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ako bi se tako nesto ozbiljno napravilo kao sto ti kazes, to bi moglo da uspe, ali po ovome sto vi trazite - igrace koji imaju BT na farmu otprilike, tesko cete naci dosta ljudi na Ruru, a ne znam bas da ce ljudi koji su u BT stranim gildama da se transferuju i rizikuju jer se pravi Srpski gild na nekom tamo serveru.

Mnogo je realnije da trazite ljude sa kakvim-takvim raid exp, a ne ko mohi koji hoce ljude full t5+ ...

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Ja zamishaljam kako igram sa Jabretom poshto ga znam lichno i ja bi kupio pushku i ubio njega pa sebe koliko WHINEUJE ovo je moralo kapsovano zato shto verujte mi da lik ubija volju za zivotom kad krene da plache oko nekih stvari QQQQQQ FUCKING Q!

normalno da cu da QQ kad igram sa retardima...bolje da sam otisao u heist kad sam mogao..sad trulim ovde i glupa igrica ne radi kako treba.....


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btw dlugali jebesh ako je neko hc i igra igru samo jer je hc ova igra je napravljena ko razonoda ne kao life number 2.

ovde se disqtuje samo o skillu skill skill skill, to jeste vazhno, ja znam neke likove koji su do jaja skilled ali su tolki wajneri i toliko se brzo iznerviraju pa piche neke srednje noob gilde ili pvp i shta sad.?;o

i btw neki forgetuju da je ovo gild koji treba da jebe u woltk ne sad u mh/bt sanwel i ostala sranja?

Edited by Gh0sty

We Got Dream Team Stats

Who want beef now :o

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Pazi Mohican, znachi okej , hejtuj sho se mene tiche, tvoja stvar. Niko te ne tera da uopshte pishesh na ovu temu, ochigledno si se izjasnio da nisi za ovu varijantu i shvatjeno je tvoje mishljenje. Mozesh da spamujesh koliko god hotejsh l2p , moze i epeen da ti cepa nebo sho se mene tiche, ali nemoj odmah da sabotirash ideju. Ne mora da znachi da si u pravu.

Zvucace ti chudno ali nije hejt, znatjesh kad bacim hejt.



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Zato shto se 90 % njih nece transferovati dok ne budu bili sigurni da je ozbiljna stvar u pitanju - a to ce se desiti kada taj gild bude imao dobar progres - a za to treba ljudi.

Ja mislim da sam bio jasam maksimalno:

Grgec kafana, uz punjenu pljeskavicu ili kragujevacku + rakija ili pivo ko sta pije, i eto ozbiljnog dogovra za nesto. E problem moze samo da bude da nestane rakije, to je vec mnogo diskutabilna i zajebana situacija. I dalje sam maximalno ozbiljan. Ja sam za pokretanje ovog pitanja, ali iskljucivo uz dobru organizaciju ljudi koji ce da vode guild.

Hm , pa mora da se zna pre expanzije. Chim se Silencer zauzeo znachi da je ozbiljno imo.

Nista necu sam, dok ne vidim ekipu. :) Ja mislim da su jasni moji uslovi :)

Edited by Silencer
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Pa ne , guild tje biti raid aktivan u expanziji. Znachi fora je samo da svi budemo tamo pre i 70lvl. Spremni za powerlevelovanje. Poenta je i da se medjusobno pomognemo za levelovanje. Pa onda zamislite samo olakshice u prvim 5 manovima. Naxx tje isto biti u expanziji verovatno prvi 25 man, eto ti fun i tamo.

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Naxxramas in Wrath of the Lich King

Quote from: Vaneras (Source)

A little more information has become available regarding Naxxramas in Wrath of the Lich King, which we would like to share with you:

Naxxramas is planned to be somewhat of an entry level raid dungeon in Wrath of the Lich King and not the hardest dungeon in the game, so things will be a little different from what they are now. One difference is that it will float its way back home to Northrend and will therefore no longer be found in the Eastern Kingdoms.

