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Everything posted by Kole

  1. ok, o ukusima se ne raspravlja ali stavljati novijeg martina u istu ravan sa relativno ranim zelaznim...uf....
  2. ja sam chovek humanista, live away freely on my expense ;o)
  3. dadada, opomena da kad klasichne droge prestanu da te rade ondak oterash sve u 3 lepe i ustekash ponovo wow u venu ko chovek ;oP
  4. za one sto nece da chitaju: poenta je da u wc3 manualu pishe da je sargeras poludeo od susreta sa eredarima (koji su shatro svi zli) i nigde nije ni naslutjivano da su dreaenei (sad lost ones) u vezi sa eredarima... tako da za WC4 ima da smishlajju novo zlo koje je korumpiralo sargerasa tj novi razlog za inicijalni pochetak burning crusadea... ...samo chekam da lepo ubace pande on a bigger scale, pa onda tuskare i neke torbare tipa kenguri i koale...i josh bolje kljunare...sve to humanoidno naravno =oD i ja sam hepi ;o))
  5. kmeee =o( ja nikakko da nadjem vremena da igram ovih dana...ono malo vremna sto sam imao doshao sam do trece misije... pitanje za vas sto su dosli dalje: jel postoji neutralni generator za fenixe ili samo lvl 5 sumoning spel? iako nemaju kljun i pera ipak ponovo prelepo izgledaju =o))
  6. nema on pojma...=o) Chale, Kha je chovek koji kontrolishe ceo server iz senke, a lposto su moji gildiji retardi i 3 nedelje koliko sam unapred rekao da cu da pauziram im nije bilo dovoljno da skupe mats sad moraju da platjaju kod kha crafting, nadam se da ih deres za preko 120 po chestu kad su tvoji matsi =o)
  7. Azdo, ako ocesh u pretezno srpski gild idi u hibride jer tamo ih je stvfarno najvishe ALI! ako ocesh da budech chovek od zadatka (da smarash bokija iznutra polako ali sigurno ;oP) i da se smejesh kad bugari krenu da se svadjaju - idesh kod bokija u Draken =oD...znachi svaku priliku koju imate samo bokija pitate "a sto ti bre toliko gotivish te bugare"... garantovano pali =o)
  8. baaah taraba trol preteche me za par minuta =o) aj obrisao sam linkove ostavitju samo ovo za c i bwl =o)) za MC i BWL je isto za obe strane MC: prichati sa BElfom ispred BRD i posle utji do MC ulaza i dodirnuti/pokupiti shard BWL: Ubiti Quartermastera desno od UBRS ulaza, uzeti depeshu od njega, aktivirati q, uraditi jedan draki run i dodirnuti orb iza drakija
  9. Nakon objave nove rase i pratetjih sadrzhaja nashle su se picajzle koje znaju svaku rech koju je blizard ikad objavio i sad Metzen kao glavni baja mora da se pravda...read on =o) 15/05 Metzen on Lore | 5/15/2006 8:44:25 AM PDT Hey y’all, I wanted to drop you guys a line and explain what’s up with some of the recent changes you’ve all been seeing in the lore – and specifically address your concerns about the draenei and their revised backstory. Bear with me here, I tend to get a bit wordy as I build up steam. :-) Anyway, here we go: Hit #1: Lore Train-Wreck Right… To be totally up-front with you guys, it’s my bad, straight up. The obvious lore contradiction with Sargeras and his encounter with the eredar was clearly documented in the Warcraft III manual. I wrote those bits about four years ago, and to be totally honest, I simply forgot. Genius, right? With my excitement to get the draenei up to speed and root them more firmly in the setting, I forgot to do my homework and go back over my earlier writing. I can assure you, no one’s more crushed about this mistake than I am. I’ve spent the last few days kicking my own ass over this one. Sucks to fail. It may not always be evident, but we take this story stuff really seriously at Blizzard. It’s been one of my personal missions at this company to maintain a high level of integrity throughout the Warcraft game setting (all of them, actually) and I think we’ve done a pretty decent job of upholding the continuity over the years. I think it’s important to note that world building is far bigger than just “storytelling,” and it requires (in my humble opinion) a certain amount of flexibility. Sometimes you need to expand certain ideas or retcon whole sections of continuity to broaden the scope and accessibility of your setting. There are a good number of these types of situations already (like totally revising our timeline, suggesting trolls were the progenitors of all elven subspecies, etc. – there’s a hundred other examples). To make an omelet, ya need to break a few eggs, and WoW’s one big omelet. The trouble is, this has become a pretty big setting. There are literally