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Everything posted by Kole

  1. brate sve tebe mrzi da kucash i objasnicesh mi lajv (a to je jedan korak bolje od "E jedi govna smara me da chitam sta si pisao lol" ;oP) i onda od tog lajva ne bude nista jer smo preokupirani dotom isto ko sto si za huff obetjao, pa nista, a ja lepo iskucao zasto karakterizacija tamo ne valja, zasto je ovde ovo ovako kako jeste... mislim meni je cilj da se raspravim sa nekim ko ima slichne poglede sa mnom na vecinu filmova i onda kad naidjem na diskrepanciju zhelim da dodjem do razloga za istu, a ti se pravish englez... cruel dude ;oP
  2. gospode, ponekad treba tutji roditelje, chisto reda radi... i da, zomg za airbag akciju, ubio bi dete(ili mu "bar" polomio noge =o((((
  3. blaaah, nadao sam se nechem ostrijem od tebe, kad ono puko pozivanje na semantiku + neznanje/nastavljanje sa nepriznavanjem greshke dakle, lotr nema 1500 ima 1100 sa sve apendixima i opet su je sasekli shmeshno, ali nisu izekli zaplet i radnju koji su jednostavni krajnje nego lore/shminku/padding koji u SCu dolazi u vidu knjiga, sama radnja SCa je goli kostur na kom je padding strateshki izazov igrachu, no te bitke imaju smisao u prichi i chesto se prekidaju intereakcijom medju likovima SC (bez BWzomg!) nije knjiga nego je igra, sa sve karakterizacijom i dogadjajima u misijama, izmedju njih i sa cinematicima koji nemaju svi 100% veze sa radnjom, character wise, sto znachi josh stvari koje mogu, a ne moraju da proshire potencijalni scenario. i onda ok, ti bi da uzmesh likove jimmyja, sare, arturusa, dukea, aldarisa, tassadara, fenixa, overminda i zamotash njih i dogadjaje u prve 3 kampanje u 3satnu smejuriju? brate svaka misija u igri i dogadjaji oko iste moraju imati 10-25min fragment u filmu, pa ti sabiraj misije koliko je to sati, da ne pominjemo more sporednih likova koji se moraju ubaciti da stvar ne bi izgledala suvo i smeshno =o)))) SC zbog svega ovoga odgovara pre seriji tv filmova od 90 min nego jednom gargantuanskom filmu =o) mislim, moje podjebavanje proisteklo je iz smeshne rechenice koju si napisao u sitne sate, ali sad da to pokusavash da se obranish pa josh nekonstruktivno...bre daj malo pruzhi neki dobar otpor da se zabavim, ionako od ovog topica samo 3 choveka chitaju vesti koje okachim svake 2-3 nedelje...
  4. da, znam, imaju 2008 i 2010, verovatno je ova prvi naslov nova igra a ovaj drugi taj film, ili obrnuto, ako se gleda pochetak produkcije/snimanja onda bi film upao u '08.
