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lol kako serendate :D dok nije uveden cross-realm, ja na haomi jedva da sam video pobedu alijanse na haomi. a igrao sam u isto vreme kada i vi(neko moze da kaze da nije tako, ali storm ne moze :D). jbt, pa quest u AV da se ubije drek'thar sam uradio tek posle 1.12 lol :D


Edited by L'Italiano
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WSG i nekako, alijansa i pobedi svaku 10tu. Ali AB i EoS protiv premade to je nocna mora (narocito protiv horde sa Ravencrasta, partija gotova za 3 min). Kad stave po 1 na kulu i svi rash i za 1 min alijansa se koprca ko riba u plicaku. pawnd! :)

Ali zato AV gde ne treba da se misli i gde ima dovoljno kamarada rusa koji samo rashuju ko da je bitka za Staljingrad tu alijansa ownuje :)

So when you fall to the ground,

And finally get back to reality, and no one else is around,

So tell me how does it feel to be the enemy?

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Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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ajd vi sto raidujete karazhan recite kakva su vam iskustva sa shad of aran-om? evo mi sad wipovali celo vece i nismo ga ubili ....jednostavno uvek nekog zahvati onaj blizzard . Par puta se i ljudi pomere kad je flame wrath ali to nije problm. Sve ide lepo do elementala....kad ih fearujemo ljudi se jednostavno pogube i zanemare shada i njegove spellove. jako sam se iznervirao ffs koji smo nubovi

Edited by moyo

"U dresu Redzi Millera idem do svog dilera, vutre puna kesa al' ost'o sam bez dresa"

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taj fajt je dokaz koliko su ljudi u stvari glupi :)

imate 4 stvari koje ako ne mozes da zapamtis

gtfo igraj tetris

flame = dont move

arcane exlposlion = run away from him to sides

blizzard = move from it

i dodeli te npr 2 rouga ce prekidati fireball

a mage i warrior prekidaju frostbolt

kad dodju elementali warriori se charguju u njih i fearuju , warlock banishuje jednog i fearuje ostale koje moze i tad dpseri trebaju da upale sve cd-ove da bi sto brze ubili bosa jer je tesko preziveti udarce od elementala dugo vremena

od warlocka puno zavisi jer tu treba da drzi banishovanog jednog i chain fearuje koliko moze sve vreme a usput i baci koji dot na bossa

nisam 100% siguran ali mislim da paladini mogu da ih stanuju isto posto bi trebalo da stoje tu okole taman gde se elemntali spawnuju

za fajt svi moraju da imaju healtstone i healing potion da kada ih gadja boss nebi crkli a kasnije za elementale

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An extremely high percentage of mob models in this expansion was ripped directly from the original game. Colors were changed and names were edited, but overall, only a small handful of new models were added."

This is just simply not true, and I'm going to guess you read this somewhere else instead of actually having played the expansion. I think if you were to simply jump into Hellfire Peninsula and see a few boars (with original models and textures, by the way) that could be your impression, but even then there are fel reavers, burrowers, rock flayers, shivarra, wrathguard, arakkoa, etc. When you move on to the very next zone, Zangarmarsh, there's even more new and unique mobs with almost nothing you've ever seen before, and those that you do recognize are probably races that aren't going to be changed in look, like the Naga.

"Blizzard also delayed the Burning Crusades expansion for a long time."

That's a bit of assumption there as to how our development plans were intended. Since the release of the game and before the release of the expansion there were huge amounts of content added, for free. I don't see rushing the release of an expansion just for the sake of saying we put something out there sooner you can call a proper expansion as a good thing. Do you?

"Those who paid for the expansion were also asked to pay a retail price that matched the original game when it was released -- that is an obscenely expensive amount considering that the original game is much more grander in scale."

The expansion retails for a lower price than the original game when it released, so that's not true. The "grandness" is personal opinion, but it's a price point we feel matches the enormous amounts of content that have been put in to the expansion. Including two new races, a new profession, fifteen 5-person dungeons (for comparison the original game launched with the same number I believe), five 25-man dungeons, a 10-person dungeon, hundreds of new quests, hundreds and hundreds of new items, as well as free updates that are adding even more content, such as the new solo and small-group content and Black Temple in the 2.1 patch.

I really shouldn't have to make the expansion sound good though, people playing know how much content is there.

"Hunter pets that swim deeper and faster than a druid in aquatic form -- I don't know about Blizzard but I certainly have never seen a cat out-swim a seal"

Pets generally aren't inhibited my swimming speed reductions.