thousands of characters, hundreds of locations, and all sorts of creatures, items, and plot themes that all define this world. As you can imagine, it’s a lot to police. Sometimes things do fall through the cracks – mistakes get made and we’re forced to scramble to come up with clever solutions to continuity errors. (Hakkar, anyone? :-)). You not only have me jamming ideas, but a ninja team of quest designers, an army of freelance RPG writers, and a commando squad of red-hot novelists who are all involved in flushing out the lore and making it more than just wallpaper on a game. I’m explaining all this not to excuse this particular mistake, but to give you some understanding of how the mistake was made. I’ve read a fair amount of posts over the past few days and I know there’s a lot of confusion and frustration surrounding the whole eredar/draenei train wreck. Believe me – I know exactly how you feel. At the end of the day, we’re all just a bunch of geeky fanboys and fangirls, and we all get pretty fired up when people start screwing with the worlds we love. If anything, all of the venting and creative suggestions I’ve seen over the past few days have reinforced for me the fact that you guys really do care about this world and its troubled denizens. While I can’t promise that these types of mistakes will never happen again, I do want to state clearly that we take the responsibility of crafting and maintaining this lore very seriously. You all pay good money to adventure through this world month by month, and you deserve the best we can give. Don’t lose faith – we’ll do ya’ proud! Hit #2: So What’s the Story, Blizzard? Ok, so what’s the real scoop behind the eredar/draenei story then? At this point, even though the NEW lore directly counters the Warcraft III manual, we’re still going to run with it. There are a lot of reasons for this, not the least of which is that I think it’s far stronger than what I crafted back in the day. The eredar were not necessarily all evil. Sargeras did come to them and tempt them with power. They did NOT make Sargeras crazy. This gives the eredar more dimensionality and roots the draenei to a key moment in Burning Legion history. We’ve also woven all of this new lore into an upcoming novel by Christie Golden (author of Lord of the Clans) that depicts the draenei’s escape from Argus and the “RISE OF THE HORDE” on Draenor. The book DOMINATES, and you’re going to really dig it. Durotan, Ner’zhul, Gul’dan, Doomhammer, Hellscream, Kil’jaeden, Velen – this story is the one you’ve been waiting for. I’m getting geeked up just thinking about it… However, this new lore does leave a large hole – how did Sargeras go nuts? What drove him to fall and begin his Burning Crusade? I don’t know yet. It will be his encounter with some evil race (who dares me to use Old Gods???), but it won’t be the eredar. I’ll chew on this. Maybe we’ll solve this by the end of the expansion. See – this is that flexibility stuff I was talking about earlier… :-) Hit #3: World of Spacecrafts Another concern I’ve been hearing about is the inclusion of certain sci-fi elements into the setting. I appreciate that this stuff is pretty far out, but that’s the whole point: Outland – and the greater universe out there in the void – ARE far out. Change is always difficult – I remember people getting really upset about dwarves with guns, steam-tech, Gnomeregan as a hi-tech city – many people had a hard time rolling with those technologies in a fantasy setting. But I ask you all – can you imagine WoW without those elements now? We’re definitely throwing some new concepts at you all, but I’m very confident that when you’re able to see these elements in context, over the course of the gameplay – you’ll understand why we’ve been so excited to include them. To be clear, we’re not talking about having the Millennium Falcon cruising around the Twisting Nether (I’m certain there would be some legal issues there, to say the least). The draenei ‘nether-ship’ you’ve been hearing about is far more than it seems. It’s part of a larger dimension-traveling fortress called Tempest Keep that essentially teleports through alternate realities. It doesn’t bank and roll or shoot proton torpedoes (not yet, anyway). While we will be introducing a number of naaru technologies (like this ship, for instance), we’re not planning on going hog-wild. Conceptual balance is everything. For those of you who are