The developers like having content be more available to players and as such no final decisions in regards to attunement have been made, but the developers also like having special quest lines available to help players be more prepared to face raid dungeon content. It should be said that as an early raid dungeon, there isn't a big reason to block a lot of people from accessing it.

The challenges for hardcore players will remain though, because Naxxramas is a big dungeon that will not be easy to complete all the way through. The hardcore players can push into the higher content from there.

There is not yet much we can say to those of you who are already attuned to the current incarnation of Naxxramas. As mentioned above, things like attunement has yet to be fully decided, so it is still too soon to say if you will be required to go through attunement a second time, or if there are any plans to give titles based on the original Naxxramas attunement.

Those of you who wish to know if The Ashbringer will drop again will have to stay tuned for the next BlizzCast, where this will be mentioned briefly

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pa realno da treba da se ima dobar progress ako se bude napravio guild PRE WOTLK..ako taj napravljeni guild(ako je recimo napravljen 2 meseca pre wotlk) ne bude mogao bar 3/6 u sunwell da ocisti samo poenta guilda je promaseni fail.OSIM ako sam ja nesto prevideo ovde pa se pravi neki gruul guild.mada imo sve ispod full clear tbc je fail.doduse mozda serem ne znam kakav ce muru i kj da bude ajde sve ispod 4/6 je fail.hmm sad sam izvalio DA I JA SEREM..kao da ima 30 potrebnih ljudi/klasa gearovanih dovoljno na jedno frakciji i to jos srba da ubiju to :) jedino da se farmuje bt za rerolere i tu imas rizik omg uzmem acc udjem u guild nairuju me za 2 nedelje kek prodam lika za 500 evra ae zdravo.prvi bih ja to uradio da mi neko ponudi :P [}:)]


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Naxxramas in Wrath of the Lich King

Quote from: Vaneras (Source)

A little more information has become available regarding Naxxramas in Wrath of the Lich King, which we would like to share with you:

Naxxramas is planned to be somewhat of an entry level raid dungeon in Wrath of the Lich King and not the hardest dungeon in the game, so things will be a little different from what they are now. One difference is that it will float its way back home to Northrend and will therefore no longer be found in the Eastern Kingdoms.

The developers like having content be more available to players and as such no final decisions in regards to attunement have been made, but the developers also like having special quest lines available to help players be more prepared to face raid dungeon content. It should be said that as an early raid dungeon, there isn't a big reason to block a lot of people from accessing it.

The challenges for hardcore players will remain though, because Naxxramas is a big dungeon that will not be easy to complete all the way through. The hardcore players can push into the higher content from there.

There is not yet much we can say to those of you who are already attuned to the current incarnation of Naxxramas. As mentioned above, things like attunement has yet to be fully decided, so it is still too soon to say if you will be required to go through attunement a second time, or if there are any plans to give titles based on the original Naxxramas attunement.

Those of you who wish to know if The Ashbringer will drop again will have to stay tuned for the next BlizzCast, where this will be mentioned briefly

Brate, Neo je mislio na to da ce to biti novi "karazhan" iliti 10-man instanca, a ne 25-man...


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koliko sam ja chitao attunovatje ga za 25 man, oke mozda ubija smisao Naxx-a kakav je bio, ali mozda proradi neka nostalgija , nosish tier 3 skinove na lvl 80. Mislim meni su i dalje skinovi tih item-a jedni od najboljih u igri , ako ne i najbolji.

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ti ga pretera sad

ko da si trazio od yuga da prestigne formulu

tako je trenutno poredim srbe i nabolje guildove na svetu :D

pa pazi killy to je jedini razlog zato bi recimo usao u taj fantazija srpski guild.ili sam ja nesto pobrkao ovo je kao srpski pve pro guild.ofc ne ocekujem ja da to bude nesto kao sk/nihilum/bal bal guild ali brate nek bude u prvih 100 kill on europe je manje vise ok za srbiju :) .realno reci sto bi neki izasao iz svog guilda u kojem sabija sunwell da bi usao u guild koji ne moze da ubije vashj? wtf ?


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