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Quake NationsCup - Quake 3 & Quake 4 TDM

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Czech Quake would like to prepare NationsCup in one of best disciplines ever in Quake games, TDM.

I think that Nations Cup is kind of World Championship and it should be taken somehow special. Because in every country, there is different count of players in each Quake scene I would let countries with higher count of players to build up to two teams for each game.

Players can’t play for both teams and Team 1 should be better than Team 2 from each country. There might be one Captain for each team or for each country. It only depend on situation in yours national scene. There is no restrictions connected to origin of players – all players might be from one team, but you should have support from your community.

- In each team, there might be up to 8 players. Coach is one of players. Basic lineup (4 players & Coach) must be selected.

Nations Cup will start with basic groups and best teams will continue to double elimination Play-offs (BO3). Grand Finals (BO5).

There is NO disadvantage for team coming from Consolation Finals (BO5)

At this moment, there are no prizes, but I will try to find some support. Everything depends on you and yours willing to join.

Rules suggestions: Do you think that ONE player from another cou ntry should be allowed to join another National Team?

* Quake 3 Quake 3 TDM:

CPMA vq3 1.44

Timelimit 20, Fraglimit 0

Most equal server


pro-q3dm6, q3dm7tmp, q3dm14tmp, cpm4, ospdm5, ospdm6

41.gif Czech Quake

117.gif Team Slovakia (jocko)

107.gif Poland (Thrawn)

60905-RS.gif Serbia (zeroql)

72.gif Italy (Itaka)

51.gif Finland (Danskie)

139.gif United States (Drad1k)

Winning team from each MAP has to choose and send demos from one player. If you produce some good frag, you are free to send demo too, because we will do movie from this action.

You can sign up your team till 13th January 2008. First round of matches will start on 14th January 2008.

If somebody will be interested in adding other Quake TDMs or could help with this Quake action, you can contact me as well.

60905-RS.gif Team Serbia: sergio, Raven*che , zeroql, snaga ::: coach niko /// oxo se josh predomishlja [}:)]

Edited by ZeRoQL
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Czech Quake Team A - Legie, Smasher, Shebin, eJo, mison, Zubb + Hawr1x*

Czech Quake Team TA - xOcht, kRysa, wendy, tyfloi, flouty, yenda + sts*

Slovakia - jocko, dufo, mato, vsh, michio, pqb, msth, flyster

Poland - Thrawn, v3rb, zik, uksz, inz4h, fur1, eQuador, ProX, rutt

Germany - Bullitt

Croatia - dzlx, drakan, asdfasf, hyper, bloodlike, pivo, god

Serbia - zeroql, sergio, raven, snaga + niko

Russia A - Frozen, Snorlax, Sapego, Genocid, Shad2y, Mikes, Cooller

Russia B - Makaveli, Evil, Hamz, noBAr, JiBo, Keane

Ukraine - Extreme

Italy - Itaka, polterizer, fatman, cdv, noxene, eXp

France - unity

Sweden - rajje, mow, spart1e, neon, sLONKEN, sajruz, Dibbe, Ironbyte

Finland - Danskie - Lugia, Pada, Juma, ovo, ouzo + varma*

United Kingdom - Disrepute, Deus, ddk, dor, Aaron, aevans, vor

United States - Drad1k

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Alo ljudi :) ovako

Pocinje 21.1.2008. znachi ponedeljak u 20:00

uzivo izvlachenje grupa i to.

Sutra vezbanje

nitro i oxo sam ubacio za svaki slucaj, mada mozemo da namestimo i 2 tima

Match Scheduling

Captains have to arrange matches of National Teams until Friday of previous Week.

Week 1: deadline 18th January

Week 2: deadline 25th January

Week 3: deadline 1st February

Week 4: deadline 8th February

Rescheduling: is possible ONLY if both teams Captains agreed on new date and time. Last possibility for rescheduling of each match is 24 hours before the game should begin.

- Later Rescheduling will be payed by lost of one map in your match.

Base Groups draw

National teams will be put into groups by skill. After this they will be randomly selected to each basic group.

Basic Groups Draw will be presented Live! on PG24.tv in Czech Quake Show on Monday, 14th January at 20:00 CET.

Tourney & Match System

Teams will be devided into Basic Groups (2 or 4). Number of Basic groups depends on count of National Team signed into each competition. According to number of basic groups 4 or 8 teams from each group will continue to Double Elimination brackets.

Basic Groups: BO3

Play-offs: BO3

Consolations Finals: BO5

Grand Finals:: BO5

Each Week, there will be one match and you are completly free to agree matches. Date and time of match must be announced to Admin of tournament.

All players must be presented on #Quakers.ws channel before the match. From every map your team win must be recorded demo that will be presented with match results. Screenshots are requiered as a result proof from each match.

The Council

Captains of each National Team can call votes about basic rules and maplist during Week Zer0 ( 14th January - 21st January )

Captains of each National Team will cast votes about rules suggestion. Once decision will be made rule will be fixed and valid for Quake Nations Cup season. Each Vote can be cast just one time.

Example: Quake 4 - Add Walls of Hate

Calling Vote can be made on IRC by private message to admin of each tournament.