  5. =o) ne pominje se Reno nigde gde sam gledao
  6. auuuuu, ovaj chovek je car, mislim, pazi stepen detalja na battleccruiseru i reaveru...brutalno dobro, svaka chast, /bow
  7. he-man radi 300 ekipa i navodno da ce mnogo, sto produkciono sto vizuelno da vuche na isti...do mozhe da bude i dobro, a mozh da bude i loshe...videcemo...inache he-man ce da bude genesis pricha, kako adam postaje he-man... sto se warcrafta tiche, to ne mora da bude loshe, pogotovo sto kao sto vidish da metzen pishe scenario sa nekim chobanom, to nam daje nadu da ce da idu na neku normalnu prichu u wc svetu a ne na neki "zomg epix wc story" koji bi njenjao osnove istog...i to je cool... za stiju, koji evidentno ima neverovatne dramaturshke skilove da se nasmejem svetlu koje ovakva izjava baca na njegove kritike filmova i uradim c/p The Plot of StarCraft The plot of the original StarCraft game revolves around the Terran civilization in the Koprulu Sector, which was founded by former prisoners exiled from Earth. The most powerful Terran faction is the Terran Confederacy. It is opposed by other factions, such as the paramilitary organization "Sons of Korhal". The arrival of the Zerg, led by the Overmind and its Cerebrates, greatly complicates matters for the Terrans. The Zerg Swarm is itself closely followed by a Protoss fleet who burn any world the Zerg infest. The Protoss fleet is led by High Templar Executor Tassadar. Episode I The player assumes the role of a colonial magistrate of the Terran Confederacy, and soon meets Jim Raynor, a marshal of Mar Sara. After being arrested by the Confederacy for destroying Confederate property (even though it was infested by the Zerg), the player joins the Sons of Korhal, who free Raynor from prison. Raynor also joins the Sons of Korhal and frequently goes on missions. After the Protoss destroy the Zerg-infested Confederate colony on Chau Sara, the leader of the Sons of Korhal, Arcturus Mengsk, uses psi-emitters to lure the Zerg to Confederate installations and further his own goals. Mengsk acquires the services of General Edmund Duke, a Confederate general, and sacrifices his right-hand woman, the psychic Sarah Kerrigan, to the Zerg after she objects to his morals and tactics. Raynor, outraged over Mengsk abandoning Kerrigan, flees from Mengsk with a small number of soldiers, accompanied by the player. After the Confederacy falls through the use of psi-emitters on the Confederate homeworld of Tarsonis, Mengsk reorganizes what remains of the Terran population under his control into the Terran Dominion, crowning himself Emperor. Episode II In the second episode, the player assumes the role of a newly created Zerg Cerebrate and is entrusted to the care of the Chrysalis which contains Kerrigan, who is being infested and prepared for rebirth into the Swarm. She soon awakens, and adds great power to the Zerg, effortlessly destroying her enemies. Meanwhile, Tassadar has discovered that the Zerg Cerebrates can be near-immediately reincarnated by the Overmind unless they are killed by the Dark Templar, whose energies match those used by the Overmind. Tassadar allies with them, and while he distracts Kerrigan, the Dark Templar Zeratul assassinates the Cerebrate Zasz. This disrupts the Overmind's control over the Garm Brood (causing chaos as this brood goes rampant), but also allows the minds of Zeratul and the Overmind to come into contact for a brief second, allowing the Overmind to learn the location of the Protoss homeworld of Aiur, for which it has been searching for a considerable amount of time. The Zerg soon invade, despite heavy Protoss resistance, allowing the Overmind to embed itself into the crust of the planet. Episode III In the third episode, the player takes the role of the newly appointed Protoss fleet Executor, replacing Tassadar, who has been branded a heretic by the Conclave (the Protoss ruling council) for working with the Dark Templar. The player at first serves the Conclave to fight the Zerg on Aiur, but while on a mission to arrest Tassadar the player rebels and joins Tassadar. This results in a Protoss civil war with Tassadar, his unlikely Templar allies, and the Dark Templar pitted against the Conclave and the Khala. Tassadar and the Dark Templar prove themselves