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Beli Eurokrem

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Everything posted by Beli Eurokrem

  1. Daleko od toga da ih dobijam za dz :) A i ja nemam kljuceve, vec gotove giftove.
  2. Ostala jos 2 gifta , zainteresovani na pm. sve je teze nabaviti dotu, pa nece biti vise narednih dana..
  3. Stigao novi patch za Betu. Ubacili i rune. A ja sad bas nemam pristup istoj :/
  4. Inace, nedavno je izasao i treci deo Diablo 3 Lore Series na YT Part 3 a ko je propustio prethodna dva , izvolte :) Part 1 Part 2
  5. Bilo je nekih prica o smanjenju grafickih efekata kako bi bilo preglednije i olaksano igranje/snalazenje u situaciji jos 12.12.2011. i juce su pitali Blizzardovog zvanicnika da li ce zbog tih smanjenja mozd biti povecan broj maksimalnih igraca u jednoj igri ( koji je trenutno 4 ) evo kako je to proslo (prvo je pitanje, a onda je ovo sa - u boji odgovor Blizzardovog zvanicnika) Official Blizzard Quote: [blizzard Source] Hey, regarding your post on Dec-12 about graphics, will the player cap will be increased since it was limited by graphics before? -I'm not sure what you're referring to, but in any case no, the cap for players in a game is and will remain 4. But that doesnt explain the 3vs3 in arena when thats 6 players. I dont see the logic. -Arena maps are a specific size and design, and there are not hundreds of enemies, just players. reffering to JW saying a while ago that limit was capped bc too much graphics going on & you recently said they arent intensive. -Ah ok, I see. Yeah FPS/performance is not the same as readability. We have a 4 player limit for readability. Evo nekog infa o tome kako ce izgledati regionalno i medjuregionalno igranje (crveno su izjave raznih Blizzardovih zvanicnika) Official Blizzard Quote: [blizzard Source] With an NA account you'll be able to play everywhere, but you'll only be able to use the currency-based auction house in NA. Just for normal play, imagine it like Diablo II. On every region you have access it's a completely separate database, different gold auction house, and you have a different set of 10 characters available. Each region is a separate 'realm' of the game. We'll have more information about the whole cross-regional play closer to launch. So is this subject to change, or concrete? And as per your updated post, can we change these regions in-game since you invoked the D2 example? That would be surprising and pleasant, for once. Sorry, it's a bit confusing to explain even though it's extremely simple and obvious in practice. Pretty solid, of course nothing is guaranteed. Yes the whole point is you can change regions in-game. You're welcome. :) So as an australian does this mean I'm only allowed to use the SEA rmah? That's kinda terrible for a lot of people. I'm unaware of all the regional breakdowns. I'd wait for the more info I referenced. From what the blue said, you wouldn't have access to their RMAH anyway. But it's good to know that we have access to at least one purely gold-based economy. Hrm. Well Korea still has a currency-based auction house, there's just no current cash out functionality. They can buy and sell items and still build up their Battle.net balance to buy Blizzard goods and services from the store. So, I was right, they have an auction house that uses Battle.net balance, which is separate from the gold auction house. There are some details I'm still fuzzy on because the Korea Battle.net balance works a bit differently from ours. In any case, it won't be the currency-free option you're looking for. Jay on Korea Rating Got our ratings from Korea! No, this doesn't mean a release date because the game is not done yet. Update soon on what we're working on. Takodje The Black Soulstone cinematic je nominovan za VES Award u kategoriji Outstanding Visual Effects in an Animated Commercial or Video Game Trailer. Official Blizzard Quote: [blizzard Source] Congrats to Blizz's Cinematics team for their VES Award nomination! http://www.visualeff...awards-nominees Bashiok je odgovorio na par random pitanja sa twitter-a (prvo je pitanje, a onda je ovo sa - u boji odgovor Blizzardovog zvanicnika) Official Blizzard Quote: [blizzard Source] Are there anymore updates to the battletag system? -They'll be coming soon. The current restrictions are most definitely unintended. Will Gheed or gambling be making a return in Diablo 3? -Neither. Although crafting has enough randomization that it's pretty close to D2 gambling. In regards to Inferno, will we have to go through the whole game another time, or can we start farming anywhere, such as Act IV? -You will. Current design is that it will not all be available at the start, it will function like previous difficulties. What happened to the BlizzCasts, it's been quite some time since the last one? Can we expect new episodes? -Hrm that's true. We were planning to have one for the #D3 release. We all now where that is... :)
