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Everything posted by ChemerBoy
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Version 0.1.56 -------------- General - I bet you were expecting 0.1.55. Surprise! No one expects the Spanish Inquisition! - Pre-Query filtering is now available to cut down on the number of servers pinged * This will help those who time out when pinging servers to avoid that problem - Fixed a large amount of spelling and grammatical errors in all tooltips - Game lobby chat now switches to team chat automatically once the hero select screen is displayed - Fixed the game lobby to show 10 players again (for real this time) - Fixed runes and some creeps disappearing when not synced correctly with the server - Significant server optimizations - Glyph to make buildings immune can now be bound to a key and now shows in the control selection interface by default instead of Patrol - Added a /time chat command to return the current system time/date of the users computer. - Added an /ignorechat or /ic chat command used to toggle ignoring team/all chat. * Note this only works for team/all chat in the lobby, hero select screen and in game, not whispers, IMs and other messages. - The anouncer sound for when a teammate picks up a rune should now be global - The water and tar in the Wells should now flow freely again - Fixed an issue with modifiers - Allow players to leave team during countdown, so they don't have to disconnect to stop it - Moved the Hellbourne Ancient creeps to stop them being pulled into the lane - Fixed stealth to break when an attack lands, not when you start the attack and cancel before the impact - Just so you know we made Quake 2 work on Windows 7 last night Items New Item: Plated Greaves - Requires Marchers, a Shield of the Five, and 200 gold recipe cost. 1503 total. - +70 Movement Speed - +3 all stats - +5 Armor - When used, gives +2 armor and 100% chance to block 10 attack damage to all allied units in a 450 radius for 30 seconds. 25 second cooldown. 25 mana to use. Enhanced Marchers - Renamed to Ghost Marchers - Ghost Marchers offer +24 damage, +70 movement speed, and when activated boost your movement speed by 10% for 6 seconds * Ghost Marchers have a 12 second cool down and also apply unit walking while active * Ghost Marchers once again dispel their active state upon ability usage - Recipe changed to require Marchers and two Punchdaggers (total cost unchanged) Steamboots - Steamboots now give +10 to a selected attribute and no longer provide a bonus to other attributes other than the selected one - Steamboots now give +25 attack speed - Steamboots movement speed lowered to 60 (from 75) - Recipe changed to require Marchers, Gloves of the Swift, and one of the 450g attribute items (Bolstering Armband, Fleetfeet, or Apprentice's Robe) Heroes Behemoth - Fixed Fissure to properly stun and do damage again - Fixed an issue causing the AoE stun from Heavyweight to occur at the location of Fissure's target Demented Shaman - The little guy learned to talk Scout - Vanish now has an upkeep mana cost of 2/3/4/5 per second, changed from 3 at all levels - Electric Eyes can no longer be placed within a 75 radius of trees * This is to prevent abusive placement resulting in a block of neutral spawns - Disarm now lasts 1 second, from 2 Soulstealer - Fixed Demon Hand's tooltip to be 150 instead of 100 * Demon Hand was doing the correct amount of damage, the tooltip was simply incorrect The Dark Lady - Dark Blades cool down reduced by 4 seconds at all levels (from 26/22/18/14 to 22/18/14/10) - Charging Strikes' attack speed buff now lasts 6 seconds, increased from 5 - Cover of Darkness now costs 75 mana at all levels (from 50/100/150) Wild Soul - Fixed Rabid with Synergy tooltip when it is level 4 Witch Slayer - Can now speak - Silver Bullet can no longer be avoided by going invisible as the projectile is in midair
Version 0.1.51 ------------- General - A new spectator interface awaits those who like to watch ( ) - Banning draft now has a wait time before and after the banning phase - A kick vote can now only be called by teammates and must be unanimous to pass (needs 9/10 in a full game) - Fix the 'popping' of heroes on the minimap when they enter or exit stealth - Right clicking a friendly unit issues a follow_guard command, attacking enemies near the target unit - Remake now disbands the game. No stats are recorded. This is a temp fix to some other remake issues until we resolve them. - Post Game Stats Screen tweaked slightly * K/D/A column will no longer cut off longer numbers * Should no longer display 0's when a team concedes * Can now sort by column by clicking the column name General (Gameplay) - Victory or Defeat arcade text and announcer yell now plays when a team concedes - Can no longer give illusions items - Shops now have all items hotkeyed - Lifetime should now show up for allied gadgets - Several heroes now have enhanced visual effects when they hold a Staff of the Master * Done so far: Thunderbringer, Magmus, Swiftblade, Moon Queen, Nymphora, Pyromancer,Plague Rider Items - Fixed Behemoth's Heart to increase the damage of Agility heroes by 10% instead of 21% - Barrier Idol's passive effect no longer stays around forever - Doombringer should now clear ownership when someone holding it dies. For real this time. I'm serious... - Assassin's Shroud now breaks stealth when a spell finishes casting, not when it starts Control Group/Hero