to the Conclave by having Zeratul slay two Zerg Cerebrates. The Conclave then ally with Tassadar and the Dark Templar, along with the Terrans led by Jim Raynor, who all launch an all-out offensive against the Overmind, destroying its nearly impervious shell. Tassadar then channels Dark Templar energies into the hull of his ship, the Gantrithor, before crashing it into the vulnerable form of the Overmind, killing it and sacrificing himself in the process. Episode IV The Stand (Protoss Campaign) Following Tassadar's sacrifice, the Zerg on the Protoss homeworld are in disarray, but still overwhelmingly numerous. Except for some Protoss forces commanded by Jim Raynor and Fenix who stay in Aiur counter-striking the Zerg, the rest of the Protoss army refugees retreat to Shakuras, the homeworld of the Dark Templar, by using an interdimensional portal, despite protests from Aldaris, the ancient leader of the now ravaged Conclave. However, despite the efforts of Raynor and Fenix, the Protoss are followed there by the Zerg . The Protoss and Dark Templar, with the supporting assistance of the Dark Templar's matriarch Raszagal, reluctantly join forces with Sarah Kerrigan's Zerg forces, after she explains she's now free of the Overmind's control, but that a new Overmind is growing on Char. Kerrigan asks for their help to kill it before it reaches maturity. However, the Protoss ask for a favor in return. Two ancient crystals, fused with the powers of the dark and high templar, must be recovered to defeat the Zerg on Shakuras. The two crystals are discovered and the Overmind is crippled to slow its development. During the battles, a massive Terran fleet from the distant United Earth Directorate intervenes, and Aldaris, troubled by their alliance with Queen of Blades and the Dark Templar's trust in her, gathers supporters and declares war on Zeratul's forces and the Dark Templar. As he is about to reveal why he staged the rebellion Kerrigan assassinates him and she is banished from Shakuras. The two crystals, infused with the power of the two templars, are then joined in a Xel'Naga temple on Shakuras. The two energies fuse and destroy all Zerg on the planet, thus saving the Protoss. Episode V The Iron Fist (Terran Campaign) The player joins the United Earth Directorate (UED) Expeditionary Fleet as the Captain, assigned to subdue the Terran worlds in this sector, but their high-handed actions quickly make enemies of all the various Zerg and Protoss factions as well. Their first enemy to fall is Mengsk's Dominion, conquered by the UED forces in their capital world of Korhal. However, Raynor manages to rescue Mengsk before he could be captured by the UED, and both escape to the Protoss homeworld of Aiur where some scattered Protoss forces commanded by him and Fenix were still on fight against the remainder of the Zerg invasion. The UED follows them to the planet but is unable to track them as they escape through the Protoss Warp Gate. Though divided by the intrigues of a Zerg-infested human spy, Samir Duran, who turns Admiral DuGalle against his chief deputy, Vice Admiral Stukov, the UED succeeds in capturing and enslaving the new Overmind and gain control of the Zerg swarms. Episode VI The Queen of Blades (Zerg Campaign) With the massive UED fleet controlling increasing numbers of Zerg, Kerrigan is severely threatened, so at first, she protects her own base by rescueing the Cerebrate of the Jormungard Brood (the player) and receives help from the Cerebrates brood to cleanse the renegade swarms from her main Hive Clusters on Tarsonis. Afterwards, she turned to bigger threats. By painting herself as a victim and the combined Zerg-UED as the greater enemy (and through the judicious use of threats and hostages), Kerrigan and her new ally Samir Duran gain the reluctant assistance of the scattered Terran Dominion of Arcturus Mengsk and the Protoss forces that had stayed in Aiur and didn't travel to Shakuras, commanded by Jim Raynor and Fenix. This alliance manages to reconquer Korhal's desert world from the UED, as an apparent deal with the emperor Mengsk, but after the victory she turns on each of her "allies" one by one, resulting in the death of Fenix and General Edmund Duke. In the following events, Kerrigan's