  6. E pa drugari, Del Boy je dobio ulogu moderatora za D3, pa ce vas do izlaska igre obavestavati o svim najnovijim vestima :) Trenutno najaktuelnija prica jeste taj famozni release date i sve vesti se vrte oko toga. Diablo 3 je konacno dobio rating za Juznu Koreju GRB. Dobio je "M" rating i nece imati neke stvari sto se tice aukcijske kuce omogucene, ali ono sto je bitno je da je konacno proslo. Ovo je oficijalni sajt za taj rating http://www.inven.co.kr/webzine/news/?news=41568 ( na korejskom je naravno ) Ovo je zvanicni Quote povodom toga Quote ㅇ geimmul Rating Board (abbreviated 'geimwi', Chairman yisugeun) 13 days of the 2012 classification of the hearing in 4th Blizzard's Diablo 3 ', the' Rated M 'classification as decided. ㅇ ratings board with respect to this classification, cash transactions between users feature is not implemented because of the fact it was not subject to review, he said. ㅇ In addition, the interpretation of the Law Review and refer to relevant organizations, in the process for future service modifications (updates) in cash transactions between users through the implementation of functions to modify the content if the reclassification of non-reportable (classification reapply) Obviously the target is said. Takodje zvanicnik Blizzarda je rekao da ce uskoro poslati jos ''many'' invites za betu, tako da ukoliko ste se prijavili za betu imate cemu da se nadate ;) (prvo je pitanje, a onda je ovo sa - u boji odgovor Blizzardovog zvanicnika) Will there be any more beta invites for diablo? -Yes. Many. this is something we know little about. Can we expect these new invites to come shortly after the writeup by Jay Wilson? -We generally don't announce beta invites beforehand, provide invite numbers, etc. It just makes people go insane.
  7. Pominje se pocetak februara kao moguca objava release date-a, pre leta cisto sumnjam bilo sta sto lici na full igru
  8. Drugi rezervisan za sutra. Ostali giftovi - cena 2500.
  9. ode 1 nalog za usera Koyot ostao jos jedan - cena 1999 din
  10. Ok evo lepe ponude za one koji hoce da djuskaju dotu a da prodju jeftinije. Dva nova napravljena steam naloga (dotaplejer & dotaplejer2) , na njima samo aktivirana dota 2 , nije ni upaljena. Dobijate sve podatke da promenite. inace giftovi (igre koje se salju na vas nalog) su i dalje skuplja varijanta, stize jos nekoliko komada veceras.
  11. Ko hoce dotu2 na svom nalogu, pm.
  12. 6 komada rezervino za sutra ujutru. i stiglo jos 12 x cs 1.6 dakle na vise 500 din, na mnogo mnogo vise 400
  13. Novi kombo dota2 + cs 1.6 za 2800
  14. CS 1.6 salje se kao gift na vas steam nalog 600 kinti po komadu ili 3k za svih 6.
  15. Sutra uvece jos 4 komada stizu, ako ima jos zainteresovanih, PM, mislim da mi polako izvori presusuju...
  16. Jedan decko je hteo, al se ne javlja. Ajde ako je neko stvarno ozbiljan, nek pusti pm pa da se dogovorimo vec danas.
  17. Ne spamujte mi inbox, napisem svaki put ovde kad stignu nove dote. Bice sutra ili prekosutra uvece.
  18. ololo pogledaj oglas iznad i vreme oglasa :D
  19. Dakle na prodaju steam nalog sa preko 30 igara. Nalog je "in good standing", nikad banovan, 90% igara kupljeno preko steam store, ostalih 10% digitalna izdanja. Nema nikakvih kutija ni dokaza o kupovini, tako kad novi vlasnik dobije acc , njegov je zauvek :) Kupac dobija email po svojoj zelji, pass, sec question, sam sve menja, i tek nakon toga ide uplata na moj racun :) Steam calculator kaze - 550$ . Naravno dao bih ga za 6-7 puta manje para ali sam otvoren za sve varijante. Ponude na PM. Evo slike sa spiskom svih igara :
  20. Zar ne postoji nikakav drugi nacin sem preko paypala? i jel ne postoji nikakva fora da se napravi nalog na neku drugu zemlju ili kod nekog u nekoj drugoj zemlji i da to radi kod nas?
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