Veliko iznenađenje - ono što je Bioware tizovao nije neki savremeni openworld survival horor, nego "story driven online co-op 4v1 RPG".
"You've Been Chosen" i "What really happens when we sleep?" iz tizera su nagovestili nešto slično "The Secret Worldu", a BioWare se umesto MMO recepta okrenuo co-opu za četiri igrača uz dodatak uloge Dungeon Mastera.
Kažu da je inspiracija pen and paper RPG i dobri DM-ovi koji su mogli da "vode" svoju grupu mesecima i godinama. Naravno, miriše na DLC galore zbog "mesečnih monstera i eventova".
Ne znam baš kako će ovo izvesti, ima prijava za alfu ovde, a evo i par reči:
"It is a game that finally fulfills that fantasy of a never-ending RPG where the players meet up regularly to keep their epic adventures going for as long as they want. All the enemies, traps and challenges are squarely in the hands of another player, who controls them just like a Dungeon Master. The monsters and villains are smart and unpredictable, making every battle a test of strategy and power. Best of all, everyone gets to enjoy a story that plays out like their favorite TV series, but where they decide the fates of its world and characters.
Shadow Realms isn’t just hearkening back to those early BioWare PC games—it’s finally bringing the magic of tabletop RPGs to the digital realm.