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Everything posted by ChemerBoy

  1. Eo pitaj mene sta god te interesuje imam tipa 20 board gejmova i igrao sam tipa sve sto postoji :D 2-5 igraca fantasy pew pew: Talisman : http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/27627/talisman-fourth-edition Prilicno jednostavna igra al zabavna i moze u brdo igraca i ima gomilu expanzija. Ides naokolo po tabli nailazi na radom encountere - monsere, opremu itd budzis dok ne o jacas da napredujes blize centru table gde je crown of command do kog treba doci da bi pobedio. Doduse rekao si da treba da se razmislja ovde nema toga previse :D Runebound : http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/21523/runebound-second-edition Slucno ovom gore sam nesto kompleksnije. Descent: http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/17226/descent-journeys-in-the-dark Dungeon crawl tip igre, jedan igra overseer-a (il kako se vec zove) koji spawnuje monstere i sranja, ostatak vodi ekipu likova koji idu dublje u dungeon pritom se mlateci sa tim istim monsterima i budzeci se. Isto ima milijardu expanzija. Middle Earth Quest: http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/31563/middle-earth-quest Desava se u Tolkienovom Middle Earth-u izmedju Hobita i LotR-a po timeline-u, opet jedan igrac vodi negativce, ostali se ganjaju po mapi rade questove i budze se , igra je semi co-op. Vidim neko pomenu Arkham Horror, to sam igrao toliko puta da vise ne mogu da ga vidim ocima :D Prvo igra je potpuni co-op, znaci vi protvi igre. Drugo skupa je sama po sebi plus ima gomile expanzija. Igraci igraju investigatore u Lovecraft themed svetu, svaku partiju se random vuce jedan od bogova protvi kog se borite, naravno jedan od njih je i Cthulhu. Jurite po gradu zatvarate kapije koje se random otvaraju po gradu iz kojih izlaze monsteri. Ako ne zatvorite dovoljan broj kapija na vreme, morate da se borite sa samim bogom. U medjuvremenu posecujete gomile lokacija po mapi na kojima ima pun kurac stvari koje mogu da se dese jer svaka lokacija ima zaseban deck karata iz kojis se vuku encounteri za samu lokaciju. http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/15987/arkham-horror
  2. Dobro ja sam se naravno zajebavao malo, al globalno gledano Z u PvZu ima 60% win rate od zadnjeg patcha, toss je u velikim govnima. Jedina varijanta koja pali trenutno je mass blink stalker rush ako on ide FE, al ono ako cu da igram stalno jedan te isti build jebo ti to. Dovljno je pogledati koliko je proslo P-ova za GSL 3 , ne secam se tacno cifara al tipa 10-15%
  3. Prvi put cujem da Zerg izgubi od Protossa edit: evo sad sam odgledao replay, nisi imao spojen creep ni ismedju glavne i expoa, to ti je vec prva greska, drugo dok se on massovao trebao si da napravis par roacheva lingova i da mu srusis backdoor i onda kad on krene da pushuje ti prodjes kroz backdoor i tako ga drzis u bazi da kupis sebi vreme za mute ili hydre. Ako sve to omane uvek mozes ubudece da radis 7 roach rush kao svaki drugi Zerg i da imas 90% win rate protiv P.
  4. Najbolji klip koji cete videti danas: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yp6cB7BGj48
  5. Hitler je u pravu sve sto je rekao, ranije ga nisam nesto gotivio, al sad mi se cini kao pametan covek
  6. Samo da ne budu majce ko prosle godine za ljude sa sa uskim vratovima i rukama ko butinama, svaki put kad obucem neku ocu da se zadavim :D
  7. Isto je. Posto je veci rate of fire dmg upgrade ti daje dosta veci dmg nego ranije, ali isto tako protivnikov armor ima veci uticaj nego ranije, tako da je isto.