"infantry that can run faster than the fastest ground mount in the game."

Probably because we want them to catch you. I think this and the previous point seem to be based on an idea that the game should only use mechanics that follow what should be possible in the real world, instead of what help make the game challenging or to fill specific needs of challenging/restricting/empowering various aspects. We try very hard to limit mechanics to "what makes sense", but that's not always going to be the case, it's a game, for the sake of it they can't all make perfect sense. There's no actual gravity or physics that bind player actions in the game world either, fyi. ;)

"Blizzard also recently announced that the druid class will receive an epic flight form -- instantly castable but will cost 5000 gold to learn the epic riding skill. Wait a minute, you need a "riding skill" to turn into a bird and fly away? Blizzard, what exactly are we riding here?"

See above.

The article comments on class balance and that's not something I will reply to in as general a manner, I realize classes and inevitably how they interact with each other and the world (of warcraft) around them are a subject that many find very personal. I don't feel it would be appropriate to attempt to sum up the entirety of class balance in a single paragraph as the article has.

It's easy to pick specific popular ideas, popular because they seem like they could be true, or because they fight against some sort of authority, and use them rather blatantly. It's far more difficult to see beyond the layer of ridiculousness and actually begin to work within a reasonable and logical view. Beyond that how do you work within a soupy mess where the two are emulsified together? And how do you begin to skim the fat off the top so that you can get to the delicious and clear consumme that you hope lay underneath it somewhere?

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When you move on to the very next zone, Zangarmarsh, there's even more new and unique mobs with almost nothing you've ever seen before

da, niko nije gledao warr of the worlds :P

This video contains content from Jimmy Kimmel Live, who has decided to block it in your country.

[23:47] <manager-> jao dete jao dete :D


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ne uspevam da skapiram tekst koji je silencer c/p-ovao kao celinu...deluje kao 4-5 postova sa njekog foruma a ne ko jedinstveni text

takodje nemoj da pobrojim tih 15ak novih modela u ekspanziji, da, smeshno ih je malo i ako se toga stide samo su si krivi

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Nije petnaestak ... ima dosta novih modela ... ja verujem jedno 33 % od svih modela su novi modeli , ako ne i vishe .

Ajde da pogledamo iz drugog ugla ( ja cu biti fanboy ) ... da slazem se da se wow od pocetka placa bolesno mnoog ... igra kao igra kosta mnogo i placa se josh mesecno . Medjutim to je nesprecava da bude ubedljivo najprodavaniji mmorpg danas u svetu .

Ajde da se vratimo u proslost ... u vreme kada si isti taj wow placao istu tu cenu ... jedno pre 2 god i da se setimo kako je wow tada izgledao , bez battlegrounda , tier 1 setovi koji su imali modele lvl 30 itema sa molten coreom kao end game i beskonachnom kolicinom bugova , ah samo u ironforgeu , prazan silithus i ko zna koliko drugih stvari tog tipa .. realno sada kada pogledam wow je bio prazan .

I da platili smo mnogo taj burning crusade , tu expanziju ... ali cemu ... pa blizard je uradio tachno ono sto je uradio svaki put kada je izacio svoju neku expanziju ... dodao je od svega po malo na kashcicu i stvorio utisak da je uradio mnogo vishe nego sto jeste ... medjutim , stvarno je bilo preambicizno i glupo ocekivati i malo vishe od burning crusadea te expanzije . Jer uporedite koliko je taj burning crusade promenio igru i nachin igranja itd u odnosu na druge igre tog tipa , niti jedna expanzija ne nudi vishe materijala za igranje od burning crusadea koliko je ponudio u odnosu na originalny igru .

Josh jedna stvar ovo u vezi dajemo pare a oni rade patcheve sporo itd ... nije sve tako jednostavno da ti mozes da kazes hocu 10000 ljudi da radi na patchu i da se zavrshi za 1 dan ... jer ono to je logistical nightmare ... Da rade sporo ali nije toliko katastrofalno ... jer jednostavno nije resenje samo uzeti 1000 majstora da ti poprave kola .... tada ti od kola nece ostati nista ... ako hoces da uradis kako treba 2 - 3 majstora polako poprave potraje ali kada srede sredjeno je .

Oni su firma zapadnog kapitalistichkog sveta ... zabole njih da li oni vole nekoga ili ne zabole ih za klasu itd ... ako shvataju da ce im nesto doneti korist u parama oni ce to da urade . Nemojte da se tripujete .... isto tako u krvi tih zapadnih potrosaca je da nikada ne budu zadovoljni i da se zale ... to je drugi mentalitet .

