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Ako se pitate, šta QuakeWorld, Quake 2, Quake 3, Quake 4 i Quake Live imaju zajedničko, odgovor je jednostavan!

Pivska casa sa logo Quake-a na njoj i pivo kao nagrade u našem OKTOBERFEST-u.Ovaj je sponzorisan od Bernard-a, pobednik svakog turnira će primiti bure piva.


If you are asking, what has QuakeWorld, Quake 2, Quake 3, Quake 4 and Quake Live common, the answer is simple!

Beer glass with logo of Quake on it and beer as a prizes in our OKTOBERFEST. Since this tournament is powered by Bernard, winner of each competition will receive keg of beer.

Winner of each competition is free to give up his prizes to Liefje, because she like them :)

This online tournament will take a place on Sunday, 5th October and you are free to sign up on email czechquake@gmail.com.

Official channel of this tournament is #Quakers.ws on QuakeNet and you should be also present on each tourney channel.

MAPE za turnire:


Q2: q2dm1, q2dm3, q2rdm2, ptrip, q2duel5

Q3: pro-q3dm6, pro-q3tourney4, hub3-aeroq3, pro-nodm9, ztn3tourney1

Q4: Phrantic, Monsoon, Placebo Effect, Torment, Ravage

QL: qztourney4, qzdm6 , qztourney7, qzdm13 , qztourney6

IRC kanali:






Znachi moze se jos prijaviti, samo posaljite mail ovde czechquake@gmail.com

Lista igraca koji su prijavljeni http://www.quake.cz/?q4=news&iD=1368

evo is source


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