  8. Jedva cekam release da imbecili i soc slucajevi prestanu da igraju.
  9. Nije Ru, nego RUS??? )))))) nabino
  10. Ne postavljajte vise ovde requestove za keyjeve, ima tema za to.
  11. Ako je pharaoh dosadan onda fijuuuuuu
  12. Version 0.1.65 -------------- General - Significant Lane Creep AI changes * These all involve the assist trigger that causes the creeps to aggro you when you attack an enemy hero: 1. When a hero causes the assist trigger to go off, there is a 200ms delay before the creeps will turn and come at you 2. Creeps will chase for exactly 1600ms (down from 1800ms) 3. If a creep is in the middle of an attack animation but has not hit its attack impact point (600ms), it will de-aggro and stop its attack as long as you are out of it's short melee range * AKA: Creeps will not finish attacks they start on you if they hit the end of the trigger 4. A creep must deal damage before it can be called by the assist trigger again * This means if you tug, they must turn around and actually deal damage to a unit before it can chase again 5. You must be within 600 units of an enemy hero to cause the assist trigger to go off - Added a stringtable entry for Meatball - Updated the ramps to be better - Fixed a bunch of inconsistent in game messages that showing the incorrect killer/victim colors * Legion is now Red and Hellbourne is now Green - Kongor now has unitwalking by default * This fixes the exploits that caused him to be trapped in his lair - Updated Russian Stringtables - Added a Patch Notes button in place of the Create Account button on the main screen * This was a Mod, thanks to Thread 65344 and Sephinator - vid_meshGPUDeform false now works (only for openGL) - Fixed a bug where the "No Leaver" flag wasn't reset at the end of matches * This was causing players to see a message saying they were unable to join a game because they had too many leaves when selecting a server that was previously setup with the "No Leaver" game option. - Fixed the Pre-Query Filter button so it saves it's settings again - Added an "Official" icon to the game lobby when games are official - Updated "Invite to game" functionality to display all relevant game information Items (4) Barbed Armor - Fixed to actually return 80% damage (was returning 75%) Sacrificial Stone - Gains 25 health per charge - Gains .25 health regen per charge Portal Key - Cooldown lowered by 4 seconds Puzzlebox - Recipe now has a stock of 3 to start, with a recharge time of 10 minutes per recipe Heroes (6) Blacksmith - Slow on Flaming Hammer increased to 15,20,25,30 (from 10,15,20,25) - Flaming Hammer lowers magic armor by 2,3,4,5 of anyone it is on - Frenzy buff gives 7,14,21,28% cast speed as well Darklady - Updated effects for all abilities. Now darker! Madman - -25% Movespeed for 2 seconds after Stalk ends Moon Queen - Multi-Strike, when toggled on, will now only bounce attacks to other visible enemy heroes when the primary target is also a hero Pollywog Priest - Morph changed to instant cast time (from 300) - Voodoo Wards re-arranged to make trapping slightly easier (a hole in the middle, naturally) Vindicator - You can now deny people under the effect of Sage's Lore
  13. Version 0.1.64 -------------- - Fixed the crash that happened when you have a mod installed - Fixed the Hellbourne Meatball building so it cannot be attacked by the Hellbourne Version 0.1.63 -------------- General - REPLAYS! * Due to a technical hurdle(and us getting a new giant FTP to store these things), replays will not be able to be downloaded from past versions. All replays from this version forward will always work (backwards compatible!) and you can download any of them through the Match Stats panel when online. * "It's like a time machine, you can only go back to when it was first created, no further." - Added ramp models to show where the ramps are more clearly on Caldavar - Added ingame loading tips - Added a delay between hero voice responses for move, attack and select sounds. (default 3 seconds) - Volume tweaks on a lot of heroes and abilities - Endless sound tweaks to heroes and impacts - New music track - Bajillidan tooltip fixes - Fixed Ranged Super Creep health - Added a lot (like 12-15) new LODs for lower end systems - /gameinfo now returns "Other Options: None" if there are none, previously it just showed "Other Options:" - Changed the creep gold for supercreeps to 1/2 the gold of normal creeps - Added a team message when a walking or flying courier is purchased by a team member - Added a team message indicating when a team member buys back - Added a new customized Legion/Hellbourne message and alert ping indicating when a melee/ranged barracks is destroyed - Added a fence in the forest to stop ancient creep pulling on the Hellbourne side - Player disconnects and player timeouts are