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hitman blood money


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Patch 1.2 changes:

- Fixes crash when firing weapon on shaderquality medium on FX cards.

- Fixes lighting issues when running on shaderquality medium FX cards.

- Added Shadermodel select to GFX Configuration application (if model is

unsupported then defaults to High).

- "SliOverrde" command added to GFX Configuration application. Select this

option to turn off autodetection of Sli as EnableSli command is now performed

automatically if SLi hardware configuration detected.

- Soft shadows and hard shadows were incorrectly labelled in the Render Menu.

- Installs msvcr71.dll in to application directory in case file is missing from


- Removed optimisation where character models were displayed in LOD3 when

redrawn after leaving the screen.

- Smoothed level opening transition with postfilters disabled

- Fix to the low performance problems that have been experienced on some

hardware configurations.

- After extended play sessions game could crash to desktop when transitioning

between levels.

- Items could become stuck in mid-air if game was saved and then loaded

directly after a throwing action.

- Hitman Logo on Main Menu could disappear at 1280x720 resolution.

- Screen borders on cutscenes could be displayed badly at certain screen


- Game could crash if menu is invoked on death sequence after a 3 headshot

revival has been performed.

- Game could crash if when loading and saving within certain locations after

making changes to render options.

- Fix to blurring of Weapon Upgrade Icons when running at LOW in render


- Fix for very occasional graphics corruption when using fibre-wire in 1st

person and moving camera very quickly.

Verovatno nešto od ovoga i tebe hvata, prema tome instaliraj redom:

1. http://downloads.guru3d.com/download.php?det=1407 (zadnji drajveri za pre-9500 Radeone)

2. Patch 1.2

3. Krek 1.2

Ako ne pomogne, menjaj grafičku.

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Hitman bre kida na pro i da se misija predjena kao S.A [:D] [:D]

Sad kad se prisetim Hitman 2 dok jos nisu bili snimci kako da se misije prelazi kao S.A koliko sam vezbao strasno nisam odustao dok svaku misiju nisam presao kao S.A [:D] [:D]

A sad ne mogu da se setim kako sam prelazio [:D] [:D]

Ako zabodes neku misiju imas youtube i pokusaj nesto da nadjes.

BTW: ovaj bloody sam obrnuo sve kao S.A na pro bez youtuba, ali pogledao sam kako su ljudi prelazili i mogu da kazem da ima bas nekih extra ideja [:0] [:0]

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ma kakvi pachevi minimum system requirements ga jebe.

Graphics: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible video card which supports Hardware TnL and Pixel Shader 2.0 (GeForce FX / Radeon 9500 or higher)

No one can survive becoming a legend.

i ja kazem jebiga! Kao da je jebiga neka magichna rech.

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koliko aj znam to ej namerno tako napravljeno, znachi mozesh samo da uchitash mapu do koje si stigao, a sve ostale medju sejvove samo dok si taj put u igri. moguce da mi je promaklo neshto, al nije mi to bila neka frka, jer kad znash kako do nechega da dodjesh obichno ti ne treba vishe od par min da sve odradish, a i igram ponekad i to igram dok ne predjem misiju, pa onda batalim do nekog drugog puta.

No one can survive becoming a legend.

i ja kazem jebiga! Kao da je jebiga neka magichna rech.

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da, tachno tako, mislim i kod mene je isto tako, mozda je to prepravljeno u nekom pachu ili enshto ali lakshe mi ej da veujem da je tako namerno napravljeno, a kao shto rekoh nije mi frka;)

sad mi pade neshto napamet, si pokushao da loadujesh tu gde si stao onda kad si vec ushao u misiju? mozda se tad vide.

No one can survive becoming a legend.

i ja kazem jebiga! Kao da je jebiga neka magichna rech.

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