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Email scamovi.


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Cisto da napomenem, mada neverujem da ce na ovom forumu iko pasti na ovakvu smejuriju, al cisto da stavim kao upozorenje.

Greeting ,

This account has been investigated and we have seen that this account is selling / trading.

In order to assist us with verifying that access to the account is secured and reall owner using it you will have to do next :

CD key: original WoW game CD-key (we cannot accept the Burning Crusade key for verification)

Account name: the account name you are using.

Account Password ( do not change it in next few days after you answer us or account will be suspended on some time so we could stop selling / trade):

Access to Account e-mail ( e-mail : name , e-mail : password), ( do not change e-mail : password so we can chech if other persons got access to e-mail what would be un legal for your accont and it would be banned , you can change e-mail password after we let you know that you provoed that you are owner of the account)

Name: the full name that the account was created with

Your secret question and answer

If you need a reminder of your account's secret question, please do the following:

- Go to http://www.wow-europe.com/login-support/

- Press "Click here" on the page that appears.

- Provide your account name, and click continue.

You will now be asked your secret question.

If you cannot remember these details, or have lost or misplaced your CD key, we will also require:

- A fax, scan or digital image of nationally recognized photo ID, such as passport or drivers license (please do not include public transport cards, library cards etc, as these are unsuitable for our needs).

(answer send by replay)

Once we have received these details and completed our investigation, we will let you know.

Thank you for your patience and understanding with regard to this matter.


English Game Master Team

Blizzard Entertainment Europe

Ovaj mail sam dobio, poslat je sa yahoo servera tako da nikako nemoze biti blizzard, a drugo tool tip "Blizzard employees will NEVER ask for ur password". Ko god da je postovao po oglasima, ostavljao msn/email, postoji verovatnoca da ce dobiti ovako nesto.

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Ima jos jedan scam gde je neki klinac od 15 godina iz USE napravio lazni sajt za Wotlk beta prijavljivanje gde je trebalo da ostavite username i password.

Najbolja fora je u tome sto kada je registrovao sajt nije mu palo na pamet da ostavi lazne podatke vec je ostavio prave. Posto se dosta pricalo o tom sajtu na zvanicnom WoW forumu, neko je uspeo da iskopa podatke na koga je sajt registrovan i objavio ih na forumu, znaci adresa, broj telefona, bukvalno sve.

E sad zamislite da vam je neko ukrao WoW nalog i da neko na ovom forumu ostavi njegovu adresu, broj telefona, cak i skolu u koju ide.

Znaci nastao je haos, ogroman broj igraca je zvalo fast food restorane i narucivalo klopu na njegovu adresu, ali to ce mu biti najmanji problem kada dodje besna rulja sa vilama na travnjak :D

Ostavio bih link ali su teme na zalost obrisane, lik se zove Antony Casteglione i ako vidite u nekoj temi

"ANTONY IS HANGRY" neka vas to ne zbuni, to mu besni igraci pomeraju mozak.

Znaci naboji pwn koji sam ikada video :D

Rage of the nerds ftw

Klinac je iz USA a ne USE :P Nesto me baguje edit.

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