Edited by ZeRoQL
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  • 3 weeks later...

SVE. Svi demo i informacije na FTP-u:


vs BRS


vs UK


mechevi ostali grupa







Bice apdejtovano vremenom.

Uputstvo za pushtanje demoa:


*za CPMA mod izabrati u opciji:

-u demo types koloni baseq3

-u srednjoj (zelenoj) koloni za DM_66/67 klikom na default baseq3 otvori se padajuci meni u kome izaberete CPMA

Uputstvo za korishcenje FTP servera:



Ostali vodichi:



OSP 2 CPMA config converter:


Lokalni CPMA server:

SBB keepDsmile :) CPMA


Edited by Niko

mizantrop iz Singidunuma


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  • 2 weeks later...

Shta se dalje deshava?????


Lokalni CPMA server 1.45:

SBB keepDsmile :) CPMA

Apdejtovan u 1.45.


*CPMA klijent 1.41


*VQ3 1.32c


Q4MAX server 0.81:

SBB keepDsmile ;)

Apdejtovan na 0.81.


*pretrazivach q4/d3/prey


Edited by Niko

mizantrop iz Singidunuma


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  • 3 weeks later...

Po zavrshetQ grupa apdejtovani SVI demoi sa turnira.

Podeljeni po grupama mechevi stranaca:


Nashi mechevi i info:


Plejof i ostalo kad se zavrshi turnir, moze neshto da se nauchi, valjda, iz tih demoa.

mizantrop iz Singidunuma


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NAZALOST NEMA DEMOA, A I NEMA STA DA SE NAUCI IZ NJIH, TJ. SAMO MORAMO SEBI DA PRIZNAMO DA SMO KAO I UVEK IPALI SERONJE, JER OPET NISMO VEZBALI KAKO SMO PLANIRALI, CAK JE ZERO I SATNICU NAPRAVIO I CINILO SE DA CEMO OVAJ PUT BITI SLOZNI I DATI SVE OD SEBE, I BAREM ODIGRATI MUSKI MECEVE DO KRAJA. NAZALOST PONOVILO SE PO KO ZNA KOJI PUT DA JADNI ZERO, BEZ OBZIRA KOLIKO SE TRUDIO NIJE MOGAO DA SAKUPI 4 IGRACA.../hrvati su imali isti problem, pa su posle mucnog kasnjenja doveli neku devojku, koja je imala veca damu od mnogih, i tako katastrofalno izgubili mec, ali nisu izgubili obraz./ mi smo prvu tekmu izgubili, drugu dobili i trecu izgubili i to je nazalost bio kraj, a mislim da smo imali sanse, ali smo morali sldece meceve da predamo, protiv nemaca itd., zato sto igraci nisu dosli da brane boje SRBIJE, u koju se posle kunu i izigravaju najljuce patriote. neko ce reci pa to je samo quake 3, igrica, ko to shvata ozbiljno, ali ja mislim da ponos i dostojanstvo ne zavise od velicine, aktuelnosti i isplativosti, vec od onog plamena koji nosimo u sebi, i obecanja data drugovima kroz rec, koji pokriva vas obraz, koju povlacite kako vam se digne, makar se to radilo o igrici koju svi toliko volimo i igramo. danas je to quake 3 a sutra moze da bude nesto ozbiljnije, i pitam se kako bi se onda ponasali, dali bi se nasli jedni drugima, dali bi olako davali rec i obecanja i povrh svega dali bi bili slozni i dosledni. ono sto mozemo da naucimo je da se ugledamo na sve ostale ekipe koje slozno i posteno igraju i brane boje svoje ekipe, bilo to zemlje ili klana. a na nas gledaju sa visine i verovatno podcenjivacki, a taj image smo mi izgradili sami sebi i timu za koji igramo, i zemlju za koju igramo....sad bi mogao da woodoo, moj brat Nikola i njegova grupa Elite otpevaju molitvu za sve nase drugove, i za majku SRBIJU i njene q3 sinove.

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pa jbga , zasto bi se neko cimao od 99-te pa do dan danas i igrao ozbiljno...

q3 je zavrsio svoje odavno , mislim nije moje da sad nesto pametujem i tako to , ali... profi dani i veliki odziv na turnirima je zavrsen oko 2004..

ZeroQL je jako mlad dechko i njega jos uvek sve ovo nije smorilo , pa pogledajte topice na ruru vezane za q3 , [95% je on otvorio]

Moj predlog je da nadjete jos 3 igraca ZeroQl-ovih godina , zeljnih igranja q3-a ,pa nek ih ZQL predvodi , skuplja , dogovara vezbe... . ... pa nek vezbaju na serverima ... i bice bolje nego da cimate starije koji nemaju vremena za practice . + niko ako ima vremena za coach i vrh :)

.... ili da igrate te mixove srbija postave pa se zadovoljite time sto odigrate.

ja cju uvek skidati vashe demoe i bicju zadovoljan kako god da odigrate , ali ako zelite bolje rezultate , nadjite po meni igrace koji zele da igraju kao Zql

[nista lose zql , meni je drago sto postoji neko ko jos uvek zeli da igra q3, znam da ja ne mogu..]


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