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The X
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Everything posted by absolute

  1. Jebem ti bre poso...umrecu od sekiracije do 30 godine...:( auf, chekaj, pa ja imam vise...:`( Gotov sam, u svakom slucaju...:`(
  2. Jao, sutra Medvedenko zatvara grad, a ja imam sudjenje u 3 sudu protiv Kurira...:( kapiram da cu da prepesacim pola grada do tamo, samo da bi rekli da je sudjenje odlozeno za februar...:(
  3. 10 more minutes, and then...so long suckers...hehe....its bowling day...:D
  4. Evo jednog interesantnog tekstica o musoliniju... Mussolini worked for MI5 agents Benito Mussolini may be among history's most notorious fascistdictators, but evidence suggests he worked for British secret servicesduring World War I. Historian Dr Peter Martland says MI5 records show it paid "Il Duce"£100 per week, about £5,000 today,to spread pro-war propaganda via hisnewspaper. The Cambridge University academic made the discovery while studying the papers of former agent Sir Samuel Hoare MP. However, Dr Martland believes Mussolini probably spent the cash on womanising. "Mussolini was the ace womaniser and of course, he's spent most of it on his women," he suggests. DrMartland said the payments were agreed in 1917, after Russia collapsedinto the Bolshevik revolution and Italy was "smashed" at the Battle ofCaporetto. Fearing the war would be lost, Britain sent a team of 100 intelligenceofficers to Italy to "stiffen the backbone" of its industrial workingclasses, he said. "These poor people are suffering in exactly the same way as theBritish working classes are; hyperinflation, food shortages and a pressthat is not necessarily pro-war," he said. Mussolini'ssocialist publication, Il Popolo d'Italia, carried a key voice becauseit served the factory workers of Milan whose output was essential forthe war effort, Dr Martland said. The tale came to light as the historian pored over 40,000 documents belonging to Sir Samuel. Aprominent Conservative, Sir Samuel would go on to become foreignsecretary almost two decades later and in 1935 signed the pact thatwould give Mussolini - by then a bloody dictator - control overAbyssinia, the country that is now Ethiopia. But back in 1917, said Dr Martland, the UK was pouring £4m per day into the war, so the sum paid to Mussolini was "petty cash". "It works. It's good value for money. At that point he was what the British needed," said Dr Martland. As for Il Duce's conversion from journalist to brutal fascist - "pure opportunism", the academic concluded.
  5. Lep dan za sljaku... Ugojio sam se zadnje 3-4 nedelje...povecao input, smanjio output...nesto se mora uciniti po tom pitanju...:)
  6. Cekaj, jel su doneli zakon o izmeni izmenjenog zakona o pasosima? :)
  7. Lucky > Dragan... "Draaggannneee....joj, ne radis ono sto sam ti reko....Draaaggaaanne..." :D
  8. Konacno odradio trcanje... u principu nije lose vreme, sad kad se vetar smirio, to jest... Laku noc...
  9. Ma dobar je forum skroz...bez zezanje...gg... :)
  10. E, drugari, treba pomoc... Treba da pazarim gejmerski racunar, desktop, do 800 EUR. Hvala unapred...
  11. Meni se svidja :D Dragance, mislim da ce ti bogovi prcanja ove godine biti naklonjeni...:D
  12. Malo sam ga pipnuo kroz dzep dok sam izlazio...:)
  13. :O Na rocistu se pojavila stranka koju sam zastupao po zamenickom punomocju...Visoka plava ololol....jos isla sa mnom i pripravnica da vidi kako izgleda rasprava... Osecao sam se lepo...:) A, i sudija mi nesto bila naklonjena...:) SSIKMIJ.... :D
  14. Evo na poslu... moram na neko rociste u 12 u Trgovinski...mrzim sud i sudije...:( Idemo....
  15. Ako je vodjen prekrsajni postupak, stize ti presuda sa popunjenom uplatinicom na kucnu adresu, samo treba da uplatis...za sve prekrsajne kazne... On topic...jos ne pada kisa...ima nade za moje trcanje.... [buck]
  16. Dovedi je u kanc kod mene...nije vam daleko...:D
  17. OMG bombice od lososa za macku...:o :o :ooooo Raspadam se od posla, vec mesecima... Veceras kisa, izgleda....znaci, nista od trcanja...:( Mozda nadjem rupu u oblaku :D Inace, super vikend...rostilj u prirodu, sport, izlasci...kao da sam 20-godisnjak...:) ...ali nisam :( Idem da zgutam plocicu od heljde, da mi bude lakse...:)
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