now differentiated to the server - Tweaked Purge Creep AI so it doesn't purge creeps anymore, just heroes that are close to it - War Beast's Wolves, Tempest's Elementals, and Puzzlebox Minions are now Summoned units and will be hurt by Purge effects - Fixed the tooltip for locking someone because it said "star" instead of "icon" - Fixed an issue with the Health/Manabar tooltip in the options window - Added a new Hellbourne building to the base - Fixed the Kongor exploit spot because of a prop - French stringtables updated (Thanks to Magissia) - Fixed a significant exploit with map fog - Kongor now gets the ability to run through buildings, trees, and cliffs to return home. * This fixes many many issues with him getting stuck in weird places. - Kongor can no longer attack towers - Added a new jukespot in the Hellbourne jungle - Fixed the Antlore Healers from acting insane - Added occlude to the following. This stops the effects from playing in fog: * Andromeda's Void Rip * Behemoth's Heavyweight and Enrage * Chronos' Time Leap * Deadwood's Rotten Grasp and Tree Throw * Defiler's Silence * Demented Shaman's Storm Cloud * Devourer's Hook * Forsaken Archer's Volley * Glacius' Tundra Blase and Downpour * Hellbringer's Summon Malphas * Magmus' Lava Surge and Volcanic Touch and Eruption * Nymphora's Pod * Pestilence's Impale * Plague Rider's Plague Carrier * Torturer's Chain Reaction * Valkyrie's Leap * Vindicator's Sage's Lore * Voodoo's Cursed Ground * War Beast's Metamorphisis * Portal Key * Kongor death effect - Art tweaks: * Accursed's attack, cast effects, and cast impacts * Armadon's knockdown redone * Chronos' attacks cleaned up * Corrupted Disciple's new death and texture enhancements * Dark Lady's animations redone * Deadwood's ultimate effects sharpened * Demented Shaman's Entangle art * Forsaken Archer's run animation and textures on her mount * Jeraziah's ultimate is toned down * Madman's attacks cleaned up * Nymphora's run, idle and portrait fixes * Ophelia's run redone and cast animations * Pandamonium's new death * Predator gets an updated model * Rampage's run/charge difference cleaned up * Scout's electric eye and ultimate effects cleaned up * Slither's bored animation and ultimate clarity * Tempest's taunt redone * Thunderbringer's attack animation * Vindicator's death cleaned up and attacks smoothed * Warbeast's walk animation - Added a new game option to the interface panel that allows players to toggle displaying timestamps in game chat - When in the game lobby or hero select screens, pressing shift while entering chat now updates the chat type button to display the opposite chat mode the message will be sent to - Added a "No Leavers" icon to the game lobby to indicate if a game is "No Leavers" or not * Updated /gameinfo to show this information as well - Fixed an issue where players were shown a "unable to join due to leave % being too high" and unable to reconnect to games they were previously disconnected from - /dnd now blocks incoming messages sent from buddies using the "/buddy message" command - /afk and /dnd status is now automatically removed and set to /available when sending a /whisper - When switching between /afk and /dnd as long as a message is specified it will now switch or update your status accordingly, instead of removing your status and toggling to /available - /roll # now defaults to a roll between 1 and # - Fixed a bug where the percentage of leaves in the game lobby didn't match the percentage of leaves in the view stats interface - Fixed a crash caused by using the /matchup (/ma) command when in the hero select screen. /matchup is now only available for use during pre-match, active and end game phases - Added a /ping command players can use in game to show their current ping - Added a "Disconnect" button to the loading screen for cases when a player wishes to exit out before they have finished loading - Updated match stats info screen to show the colors of the players - Updated match replays web page to display correct icons for auto balanced game option and banning draft mode - Added new color in chat support for each of the player colors: * Blue ^!b * Teal ^!t * Purple ^!p * Yellow ^!y * Orange ^!o * Pink ^!i * Gray ^!v * LightBlue ^!l * DarkGreen ^!g * Brown ^!n * Orange(Different Orange) ^o * Brown(Different Brown) ^n * Purple(Different Purple) ^p * Teal(Different Teal) ^t - Spectator fixes: * Creep kill popup * Fixes for popup message and pings * Fix typo in spectator interface * Fix channel and mana upkeep on info selection tooltips * Camera centering and locking for spectators works using both info and control binds (C and V) * Tab cycles heroes in spectator mode * Fix double and triple ability buttons on the spectator interface * Various other tweaks * Hooked up z key chat history support - Removed Christmas effects (Except the lights on the Legion tree. Because some people keep those up for a while. You know people like that I'm sure...) For modders: - Added new UI_CMD(GetColorFromPosition) that returns the appropriate color from a given client/player position. - Added a new CMD LocalChat that can be used to display chat messages in game (on the local client only). * This will be useful for mods that print out information to the screen without having to going through an interface and for those that don't want to send information to the screen with TeamChat or AllChat (rune spawn or player spawn reminders to name a few) Items (17) Barbed Armor - Cooldown increased to 20 seconds (from 15) - Damage returned lowered to 80% (from 100%) Courier (Flying) - Bounty increased to 300 Firebrand - Rebalanced and takes Quickblade and Bolstering Armband * 6 Str * 15 Agi * 10% Movespeed * 15 Attackspeed * 950 Recipe * 2400 Total Frostburn - Stats rebalance * 21 Str * 21 Agi * 10 Damage * 14% Movespeed * 25 Attackspeed * Slow changed to 15%, down from 20% (slow now lasts 2.5 seconds, down from 3) Frostwolf - Same components but 200 recipe cost, 5900 total - The slow lasts 3 seconds and is applied on both single target spellcast and attack Harkons Blade - Manacost per attack reduced to 50 from 100 - Recipe cost lowered from 725 to 500 Helm of the Black Legion - Block value when on a ranged hero reduced to 20 * Brings this item in line with the other two deflection items Icebrand - Rebalance and takes Mighty Blade and Fleetfeet * 15 Str * 6 Agi * 10 Damage * Frost (15%, 1.5 second duration, down from 3) * 950 Recipe * 2400 Total Geometers Bane - -5 int - Recipe cost lowered by 100 Mana Battery - Health returned per charge lowered to 12, from 15. Mana returned stays the same Mana Potion - Fixed a typo Ghost Marchers - Casting a spell or using an item no longer dispels the Phased effect - Phased buff improved to 12% (from 10%) Nullfire Blade - Damage from the mana burned changed to 100%, from 80% Power Supply - Recipe cost changed to 290 from 203 Puzzlebox - Recipe cost increased by 100 - Melee Minion will now return the proper damage on death (200,400,600 True damage) - Added a proper name to the Haste Aura for Ranged Minion Restoration Stone - Now refreshes all items except other Restoration Stones and Shrunken Head Tablet of Command - Fixed it from leaving behind an invisible gadget that can block creep spawns Heroes (42) * Yes... 42. The answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything lies in the number of heroes we are changing. Think about it... Accursed - Range of Shield lowered to 400 - Shield will no longer dispel stuns - Range of Cauterize increased to 750 Andromeda - Aurora debuff duration increased from 15 to 20s Arachna - Spider will no longer spawn if she dies while it is in midair Armadon - Spine Burst debuff increased from 10s to 13s - Armordillo's Spine Burst damage point reduced from 250 to 200 Behemoth - Fissure no longer freaks out when you target yourself Blacksmith - Added mushroom cloud explosion for when a 4x Multicast goes off - +2 Base Intelligence - +0.2 Intelligence Gain Corrupted Disciple - Base strength lowered from 21 to 19 - Movespeed lowered by 5 - Corrupted Conduit now grants vision around the target (800 AOE) as long as they stay in range/is draining damage - Fixed Electric Tide from not doing damage on the return if killed while it is active Deadwood - Armor reduction from 2,3,4,5 to 1,2,3,4 when in Rotten Grasp - Very short cast time on Rotten Grasp so an animation plays - Initial slow from throwing a Log reduced to 60% (from 80%) - Deadwood's Log is now consumed when the throw is blocked by Nullstone - Deadwood can no longer throw a Log at Couriers - Willowmaker can no longer target the ground Defiler - Fixed bug allowing players to control the spirits of Unholy Expulsion Demented Shaman - Fixed Storm Cloud to properly highlight just heroes in the targeting circle - Fixed Storm Cloud to properly gain a radius increase with staff of the master Devourer - Hook range is now the same across all levels (1100) - Hook now returns to the devourer if he moves (Think Maliken's Sword) - Hook can now only drag a unit a max of 1440 units Engineer - Cooldown of The Keg increased to 14s base - Shield will now properly dispels buffs when someone leaves the area (It was dispelling debuffs before, which was incorrect) - Tinker reworked Quote: Passive: Decrease cooldown and manacost of The Keg by -7/14/21/28% Active: Range: 450 Mana Cost: 25 Cooldown: 15.0 Seconds Duration: 15.0 Seconds No longer channeling Towers +/- 10/20/30/40 Attack Speed +/- 3/5/7/9 Armor Catapults +/- 10/20/30/40 Attack Speed +/- 20/40/60/80% damage - 66% damage taken for allies Blows up enemy catapults at end of the debuff if they