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Prodajem sledece:

1Steelpad 4D podloga =500 dinara (podloga stara 2 godine)

2.Sony Ericsson k610i crvene mase,1gb memorijska,punjac,usb kabal,slusalice = 70 eura

3.Platronics Pulsar 590E stereo bluetooth headset http://www.plantronics.com/north_america/e...057/prod5560014 =30 eura (nove)

4.Canyon Bluetooth Dongle Class 1 600 dinara (novo)




062 153 17 28

prodaja vazi samo za Beograd

Edited by hhhh
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2. jel ima garanciju i koliko je star?

-"Don't think, feel! It is like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory."

-"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable."

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koja je fora za ovaj WC i Frozen? Novo? Sta ako key-evi ne sljakaju?

Pod novo mislim da sam kupio obadvije igre prije 12 dana i da stoje i sljakaju u uglu,originali su...

Sto se tice mobilnog telefona: Garanciju nema jer sam je izgubio.Telefon je star od septembra 2007 godine,u savrsenom je stanju(nije ostecen,radi i izgleda kao kad je kupljen)

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Mislim da ne treba biti space cowboy millionare da bi otisao u Games, merkator ili plato i uzo svoja 2 warcraft diska za 1500 din ;)

You may have gone to Cambridge, but I'm an honorary graduate of Starfleet Academy

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