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The X
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  1. Kupio bih nalog sa više max lvl likova.
  2. Prodajem nalog sa 677 ilvl warlockom na Kazzaku. 7/7HC, 1/7 Mythic. Karakter je boostovan, tako da osim geara i nema puno drugih stvari. Preko 40 followersa sa sređenim setupovima za apsolutno SVE misije od značaja sa 100% šansom za pobedu. Prvi sam i jedini vlasnik, kupac dobija ključeve i scanove pasoša. Na nalogu je i 150 000 golda. Nalog se prodaje sa ili bez golda, kako vam odgovara. Pretplata plaćena još 3 meseca, do 16. aprila. Ponude na PM ili 064 612 512 4
  3. Nadam se da ne moram da prevodim oglas :), sve u svemu prodajem ovo: As a first owner (with all data, keys etc.) I am selling my WoW+D3 with Expansion account. Game time expires in 52 days. Kazzak Horde: 90lvl Warlock 585ilv with 14/14HC achi 90lvl x 4 - Warrior, Hunter, Priest, Paladin ^chars have full professions range as they were used for owning the AH with crafted products Gold in cache: 20 000g Guilds (all guilds that are listed are mine and they don't have any players in them, mostly just guild master and some alt): Horde: lvl 3 guild with 6 bank tabs (with some mats that can be sold on AH or vendored for couple k gold) lvl 18 guild with 6 bank tabs and some Inks that can be sold or vendored lvl 11 guild with 6 bank tabs Alliance: lvl 1 guild with 6 bank tabs To summ up for Kazzak, only bank slots without items in them are worth: 37 400 gold --- Argent Dawn Alliance 85lvl x 7 - Death Knight, 2x Paladin, 3x mage, Warrior Guilds (all guilds that are listed are mine and they don't have any players in them, mostly just guild master and some alt): lvl 25 guild with 6 bank tabs with around 2 tabs of maths that could be sold lvl 25 guild with 7 bank tabs with some nice tradables like bags, gem bags, glyphs, inks lvl 1 guild with 6 bank tabs lvl 1 guild with 6 bank tabs with 2 tabs of inks lvl 1 guild with 6 bank tabs with 2 tabs of crappy raw gems good for vendoring only To summ up for Argent Dawn, only bank slots without items in them are worth: 56 750 gold --- Outland Alliance Gold in cache: 42 000g Guilds (all guilds that are listed are mine and they don't have any players in them, mostly just guild master and some alt): lvl 25 guild with 3 bank slots, one full with inks lvl 12 guild with 7 bank tabs, one full with herbs and ore lvl 1 guild with 7 bank tabs lvl 1 guild with 7 bank tabs LVL 1 guild with 7 bank tabs To summ up for Outland, only bank slots without items in them are worth: 78 250 gold --- Silvermoon Alliance 1 Death Knight lvl 80 Guilds (all guilds that are listed are mine and they don't have any players in them, mostly just guild master and some alt): lvl 25 guild with 6 bank tabs To summ up for Silvermoon, only bank slots without items in them are worth: 39 350 gold --- For whom is this account good? - for a raider - for a trader (insane amount of professions and guild banks for storage shuffling etc) Price is 130€ for that money you get chars, diablo, all the gold and guild banks that you can sell in no time and get more than this. Payment via Skrill (moneybookers) or Western Union. If you have trading reputation on forum I'll trade first, if you don't you trade first. For skype contact send me PM Za naše ljude plaćanje može postnetom, na račun ili kako vama odgovara. Lično u Nišu ili u sredu 16.10. u Beogradu.
  4. Znam, ali nije spreman da plati.
  5. Pa ne može takav. Najkasnije koji su nekog marta zaključani može.
  6. Ma da... kao što su ljudi to već prognozirali deset puta. WoW će gubiti pretplatnike, ali ni približno brzo kao što to ljudi zamišljaju, a definitivno će ostati dovoljno ljudi za opušteno rejdanje i zezanje do Titana.
  7. Ako nekome treba, neka se javi slobodno, dobije odmah. Takođe ako neko traži partnera za RAF levelovanje... ja mogu da ponudim rekrutment i neke fine poklone ako bi lvlovali zajedno.
  8. Bump. Trenutno se raida samo sredom, eventualno i četvrtak, pošto je content na farmu, ali se zato redovno skupljamo da deremo starije stvari i jurimo acivmente.
  9. Šta ću, ja sam izgleda još u 2005. ;-) Još jednom, hvala puno.
  10. THx za info. Sad sam ih "cimnuo" i skype mi uopšte nije tražio kintu, tako da kapiram da je free čak i preko skype-a.
  11. Dajte neki savet kako da najeftinije pozovem wow tehničku podršku? I koj mi broj savetujete od ovih: http://eu.blizzard.com/support/article.xml?locale=en_GB&articleId=23210&pageNumber=1&searchQuery=phone ?
  12. Hteo bih da se pridružim nekoj ekipi na Kazzaku, više da se zezamo nego da igramo, tako da bih kupio nalog sa likovima na Kazzaku. Nije toliko bitan gear/klasa, samo da ima nešto kolko tolko da ne levelujem od nule
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