fearful of seeing jet-packs and laser pistols filling up the AH, never fear. If you did see them, they’d likely be goblin engineered and get your character killed anyway. Hit #4: Blood Elves Sure Get Around I also saw some strangeness about the apparent contradiction of how the blood elves could have sabotaged the draenei ‘nether-ship’ since they’re all holed up in Quel’Thalas. Remember, there are twisted blood elves in Outland who have been there since TFT campaign. It’s those creepy elves who sabotaged the draenei’s “flight” to Azeroth. I’d love to elaborate on this further, but I’m afraid I’d spoil your appetites for dessert. In conclusion, I just want to reiterate that we do take these continuity errors very seriously. It’s very important to me that you all feel you can trust us as developers and know that we’re out to build a world that’s worthy of your time and your passion. Thanks for bearing with me here. See y’all on the other side of the Portal! Chris Metzen 12-5-06
  10. uuu mnogo lepo Joxone, big respect za gear...a za to sto DFT nikad ne pada ( i sto treba armiju warova i rogova outbidovati za isti ne prichaj nista =o(
  11. hehe evo malog penny stripa oko h5 istorije =o)) http://www.celestialheavens.com/show_big_potd.php?id=172
  12. dok boki ne dodje i lichno objasni rasplet cele situacije i naravno lepo me zamoli da se vratim (and i'm not talking abbout those boki/tach bottom shaving actions, just plain verbal asking will sufice) mene netje biti...+ na nekim drugim topicima se raspravlja oko mog trejdovanja (wow)zhivota za neke fotke tako da se nista josh ne zna =o)
  13. pa realno brate, nisam valjda toliko sati/dana ubio u skupljanje stvari za AQ warr effort da mi sad drugi uzimaju profete...uf...kad se vrnem dok sam onako pun elana moratju prvo da nafarmam tih 500 twiligh textova sto mi fale do exalted i da sastavim tu sekiru...jes da je netju koristiti ali to je inako show-off itam =o)
  14. samo ti hejtuj wowere ivane...one day thou shall becometh one of us...
  15. @koldor - hmmm....ako je "opet" onda ti je ovaj kremilek ili rog ili warr (troll ofc) ...ili si ipak odluchio da isposhtujesh onog tauren shamana sto si ga pustio da uvene na haumu? =o) a za fellow carebeara - ovaj novi sistem koji daje loot onom sto nanese najvishe dmga je veoma interesantan...tako rog ili lock koji oce da pomognu (ako pocnu sa dpsom rano) mogu opusteno da preotmu moba...ja sam jednom to uradio jednom alliance warru koji je (sram ga bilo) pokusao da odsolira profeta u sillu =o)
  16. uvek treba dkpa? zomg pa nije valjda da se nalazish na jedinom serveru u univerzumu gde ne pada druidloot ko blesav? a od tog "samo da vidim mail" jedina bolja rechenica je "sredjujem ingame inbox sutra, majkemi" =o) elem proshla ova kishica...sad bih stvarno mogao malo dpo prodavnice...red je =o)
  17. ako je bash toliki umor u pitanju onda bolje nn nego neko mrcvarenje pred ekranom...sem naravno ako ne trebash neki drop/dkp baaash mnogo =o)
  18. rofl mohi je talenat epskih proporcija, svaki topic se pretvori u "make mlohi look bad" a predmet diskusije biva potisnut u drugi plan, strashno =o))
  19. spenkju veri mach grujo, sa' tju skinem =o)
  20. hahaha te akcije sa gledanjem od 5-10 sekundi su najbolje...unfortunado ja sam pve carebear pa ne napadam prvi = ginem kad me neko tako navata (mada u principu na haumu alijansashi ne idu nigde kad ih je manje od 3 tako da bih ginuo i da napadnem prvi =oP
  21. nista ja ne znam...13:02:00 do 13:02:59 je mnogo vremena da pokushash sramno da me imitirash (kao sto si uostalom uchinio i IRL sa prestankom igranja wowa ;o))))
  22. ma DS je sakovao (i dalje sakuje) samo zbog 2 stvari - colour schemea (videli se imba crno-srebrne modove?) i chinjenice da je "osnovni" deo sholdera mali i uzak tako da ceo set bolje stoji na female modelima...nije on toliko loshe osmishljen koliko je loshe implementiran...a za CS se sada bojim...popitjemo neku rugobu na sholdere opet samo tako =o( ahaha ali ovo je odlichno...jeee kako ljudi koji igraju lockove znaju sta je smisao za humor neverovatno =o))
  23. pffft...plagiarism on a diminutive scale...cry more nub ;o*
  24. umm...drale kog vishe interesuje teh krastavatz nego teh original picture...brinem se...sretjom shaylee razume patnje choveka koji 1m2d nije upalio wow =o))
  25. preskochiti raid?!?!?! zomg!!11oneleven gievf epixxz sleep when ur dead!!!
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