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Nash Jovan u Nihilumu UD WARRIOR...


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Sunandsteel visit profile

Most people on Magtheridon have heard of Sunandsteel, as he is well-known for his countless pug raids. The undead warrior is played by Jovan from Serbia, who used to be the guild master, main tank and raid leader in the semi-casual guild Madness.

- What made you decide to apply to Nihilum and leave your old guild behind?

I saw the same thing happening as last summer - people showing up for farm raids and not showing up for progress. I play the game for two reasons; a strong community and progress. I tried to combine the two, and I managed to get one of the best communities on Magtheridon, but we simply ran out of good recruits. People with full tier 6 stopped playing, and I was forced to constantly recruit and gear up people, again and again, and 80% of the recruits failed. So I gathered the officers after seeing two applications in the guild forum after two and a half months of open recruitment. We agreed that we'd just get more and more frustrated if it kept going, so we called it. I applied to Nihilum, since I strive to compete and progress. And here I am.

- How easy/hard was it for you to make that decision?

Hardest call I ever made in the game.

- How did your old guild react to you leaving?

There was no bad blood. People understood it. Most of them stopped playing, some moved on to other guilds. Madness had a pretty good reputation on the server as being skilled players and nice people, so that made it easy for most of them to get new guilds. One of my ferals ended up in Bad Omen, which was a "higher" guild progress wise than what Madness was. I tried to maintain the fine balance between progress, happiness and attitude. What made it easier was that most of the Madness members were over 25 years old, meaning mature people, and I was told for a long time that I deserved better.

- What are the biggest differences for you between now and then?

There is no difference. Whatever I did, wherever I was I always came maximum prepared.

- Is there anything in particular you miss or that you absolutely don't miss about your former realm/guild?

I don't miss Ventrilo, Buzzkill and co. make it as much fun as on my old one. The community in general is nice; there are some great people here. Also, raids are a lot faster when it comes to execution and organisation. Sometimes it took us 20 minutes just to get a 25th member online for raids. To sign up, you had to spend 15-20 seconds, but some people could not be arsed to do that, so I could not plan raids in advance. What I miss most is some of my old members and the charisma and attitude they had. I won't single out anyone, because that may offend others.

- What do you think about Nihilum and Magtheridon, and do you see yourself ever switching guilds in the future?

The only two ways I would stop being here are 1) I get kicked, or 2) the guild disbands. I always stay behind and work for the guild I am in, no matter which rank/job I have. I am always there when needed and always try to do my max. I make mistakes like every human, but I try to keep the amount of those mistakes at zero.

ovo je sa Nihilum sajta eve gi link pa pronadjite lika Sunandsteel


jel ga zna neko :P svaka mu chast :D


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chegster,na koga si milio da se ne hvali ? :D

Pa na sunandsteel :D ja bih se pohvalio drugarima ipak je to uspeh ;) pogotovo shto nihilum najavljuje opet trku za najbrzi exp guild u wotlku ;)

Bravo za njega, jos jedna, u moru mnogih, potvrda da se wow raspada.

Vidi ga ovaj seronja :D shta se ti bunish zao ti je shto si prestao da igrash :D


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pa vidish killy ako te ne mrzi idi malo prochitaj, nihilum je imao silne probleme sa acc hackovima normalno, jednom prilikom je lik hackovao jednog od oficira i disbandovao ceo guild i pobacao sve iz gbake :P

Kada je doshao sunwell nisu se potrudili mada su medju prvih 5 mislim, a najavili su veliki povratak u wotlku to jest verovatno ponovo jako prvo mesto, mada SK gaming ili ti bivshi curse gaming guild preti vrlo!

ali Nihilum je i dalje po meni najjachi ili jedan od 3 najjacha guilda na svetu :P


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PvE grinding = FAIL

Illidan,Kael'thas,Archimonde,etc. sightseeing tour (once per life) = OK

Nema tu nista vezano za nas mentalitet vec za mentalitet interneta i foruma gde je svako jak i svakome je pisa mnogo velika pa moze da se kurci jer zna da ga nece drmnuti neka pesnica iz monitora i sasuti mu sve zube niz grlo ( mlechne zube naravno ).

ovog dakija ovnuju svuda jebote
by Pesma-Mrtve-Dece
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Ajde da odgovorim na ovo.

Prvo: moze da napusava k`o hoce, massivno brinem o tome, evo necu moci da spavam nocas.

Drugo: Usao sam u Nihilum pre mesec ipo dana i imam Member rank sada, i usao sam na osnovu performanca u raidovima i generalne reputacije na serveru koja nije mala i koju sam gradio skoro 2 godine.

Trece: To sto nije Nihilum kao pre mozete da okacite macku o rep, osnovni razlog je taj sto je previse starih membera prestalo da igra usred sunwell progressa i bili su primorani da mass regrutuju. Jedini razlog za izgubljene Muru i Kil`Jaeden first killove. SK je suprotno tome poceo recruit jos pre sunwell releasea i docekali su ga spremni.

Raid core je vec skoro iskristalisan, nas 7 je dobilo membera, 20 ljudi je popilo kick za ovih mesec ipo dana koliko sam tu. Do WoTLK ima jos vremena, sto znaci Nihilum ce ga docekati spreman. Ako hoce neko da me trashuje, nek me prvo vidi sta i kako radim (Janqca ili Elfmoon znaju na kom nivou sam kao igrac) a ne da lupeta u prazno.

A da pojasnim to za hack inace: Nije hackovan NIKO od membera, vec je taj lik koji je to uradio hackovao Blizzardov sistem i na taj nacin sjebao VISE guildova, ne samo Nihilum. Taj exploit/bug je sredjen i Nihilum je fully restorovan u roku od 4-5 dana (radjen je hotfix tokom nedelje).

Edited by zheggy

Every man dies,not every man really lives...


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^koji si ti decko jebeni retard, ne umes ni trenutak da pogodis, pojasnio je neke stvari realno

failuje ti komentar

failujes u igri

failujes u mozgu

pa ti si fail jbt

-Ukoliko neka devojka sedi negde sama NIKADA joj nemojte prici, sesti pored nje i izvaditi digitron i pitati je jel zna da racuna, ona kaze da zna, i reci "racunaj da cu te jebati" (osoba cija je ovo fora ima 30 godina i NIKADA nije imao devojku koja ima sve zube)


â–² â–²

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gz ^^

Furthermore, once players can survive for a few seconds, it tends to force everyone to worry about defenses once again. Will resilience make enough of a difference? That is something we are discussing right now

I'd hug you but I can't do that while strangulated.

using a snare breaker and a purple costume doesn't prevent dps btw.

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