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Overklok problem


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Prvi put sam overklokovao cpu pre nekih mesec dana, sa 200x8 na 266x8 pa na 300x8... sto je dovelo do sistemske nestabilnosti.. tako da mi je u jednom trenutku bios sam vratio takt na 200.. i od tad sta god da uradim ne mogu da dignem takt na vise od 240... povecavao sam voltazu ovog , onog, PCI , memory multipy, update bios, nista nije upalilo .. ne mogu na vise od 240x8. u medjuvremenu sam dodao jos jedan memorijski cip, ali se limit javio i pre toga.

gigabyte 945pl-ds3

Intel c2d 1.6

memorijski cipovi su mi 2x1gb ddr2 677, jedan kingston, drugi neki ipaq ili tako nesto

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Nazalost nemam vremena da mnogo prckam po netu posto sam na poslu no evo c/p:

Unfortunately the aging 945PL chipset is not a stellar overclocker. It is decent for older 533 FSB processors but newer 800/1066 processors will be a serious struggle to overclock.

My guess is you'll get to ~240 FSB before you hit the FSB limitations of the chipset.

A evo i source: http://www.overclock.net/intel-cpus/244177...3-s3-intel.html

Edited by Rejz
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