ne lupaj moze u vise slucajeva a vidis da mu je sve bilo lepo dok nije instalirao nov driver sto znaci da nije nista menjao u optionsu a pogotovo ne bi stavio run in window da bi posle toga pitao zasto mi je cs u prozoru
  2. nema veze to sa driverom nece to da se promeni kad ti instaliras novi driver
  3. You see, Counterstrike is a very old game using the OpenGL API, which basically means that NEW hardware and NEW drivers may not emulate the right way the cs graphic engine. Downgrade your graphic's drivers. Install an older version and see what happens. *You can also try changing the video mode, from OpenGL to D3D.* The thing you mention about your mouse, it's vertical's sync side-effect. Be sure you disabled it. It's tricky sometimes. The game looks prettier because of the Frame-Hz syncronization. Vertical Sync sychronizes the data between FPS and HZ, to make it more smooth and prettier as you say. Vertical sync is a MUST while playing a Direct3D based game. + http://translate.google.com/ = win ako ti ne radi taj driver dobro idi na desktop --> screen resolution --> advanced settings --> adapter --> properties --> driver --> roll back driver da ti automatski vrati na prethodni driver
  4. malo li je bilo 3 jezika u 1 postu?:D
  5. a sto se nije iscimo da dodje pa da dobijete bgdonline pa da idete na 1/4
  6. https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ap0h2emYO_EmdHlpRUhwQ0p3eWhTV3EtQXVGMlRHSFE&hl=en_US&authkey=CPCJsLgI#gid=0 lineupovi :D
  7. gg odlican mec gg dps gg bgdidzuo :D odlicno finale
  8. http://www.pressonline.rs/sr/vesti/globus/story/146543/21.+maja+2011.+smak+sveta!.html nista od ovoga
  9. ne sirite to po srpskoj cs sceni... niko to nije igrao do sad nemojte sad da pocinjemo
  10. ljudi kakav gather ste normalni ako cete bas da trosite vreme na nesto gde nista necete nauciti idite kod stefanam gde je dobra organizacija a ne ovde
  11. e jbg ja bio 9i i razmisljam neo il xizt i uzmem xizta
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