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Ovo je sigurno Cali patentirao da brejnvosuje ljude i konacno zavlada svetom!! U tom slucaju hocu nazad onih 12.000 tenkova koje si zajmio!1

pff bash nisi drug. sva sreca pa je moja armija pingvina dobila obuku i u korishcenju aviona [:D]

btw hvala ivane, zhiveo sam u pogreshnom ubedjenju :)

mada mi je njegova verzija malo glupavija od ove za koju sam ja mislio da je.

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Znaci moras da koristis onako kako su oni rekli da bi bilo sta osetio, prvo ne smes da razmisljas o tome kako to ne radi jer mozak treba da bude posvecen samo slusanju "zujanja", anyway evo sta kaze lik sa jednog foruma:

I have it, I have tried it. Its not gonna work if your sitting there throughout the whole time thinking "wow... this is extremely lame, like hell this is gonna work"

Whoever said you have to do it with headphones and at night is correct. You have to be relaxed, and DON'T actually USE your computer while the sound waves are happening. It might even help to close your eyes. But once again, if your sitting there just thinking its not gonna work, then ofcourse its isn't. Because your brain is concentrating on your thoughts, and your negative feelings... Not actually concentrating on the sound itself. All I know is I tried it, and of course you will never feel the full "high" for most drugs, but something wack does happen!

P.S try the "out of body" drug. I seriously felt like I was walking around when I was just sitting down on my chair!

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Probao sam jedno pola sata. Slushao sam zatvorenih ochiju u mraku.

Probao sam White Crosses i Cocain. Posle oba me je glava bolela nekih sat vremena zato shto su to jebeno jake frekvence... Ne verujem da bih se posle ovako nechega smejao... Plus da ne govorim o tome kako mozhete da oshtetite sluh posle nekog duzheg perioda slushanja...

Nisam sklon drogama ali sam bash hteo da chujem ovaj "trip". I da, ako hocu bash da se drogiram pre cu se zabosti u venu nego slushati ovo po sat - dva... Em je brzhe, em znash na chemu si [:D]

Got some minuses for free?

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prvo opium, posle kokain... nishta..

samo mi je zujalo u ushima malo..

a i zamalo da skochim sa terase prilikom poqshaja da dohvatim zmaja...

putzao je na mene.. ):

Ph0r3w3r0-va privremena signa:

(u okviru Koletove aktzije "Ko-ti-je-kriv-shto-chitash-signature?")

Incest is the best, put your sister to the test

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brate ako sedis i meditiras pola sata i pritom govoris sebi 'uu kako sam drogiran' naravno da ce posle pola sata da ti se manta po glavi

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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