forces arrive at the Dark Templar's homeworld of Shakuras and manage to capture the Dark Templar's matriarch, Raszagal. With the matriarch as a prisoner, Kerrigan persuades Zeratul to help her destroy the Overmind controlled by the UED. The Overmind is killed by the Dark Templar, and Kerrigan gains complete control of the Zerg. Prior to the Overmind's demise it's discovered that Raszagal was infested by Kerrigan, even before Zeratul's arrival on Shakuras, and was Kerrigan's mere puppet the entire time (something Aldaris had suspected before he was killed by Kerrigan). This forces Zeratul to kill her before Kerrigan's eyes. After all these events, Kerrigan defeats the Protoss, UED, and Dominion fleets in a single epic battle, and by the end reigns as the dominant power in the Koprulu Sector. Prior to the climactic battle of this campaign, Samir Duran mysteriously vanishes, much to Kerrigan's annoyance. Unbeknownst to her, but revealed to the player in the secret level "Dark Origins", Duran's alliance with Kerrigan was yet another level of his deception. Secretly, Duran had been conducting experiments on creating viable Zerg-Protoss hybrids at installations scattered across the sector. Duran is discovered by Zeratul and the rest of his scattered forces and ends up revealing that he is in fact working for an as-yet unnamed force. He warns Zeratul that the hybrid he discovered is only one of many, and they will bring about the end of the current order. i ti bi OVO sve da nagurash, sa sve dijalozima, bitkama i obrtima u 3 sata? 10? 12? =o))))))))
  8. blizzard je u chvrstom posedu prava za sve filmove sa radnjom, likovima i imenima svojih igara, zasto vivendi Universal nije pokusaho da im zavrne ruku i izsiluje pravljenje filma po nekom od istih za sad je misterija, mozda su kreativni ljudi iz blizza lichno zastitili svoje franshize kao odvojene entitete...dunno =o) i naravno da bi samo pretezhak kreten mogao da umisli da ijedna kampanja SCa mozhe da se pretochi u celovechernji film, kamoli cela igra =o)) odrednjene misije sa druge strane...verovatno =o)
  9. pearl harbour ofc sirota kate beckinsale imala napukle 2 kosti u desnom stopalu zbog glupih stolica na sklapanje! denied!
  10. naravno da je f4:2, novi fantastic four film...a clNicky je chobos...i to je "naravno" isto no da nastavimo sa filmskim vestima malo opet a? za pochetak, nava novih filmva po igrama, crtanim filmovima i ostalim nama dragim stvarima =o) tako imamo producenta John Davisa iz FOXa (chobana odgovornog za eragona, norbita i garfilda2) koji skuplja ekipu koja ce da napravi folim po? tako je, Simsima, jer svi znamo da su simsi puni lorea i interesantnih pricha...ako ovo ne bude o liku koji je glumeci dominu u simsima zgrnuo bolesne pare film ce da bude shitina...atm genije koji je pisao scarry movie 3 pishe scenario.. mnogo vishe obetjava film po BRoken Sword serijalu, to verovatno nece da suxoruje, pogotovo sto producenti jure scenariste i rezhisere filmova tipa Harry Potter, Casino Royale i X-Men (ovde verovatno scenaristi jer singer nema boga ovo da rezhira =o)) dalje, sad kad su zavrshili Pirate sa kariba (iako ih studio cima da snimaju 4. deo vec) Jerry Bruckheimer i Gore Verbinski su se okrenuli filmu po crtanoj seriji The Lone Ranger. sounds good keemo-sabe =o) a kad smo vec kod filmova po crtanim serijama, radi se i na novom filmu po MAstersima (radni naslov He-Man), scenarista Justin Marks sem ovoga, pisatje i VOLTRONA (ZOMFG!) i novog Street Fightera, blago njemu, mrzetje ga tako shirok krug geekova =o)) also, josh jedan film po igri - Onimusha (u kom tjemo mozhda konachno saznati ko je taj on sto im je usha? ;oP(for humorously challenged, da, znam da je u pitanju japanska rech za demonskog ratnika)) je u pripremi za snimanje, rezhija - Christophe Gans (Pakt Vukova (a ne sa "vukovima" djbmmjkubzhju domacim prevodiocima...)) snimanje pochinje sledeceg februara, planiran rel' date decembar 2009 on a lighter note - sacha baron cohen ne miruje vec snima dugometrazhni film u kom je glavni protagonista njegov treci alter ego - austrijski gej novinar Bruno! (da, onaj lik iz slavnog clipa kad na spring brakeu nagovara ong rvacha da skine tjega i onda da pozdravi gayTV =o)) i za kraj - Indy4... here be spoilorz!
