This game is a mixed bag with a lot of future potential. In the initial release, it runs smoothly and is absolutely gorgeous. Watching a sunrise over a planet, seeing the stars in the background change position as you jump system to system and dropping out of hyperspace for the first time are all incredible. This game gets a 10/10 for visuals and sound alike. The game runs smoothly too and isn't nearly the resource hog star citizen is. But all that beauty is only skin deep. Content wise, very little is going on here at the moment. Imagine eve online without any multiplayer or combat missions. You could mine, belt rat, trade and do courier missions, but that would get old fast. And yes, I said no multiplayer. This is the first "massively multiplayer online game" that is completely devoid of any practical multiplayer. Grouping with friends is glitchy and not at all user friendly. Most people wouldn't even consider it grouping, you have to be a talented lawyer twisting words around to make it mean that. Chat is equally weak, it's restricted to targeting another player with your weapons and hailing them. The end. With all that said, the game is fun for many hours. It's a big galaxy and mastering combat does take a bit of skill. This is no dice roll game. You can reasonably kill the biggest ships in the game with a starter ship if you know your stuff. But you do have to know it, this isn't skyrim where everybody wins all the time. So yeah, there is a solid foundation to build on. I'd rate this game as average (for a single player title) for now. But even if you decide to pass, keep an eye on it. With some proper multiplayer support and a bit more content, this game could be absolutely epic."