Free engine to run Heroes of Might and Magic 3 game.
Requires original game data files to run, large 800x480 screen, 256 Mb RAM and fast CPU.
To launch it:
- Launch VCMI once, it will create directory on SD card and exit
- Install Heroes 3: Complete, or Heroes 3: Shadow of Death on your PC (English version only, Russian not supported, you may buy it from )
- Install free Wake of Gods addon, from
- Copy all game files to your SD card to directory app-data/eu.vcmi
- Launch VCMI again. If it won't run install aLogcat app from Market, and check it's output - most probably VCMI is missing some file.
- I WILL NOT provide any support, if you need help go ask at or
- VCMI requires large screen, if you'll launch it on Spica or X10 Mini - it's your fault, so don't complain.