  11. novi trejler http://media.movies.ign.com/media/568/568421/vids_1.html i http://www.chevyautobot.com/ net igra da napravite svog autobota, chevrolet ko novi bumblebee naravno =o)
  12. "skidanje" nije kad potroshish 90 sec zimedju pochetka napda na 2 moba. mob mora biti ubiven za 20-40 sec i u sledecih 15 vec da napadnesh drugog ako ne zhelish da te respawn poklopi, also, koji si ti to cloth kada ne uspevash da pulujesh moba ka sebi vec idesh ka ostalim, neprijateljski raspolozhenim mobovima? =o)) zato je lepo bolje klati 3-4 komada 1 nivo ispod sebe nego jednog x nivoa iznad pa to da traje preko 1 minut... =o)
  13. muvash ribe u rachunskom centru na tychusa a? ;oP
  14. Kole

    drugi svetski rat šbbkbb

    mislim da ne bi bilo korektno od mene ka tebi da ti ubacim romela sad u nekompletnu prichu o brodovima, stvarno... ;o)
  15. davno bilo kad je kole aktivno uchio fiziku... al recimo da ima veze sa viskoznoshtju same zhive u tankoj cevchici, da je cev shira vratilo bi se samo no ovako nemere =o)
  16. ko gine u westfalu pre drugog rudnika sa defias magovima ne radi nesto kako treba a ko umire od dejzovanja igra neki cloth teshki... lfg is your friend ;o)
  17. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_poisoning
  18. jel bre dzhanki jel tebi brat crnogorac? =o) tek sad sam skapirao da je ovo kolA, zapravo akuzativ, al na CG nachin =o) a maki ne budi zhena, realno je greh igrati jedno bez drugoga, sta je 3 dana vishe ;oP
  19. yaaay dzhankiii! jesi dobio kibernetsku ruku ko neka od brojnih ikona pop kulture ili su ti opravili verziju 1.0? ;o))
  20. interesantno je koliko se shrek bolje odrzhao u bioskopima pod udarom novog blokbastera nego spiderman, (50mill za shreka za opening pirata cs 20 mil spajdija vs shrek) dodatni bonus i za pirate i za shreka je sto sledece nedelje "nema" premijera jakih filmova tj triler sa kevinim kostnerom, komedija sa kathy heigl i melodrama sa autobiografskim elementima ranog zhivota elizaberh shue realno nisu protivnik ni za jedan od 3 veliak filma, ono sto bi eventualno bilo problem, daywatch koji krece u usa, kretje u 5 velikih gradova i jednostavno nece imati dovoljno sala za ikakve ozbiljnije brojke... al zato vec za 2 vikenda show program - ocean's 13, hostel 2 i surf's up (ono sa cgi pinginima sto surfuju ;oD), ako pirati i shrek izdrzhe to onda im ovogodishnja zarada bukvalno zavisi od toga koliko dobar/losh je f4:2, jer pre DH4 nemaju nikakvu ozbiljnu konkureciju =o) interesancija je sto dh4 ima strashno loshe uslove za relase, em sto krece paralelno sa najnovijim pixarovim filmom, em sto 7 dana kasnije krecu transformersi (zomg srbo optimus je gay stavi megatrona, starskrima il blackouta ;o)) em 14 dana kasnije hari faking ploter (koji do kraja jula i simpsonovih pak nema nikakvu konkurenciju, lajk dablju ti ef mejt?)
  21. pa bolje shorc nego tjega koje sasha baron cohen nosi u boratu(kojima kjoot vec neko vreme preti) =o)) edit in response to the post below: to da vidish pa ZBOG TOGA da umresh ;o))
  22. Brus je chovek sa tako genijalnim momentima da zbog njegovih 2 onscreen minuta choveku ne bude zhao sto je gledao djubre kalibra spajdoman 3, bubba je extra film breJ =o)
  23. pravilan naslov ovog topica treba da bude "natrijum benzoat utiche na funkciju mitohondrijalne DNK", takodje ne bi bilo loshe da je preveden na srpski sa sve boldovima na odgovarajucim mestima, chisto u cilju izbegavanja prosvetljenih komentara tipa ovog iznad...
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