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The X
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Everything posted by Koma

  1. mozda sam gay al mi se ne svidja ova tijana !
  2. Brate koje crne gole zene mozes samo da vidis ove dve prljave seljanke sa kilo sminke kako se kikocu i pokazuju kolko su glupe. JEBEM IH U USTA DA IH JEBEM!!
  3. Ja ne znam zasto Murinjo forsira onog Bonatelija il kako se vec zove, on samo zna da se gica, dere, glumi nekog Klint Istvuda na onom terenu, majmun jedan! I Mancester osvaja, 100%, teska masinerija! :)) A TI VUCINICU IJOOOOOOOOJ :((
  4. Ne brate mi smo urbane face koje gledaju Battlestar Galacticu, filmove kao sto je Memento ili neko jebanje u mozak i kritikujemo dno drustva kao sto su oni koji prate doticni rijaliti shou.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7IUR_fFypI - sf muzika - tehno mama - nuklearni udar http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0J7p-6rMxI - ruke senke dza bu dios :D::O
  6. ja cu izgleda ici sam a imam kartu viska, mozemo da idemo zajedno???? znamo se dovoljno?????
  7. e pozzzzzz kili za koga navijas??
  8. Kako ovaj Canak jebe ovu Jelenu Zezelj u mozak hehehehhe
  9. Live-Action "Star Wars" Series Begins Casting During the press junket for "Knowing," actress Rose Byrne let slip that George Lucas is currently casting for his upcoming live-action "Star Wars" TV series. "A lot of my friends have been auditioning for it," she told MTV News. According to Lucas, the show will focus on minor characters from the saga and be set in the time period between "Revenge of the Sith" (Episode III) and the original "Star Wars" (Episode IV). The action will follow the Rebel Alliance as it slowly gains strength against the Empire. There will be Stormtroopers, but no Jedi or Darth DVader will appear on screen. As he did with the "Clone Wars" series, Lucas will write and shoot an entire year's worth of episodes before looking for a cable channel on which to air the series.
  10. Pirates of the Caribbean 4 Rumors of Russell Brand ("Forgetting Sarah Marshall") being involved in a fourth 'Pirates' film may not have been so unfounded after all. Brand tells Access Hollywood that "there’s been some talk of doing a Pirates movie...it’s a possibility", but his scheduled is packed so tight right now that he doesn't "know if there’ll be time to be a pirate." Rambo V The British tabloid The Sun is reporting that Sylvester Stallone is keen on getting Mickey Rourke to play the villain in an upcoming fifth "Rambo" feature. Ja mislim da bi Rambo V bio toliko banalan i jadan da bi samo izazvao sazaljenje kod publike. :(
  11. Bajern osvaja Ligu Sampiona!
  12. Jebale vas bre picke ovde je rec o kompjuterima i hardveru!
  13. Imamo 100 kila, onanisemo na jutarnje VB bicarke.. I igramo igrice! \o/
  14. Ljudi moji, sminkaju se u 10 sati. :DDD
  15. Koma


    http://www.b92.net/automobili/vesti.php?yy...p;nav_id=348601 Ajoooj kaki jeeee !!
  16. Koma


  17. Ja verujem da ce biti veoma jak line up ove godine, sav taj hype oko ''rodjendana'' me uverava da ce tako i biti. :)
  18. Ove godine, jubilej, bice lepooooo. :) Line up Karte skuplje nego prosle godine. :/ http://www.exitfest.org
  19. Cuti, ja jos ne verujem dokle je stigla ova tehnologija. ZAMISLI ON MENI POSALJI PAPIR IZ BEOGRADA U ARILJE JEBEM TI ZIVOT!!
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