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The X
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Everything posted by fatboy

  1. dragon ninja........ ili blackthorne.... btw ovaj Megasphere izgleda charobno :3
  2. hahahaha pobedio je :D btw, treba cackati sensitivity za mouse, isprobavati sa razlicitim sens, kada se dobro setuje lakse se fura brod........
  3. tnx, izvalih vec i to slucajno...... inace vidim da kod razlicitih brodova ljudi imaju iste ili slicne bagove....
  4. Esam ja lud ili u hangaru kad udjem u jebenog horneta ne mogu da izadjem iz istog na "F" (interact) kako sam i usao? Ladno sam morao da izadjem u main menu i udjem ponovo u jebeni hangar... Kolko vidim nisam jedini koji ima taj problem.. Probao sam i sa kombinacijom ALT i par tastera (eject fazon) al nista...
  5. ovaj je nesto drobio na tu temu Dule pa pogledaj...
  6. Hmmmmm.... Super Hornet ili Sabre, pitanje je sad................
  7. Super Hornet ili Sabre.... Dakle, mogu da uzmem paket sa Hornetom za 100e u ovom trenutku. Sa Horneta na Super Hornet upgrade je 44eur, a sa Horneta na Sabre upgrade je 48eur To je to jbg.....
  8. Krenuo i sale, govnari samo standalone ships naredjali, krv i smrt Robertsu! https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/15126-Holiday-Ship-Sale
  9. ne gledajte njegovu ponudu na KP vec ovde nadjite sta zelite: https://iponcomp.hr/ ...i onda mu samo na KP preko PM bacite URL za komponentu koja vas zanima da vam proveri aktuelnu cenu i to je to...
  10. Kako se do jaja pogodilo tj sinhronizovalo kretanje cice skroz desno koja je u jednom trenutku "nestala" iza ove debele a onda se pojavila levo ispred noce cice koja je uletela u kadar i pokrila njeno kretanje dodatno tako da je efekat prikrivanja bio jos duzhi
  11. "We're excited to announce that we've opened up 2.1.0 on the Public Test Universe (PTU) to all players!" Ovo je opciono i trebace dodatnih 30GBH prostora na hardu offc...... Obzirom da u januaru vec izlazi Alpha 2.2 ovo necu da skidam... https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/306826/2-1-0-published-to-ptu PA KAZE: Hangar ModuleAdditions:Ships The AEGIS Sabre is now hangar-ready!The new MISC Freelancer (base) model is is now available in the Hangar!Freelancer S4 Ballistic Cannons have been changed to the Tarantula GT-870 Mark 3EnvironmentA new lighting pass for Revel and York has begun.Fixes:Environment Fixed an issue with texture conflicts in the left and right expansion bays of Selfland.Fixed an issue where some untextured items would appear on the reflections inside the VFG Industrial Hangar.Fixed an issue where there was a faint pink-purple tinge in the VFG Industrial Hangar lighting.TechnicalFixed an issue where having all Constellation variants in the hangar at once would cause severe streaming issues.User InterfaceFixed an issue where the ladders in the VFG Industrial had no use prompts to descend them.Arena Commander Module:Additions:Gameplay Pilots can no longer exit ships in Arena Commander.Except for Free Flight mode, where pilots and crew can still exit their ships and EVA freely.Fixes:Gameplay Fixed an issue where decoupled mode could be activated while in Cruise mode.Fixed an issue where ship attachments (weapons and components) would not behave correctly when the ship was destroyed.Fixed an issue where the Battle Royale game mode would sometimes not end.Fixed an issue where players could get kicked from Vanduul Swarm for being idle while waiting to respawn.Fixed an issue where ejecting during self-destruct would allow players to bypass the respawn penalty.ShipsFixed an issue where the self-destruct of a ship would be canceled after ejecting or exiting the pilot chair.Fixed an issue where the P-52 Merlin could not respawn in Race mode.Fixed an issue where multiple ships had broken or incorrect damage states in multiplayer game mode.User InterfaceFixed an issue where Vanduul ships weapons were not being displayed in the OVR HUD.Fixed an issue where ship holograms were not displaying sections of the ship.Social Module:Additions:Gameplay The first iteration of our new physicalized EVA system is in place.Two new sliders have been added to the audio option menu.“Dynamic Range” and “Ship Computer Speech Volume”.ShipThe MISC Freelancer (base) is now flyable in Crusader.EnvironmentAdded an “aim” pose for characters that are prone.User InterfaceBoth the Hangar Elevator and the Main Menu “Universes” UI now allows users to select instances (either best available or instances with friends/contacts) after they have selected the location.
  12. errmmm ne ide sve bas na razvoj....... esi vido kolko su debeli svi tamo..... meni je jednom puklo danas za 90 min.... btw, malo pre zujim okolo po bazi, izadjem na launch dock da cekiram neki brodic koji treba da zapali kad ono pilot.......
  13. I jos par naslova... SVARD BJORN: download ovde: http://windmillgames.itch.io/svardbjorn
  14. Samo dzipovi, nase ulice ne prashtaju! o/
  15. ^ ^ Nego, kolko ti beshe imas ono godina Gotti? I daj nam neki info kako ste se raspickarali uopste i kakvog kvaliteta je bilo sve to dok je trajalo? Nemamo materijal za analizu i izradu daljih instrukcija... Osim Igora, ali on nema pravo glasa dok ne otvori svoj licni FB. :*
  16. Javite kad oni govnari spuste cenu usranog Star Wars Battlefronta... :)
  17. ZNaci treba biti iznad tih jednodnevnih hajpovanih hajki, ok evo pakujem laptop i odjavljujem net.
  18. Ja iskreno mislim da su ovom liku iz klipa PLATILI da napravi ovaj prilog nakon sto su skapirali da niko nikada nece da trazi ta sranja... ili lik jednostavno radi za njih pa kao ajd jos malo dodatni hajp da se izbudzi...
  19. ahah, dodjem prevrtim poslednje 2 strane topika a ovde..... http://i1.wp.com/www.geekmyday.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/confused-travolta-gif-6-starwars.gif
  20. Sacekajmo taj famozni petak pa da vidimo gde ce ici parice...... Mogli bi cigani da se otvore za limited brodove u paket-ponudi i LTI za neke pakete/brodove...
  21. DAT ELON MUSK..... ....lol a zipa Jeff bezosa, koji background troll lal
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