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Night Elf rogue lvl70


Server:Dunemaul EU

Oprema je iz pochetnih raidova ali full epic + epic flying mount i netherdrake i u dobrom je PVE guildu sa progresom do SSC-a i TK-a.

Uz acc dajem SQ/SA, menjanje maila i kopiju moje lichne ako treba.

Mozete me zvati na 065/3500555 ko god da je zainteresovan i za dodatan info.

Cena sitnica, po dogovoru ali oko nekih 60ak evra...


Mortal Crusader Strike

700 mana

1 yard

An ability dealing 2% of weapon damage. Reduces healing done to the target by 5%. Lets not get Crazy! Also starts a 10 second cooldown on all paladin abilities when used.

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