are still alive Steam Turret + 10/20/30/40 Damage Forsaken Archer - Base Agility lowered by 1 - Attack projectile speed slowed down from 1200 to 1050 - Fixed Split Fire so it reduces damage correctly - DoT from Skeletons lowered to 4/8/12/16 - Piercing Arrows has the damage it does reduced based on the targets it hits. 10% per target in the line Glacius - Ice Imprisonment can now be cast on allies, immobilizing them but reducing all damage they take by 20,40,60,80% for the duration Hammerstorm - Galvanize cast time removed Hellbringer - Fixed the hilarious tooltip bug (Unholy Shackles was named Unholy Sfles) - 10,20,30,40% on the health from Life Void - Boil now 'chains' to 1,2,3,4 nearby targets (so 2,3,4,5 total hit by it) and applies the boil to all of them instantly. Numbers stay the same - Fixed a bug that was causing Boil, when refreshed and re-cast on a target that already had the debuff, to continue to scale up its damage over the renewed length of the debuff. Instead, after the DoT ticks for 80 damage it will reset back to 10 damage and start increasing again Jeraziah - Added the cast time back on Sol's Blessing (.5 seconds) Kraken - No longer runs in place after charging (but he did look hilarious) Legionnaire - Decapitate cast point lowered from 330 to 300 Madman - Stalk cooldown +1s at all levels - Invulnerability from Barrel Roll removed Magebane - Flash cooldown now at 12/10/8/6 (+1 second at levels 2,3,4) Magmus - Invulnerability from Lava Surge removed Moon Queen - +2 Base Strength - +0.2 Strength Gain - +2 base int - +5 base damage - Moon Finale no longer requires points in Moon Beam - Multi-Strike is now a toggle ability that changes between bouncing to all units or just heroes Night Hound - When in his own Smoke Bomb, the Night Hound is ignored by creeps and towers - Night Hound cannot attack towers while in his own Smoke Bomb Nymphora - Fixed her correctly having effects bones (oops...) - Increased base strength by 2 - Base damage changed from 38-49 to 45-52 - Cast range of Pod increased to 750 - Nymphora's Zeal now returns to her as she runs (Think Maliken's Sword) - She gains charges for attackspeed/movespeed as Nymphora's Zeal hits enemies, not on it's death - Grace of the Nymph now restores the mana over 4 seconds instead of instantly. Mana return dispels on damage Ophelia - Level 4 Command now grants controlled units 4 Magic Armor Pandamonium - New death effect - .1 cast time added to Cannonball (.3 total). Flight time reduced to compensate - Cooldown of Face Smash changed to 120,100,80 Pebbles - Fixed Stalagmites duration to be 2 seconds instead of 1.75 Plague Rider - Fixed a typo with his tooltip for Extinguish Predator - Fixed a bug that was causing him to kill people while under the effects of Puppet Show Puppetmaster - Whiplash damage increase lowered to 5/10/15/20% Rampage - Stampede cooldown to 25s (from 40s) - Favor of Sol cooldown to 60s (from 75s) - Fixed order queue being cleared by a Horned Strike Sand Wraith - Dissipate damage changed to Magic damage (from True) Scout - Fixed toggling off Vanish giving charges to Mana Battery Slither - Attack Range increased by 50 - Anyone under the effects of the Toxicity have health regen disabled (40,60,80,100% health regen reduction) * Runes of the Blight changed to "healing" so that the Toxicity does not disable them - Poison Spray increased cast and effect range by 200, radius stays the same - Toxin Wards can now be laid in a 'burst' style with a long cooldown. (Think Panda's Flurry but with laying 3 wards in a short time) - Wards now have collision and slow poison (10%) again - Poison Burst is now un-removable - Now gains 3 seconds of clearvision around himself when using Poison Burst Soulstealer - Soul Burst debuff increased from 2 seconds to 5 seconds Swiftblade - Reduced Blade Frenzy cooldown from 30 to 30/28/26/24 - Swiftblade is no longer disarmed while spinning at level 4 of Blade Frenzy * This includes attacking anything like heroes and units while spinning - Blade Frenzy now dispels all buffs and debuffs on start - When Blade Frenzy is active at level 4, Swiftblade has -55 Attackspeed - Swiftblade has unitwalking when using Swift Slashes so he doesn't block people Thunderbringer - Attack animation impact point from 633 to 500 Torturer - Movement speed increased by 5 - Agonizing Bonds now pulls anyone hit by the chains towards the target of the chains, even while the target moves - Impalement will no longer hit gadgets or semi-pets Voodoo - +1 base armor Witch Slayer - Graveyard can now target allied units - Fixed a typo in his story Wretched Hag - Sonar Scream now hits invisible units and units in the fog - +5 base int, base damage stays the same
  14. Zhasu, kao da vec nema dovoljno retarda...
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