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Lady Sylvanas

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About Lady Sylvanas

  • Birthday 09/16/1977


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  1. Upravo. Godinama nisu ažurirani.
  2. Prodajem aktivan WoD account. - 13160 achievemet points - Moj guild sa 4 taba - Vise od 300.000 golda - 241 rare pets /dosta 25 lvl/ - 184 maunta /svi RBG maunti, Raven lord, Onyxia, Headless horseman's .../ - 60 titles /Warbringer, Warlord of Draenor, Lady of War, Fire-watcher, Champion, Veteran of the Horde.../ - Dosta exalted reputacija - Heirlooms za sve klase di 100 lvl-a - Garnizoni lvl 3 - Epic flying na likovima - Transmog setovi
  3. Prodajem 50k golda na Kazaku [horda]. 2000 dinara.
  4. Prodajem 50k golda na Kazaku (horda). 10k-500 din. 50k-2.200 din. Uplata se vrsi na tekuci racun,. Vise informacija na broj 063/364-487
  5. Want to sell WoW acc, have all cds, keys, secret question. My originally account from 2007. On Kazzak I have horde chars: 1. DK - 89lvl (2 bars to 90) 2. Druid - 85lvl 3. Mage - 85lvl 4. Shaman - 85lvl Prof: Herbalism, Mining, Enchanting, Skinning,Archaeology, Inscription, First Aid, Jewelcrafting, Cooking, Leatherworking, Fishing, Tailoring. Have epic flight for all, all professions are 525, except DK where is 600 skill. Golds: about 60.000. On Zenedar I have horde chars: 1. Warrior - 85lvl 2. Hunter - 85lvl 3. Rogue - 85lvl 4. Warlock - 84lvl Proff: Alchemy, Herbalism, Blacksmithing, Mining, Enchanting, Engineering, Jewelcrafting. Have epic flight for all, all professions are 525. Golds: about 5.000 On Shadowsong I have alliance char: 1. Mage - 85lvl 2. Rogue - 18lvl twink Prof: Enchanting, Inscription, First Aid. Have epic flight for all, all professions are 525. Golds: about 30.000. For more info contact me on private messages. Want to sell dont want to trade. Thank you.
  6. http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/kazzak/Ikilledkenny/simple http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/kazzak/Secerko/simple http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/kazzak/Stellarossa/simple http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/shadowsong/Stellarossa/simple http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/kazzak/Przenica/simple http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/zenedar/Kajgana/simple http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/zenedar/Naopaka/simple http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/zenedar/Ikilledkenny/simple http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/zenedar/Srecica/simple http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/shadowsong/Ikilledkenny/simple - twink Na Kazzaku imam oko 60.000 golda, na Zenedaru 5.000 i na Shadowsongu oko 20.000 mozda i vise. Sve profesije su 525 osim na DK gde su 600. Svi imaju epic flight. Saljem i sve diskove sa cd keys i secret question. Tel: 063 364 480
  7. WTS druid, lock, rogue, warrior, dk, svi 80. GS 5000-5500. Svi sa dual spec-om, svi sa epic mauntima. Na acc posedujem oko 35.000 + mats za profesije (mining, jewelcrafting, skiing, leatherworkig, herbalism, cocking, fishing, bs, alchemy 450 skill za sve). Vlasnik, posedujem sav info. Cena: 150E fiksno Tel: 062 727 353
  8. 1. Tauren druid (80)- Zenedar PVP server http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Zenedar&cn=Secerko - PVP resto oprema 5.500 gs - PVE resto oprema 5.300 gs - PVE cat oprema 5.300gs - Dual talents - Netherwing drake mount - Više titula, nightfall, explorer, champion of frozen. - LW, Skining, Fishing, Cooking, FA = 450 skill - Brdo exalted reputacija - Dosta mount-a ____________________________________________ 2. Undead rogue (80) - Zenedar PVP server http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Zenedar&cn=Srecica - PVE Combat oprema 5.500 gs - Dual talents - Nightfall titula - Netherwing drake mount - Mining and Jewelcrafting= 450 skill, sa 80% epic gemova ____________________________________________ 3. Undead warlock (80)- Zenedar PVP server http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Zenedar&cn=Ikilledkenny - PVE demonology oprema 5.400 gs - Dual talents - Titula nghtfall - Netherwing drake mount - Herbalism, Alchemy, Fishing, Cooking = 450 skill ____________________________________________ 4. Undead warrior (80) - Zenedar PVP server http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Zenedar&cn=Kajgana - PVE arms oprema oko 5.000 gs - PVE protect oprema oko 4.500 gs - Dual talents - Netherwing drake mount - Mining, Blacksmithing = 450 skill ____________________________________________ 5. Night elf DK (80) - Shadowsong PVE server http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Shadowsong&cn=Ikilledkenny - PVE oprema 5.000 gs - Dual talents - Netherwing drake mount - Mining, Jewelcrafting = 450 skill ____________________________________________ ** Svi likovi imaju epic flight Netherwing drake mount http://www.wowwiki.com/Netherwing_drake_mounts ** Svi likovi imaju kupljene dual talente ** Na Zenedar serveru posedujem oko 40.000 golda i dosta materijala ** Na Shadowsongu oko 2.000 golda ** Vlasnik ** Cena 150e ** Gametime istice u Septembru ** Tel: 063.364.480 ** MSN: zikiserbia@live.com
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