Selection Changes - Control groups of multiple units tweaked slightly including better sight of which unit is selected - Using a bound hotkey or clicking the hero portrait now selects the hero even when dead - Control groups save and restore the current focused unit - Ctrl now issues orders only to the focused unit - Fix the unit lifetime timer blocking the main control portrait - Shift+click on the multi-select panel deselects (right-click always did, now both do) - No info panels when drag selecting for clarity - Attack and move orders to groups of units no longer interrupts channeling - Illusions of a unit no longer count as the same unit type when double-click selecting New Hero - Corrupted Disciple, inspired by DotA's Razor Heroes Devourer: - Devour's max channel range increased to 400 (from 260) Maliken: - Sword Throw projectile speed decreased to 700 (from 800) - Life Essence will no longer heal Maliken when attacking structures - Possession no longer lowers maliken's attack cool down time (previously it lowered from 1.7 seconds to 1.4) - Possession mana cost increased to 150 (from 100) Pandamonium: - Cannonball no longer deals extra damage in a 400 radius. Instead, only units within stun range (200 radius) are damaged. Total damage dealt remains the same. Puppetmaster: - Whiplash's bonus damage is now dealt via a critical strike * This prevents it from stacking with other critical strike items. Note that you have multiple critical strike sources that proc on the same attack, you will automatically use your most powerful critical strike. Rampage - Stampede should no longer randomly drop vision on the charged target - Horned Strike's push now destroys trees - Casting Favor of Sol no longer stuns Rampage for a second Scout: - Disarm's bonus damage is now dealt via a critical strike * This prevents it from stacking with other critical strike items. Note that you have multiple critical strike sources that proc on the same attack, you will automatically use your most powerful critical strike. Swiftblade: - Counterattack can no longer proc of spells Vindicator: - Sage's Lore is no longer removable by Attack Abilities Wretched Hag - Flash of Darkness is now 800,900,1000,1150 range (from 700,850,1000,1150) - Bat Blast will now apply Haunt's Haunted state when cast. The strength of the Haunted state depends on the level of Haunt.
Klip je do jaja, al su fore sa Chak Norisom bile old jos 2005e.
Gde je nestao My Assistant :(( Ili sam ja slep... I dajte neku alternativu skinu - oslepo sam
Sve sto je doolio rekao je tacno.
Uzmi dust 150g ili ward 200g - POBEDA Ili biraj pestilence - NEVEROJATNO
FRP nije srpski izum (lol), koristi se i na zapadu samo redje nego rpg jer rpg vise obuhvata. Ako ti nije frka da sacekas malo, na sajmu knjiga mozes da uzmes na komad, nesto su smesno jeftine. A ovako - Sigil , hobby store, eventualno taj white dragon...
Dobro si nam rekao, posto mi ne igramo :)
» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Ne mogu da se setim s kim tacno pricas tu gde se trenira, sa nekim od novice-a cini mi se , al ti kazu da mozes da ga napijes, onda nadjes lika koji cisti izmet od svinja, i on ti da magewine pod uslovom da mu nadjes nekog ko ce da ga zameni u poslu (odma ti da vino al kao da mu kasnije nadjes nekog, tako da zapravo ne mora nista da se radi osim da se prica s njim), onda odes do blacksmitha i trazis mu najgori mac ikad. Pricas sa masterom, sejvujes pre toga, dijalog se grana par puta , ako pogresis odete da se bijete pre nego sto se napije, a ako sve prodje kako treba - napije se i jos mu das mach koji radi nesto 5 dmg po udarcu, i onda je laganica.
Vi sto se se tukli 20 godina sa masterom, jeste ga napili pre toga i promenili mu mac? onda je mnogo lakse :)
lol pa taj spell imas da nadjes na sto mesta...
Meni je mega, rekao sam i prvi put kad je bilo postovano, vrhunski je sve , nego su ljudi u nas piglu kao tocilo :D
Goblini inace spadaju u lol/neozbiljne timove, ljudi igraju s njima samo ako oce dodatni izazov al u principu ne mogu da pariraju default timovima.,,
Pa i ovde ide sve automatski, koristi se java klijent. S tim sto imas sve timove , njih ~ 20 i igra brdo ljudi :) Ma zajebavam se, hteo sam samo malo da izreklamiram fumbbl Also, sta je ovo Doolio editovao :D
topic "slepac vodi slepca" :3 pc verzija BB je gay. Za prave muskarce je http://fumbbl.com/
Zato ja jos uvek nisam gledao ni 2girls1cup a kamoli nesto ovog tipa :] What is seen can not be unseen.
Da, to je Sigil, mislio da sam da je poznatija radnja...
Naravno, Talisman je u principu debilna igra , ali ima kul vajb, moze da igra dosta igraca, i nije zamorna, dok se god ne shvata preozbiljno :]
Igra koja bi savrsena odgovarala tome sto zelis Doolio je Talisman, poslednja edicija, mislim da je malo jaca cena 4-5k, al ono nema previse razmisljanja, tabla i elementi su prelepi, ima svako svog lika idete budzite se, ubijate jedni druge, milina. http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_minisite.asp?eidm=29 Ne bi da miniram oglas, al Decent bi te smorio brzo, i ima brdo expanzija koje su neophodne da bi igra bila/postala/ostala iole zanimljiva... @Riziko prica bolje igrajte Axis&Allies batalite debilni riziko :D
Kolko ja znam resetuje se cela statistika...
Koje ostalo?
jok, ja igram sa 3 razlicita accounta naizmenicno, psr mi nije uopce bitan :) gz na 2000, al ono ne bi se cimao za to nikad, pogotovo sto pada stats reset po zavrsetku bete...
How do you kill that which has no life?