Edited by StormScion

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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kada ce ljudi svatiti da svaki post koji zahteva mouse scroll nece biti procitan u 95% slucajeva :P salim se ...procitacu ih (mozda) kasnije.

btw killi problem je bio u setupu ...imali smo samo jednog roga, jednog maga i jednog warrior .......evo sad ih slusam na vt opet wipuju .... setup je dobar ali opet ima jbenih slackera a mene nisu poveli :P

Edited by moyo

"U dresu Redzi Millera idem do svog dilera, vutre puna kesa al' ost'o sam bez dresa"

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  Kole said:
ne uspevam da skapiram tekst koji je silencer c/p-ovao kao celinu...deluje kao 4-5 postova sa njekog foruma a ne ko jedinstveni text

takodje nemoj da pobrojim tih 15ak novih modela u ekspanziji, da, smeshno ih je malo i ako se toga stide samo su si krivi

Tuan Nguyen na Dailytech blogu prikazuje odnos izmedju količine novca koji Blizzard dobija svakog meseca od prodaje BC-a i mesečnog članstva sa količinom noviteta i sadr

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  StormScion said:
Nije petnaestak ... ima dosta novih modela ... ja verujem jedno 33 % od svih modela su novi modeli , ako ne i vishe .


e glupe li igre... [:D]

jel znate koji je odgovor 98% hc igraca kada ih pitam zashto i dalje igraju wow

"tbc is not *that* bad","we do some nax runs also for fun","it will get fixed","arenas can be fun" i na kraju obavezno "and i dont have anything better to do anyway"

Edited by psy
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Ma bre smoren sam ... ne igram wow vec 3 dana jebeni fax , morao sam da odem u zavichaj da bi nesto ucio , inache pored kompa nema sanse ( ovaj komp mi ima 1.8 gb hard disk lol ! igmam i dalje StarCraft na njemu , ali bar nema jebenog wowa pa moram ovde da kenjam ) .

Aran ce biti nerfovan u sledecem patchu.... fora je sto vishe melee dpsa sa rougovima i podela sta ko interuptuje ko fire ko frost ... arcane se ne interuptuje , pametno tempirati kada ce da pije i waterelemente i ccovati water ( nestanu posle nekog vremena ) .

  psy said:

e glupe li igre... [:D]

jel znate koji je odgovor 98% hc igraca kada ih pitam zashto i dalje igraju wow

"tbc is not *that* bad","we do some nax runs also for fun","it will get fixed","arenas can be fun" i na kraju obavezno "and i dont have anything better to do anyway"

Zasto postujes na forumu ? nemas sta pametnije da radis ? :)

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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  Silencer said:
Tuan Nguyen na Dailytech blogu prikazuje odnos izmedju količine novca koji Blizzard dobija svakog meseca od prodaje BC-a i mesečnog članstva sa količinom noviteta i sadržaja koji su dati članovima:


Odgovor Blizzarda ovd:


Nisam meto sourseve evo sad :) pa vidite i skontajte u cemu je rec :)

a zo...

pogledao sam i ovaj lik sa parama je na pola u pravu, na pola nije

a ovaj plavi na official forumu sto se pravda ima generalno validne pointove na smeshna pitanja, ali i u par stavki je just plain wrong

i scione ako ti mislish da je odjednom 33% mobova novo...pa majkumu koju ti igru igrash? ili si ti jedan od onih sto su kad je aq otvorenmislili da je anubisath nesto drugo sem samo 50% suzheni pa reskinovan wireframe gianta, ali i dalje sa identichnim animacijama? =o)

i dalje tvrdim da od novih mobova samo 15ak ima potpuno nove modele...

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  StormScion said:
Zasto postujes na forumu ? nemas sta pametnije da radis ? :)


ma blejao sam ceo dan napolju,pa sad ukljucio malo komp,da vidim shta ima.rl ftw ipak,leto sve blize,sunce sve jace,suknjice sve krace [:X]

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@kole subjektivno ... bitan je izgled ne kako su ga napravili ... sta sada treba da prave stonoge da bi me to zadovoljilo ... vazno je da izgleda cool :P

@psy ... kod vas se josh oblache ? TT kakvom to konzervativnom svetu zivis !!111

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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kapiram te ja scione i ok je sve to, ali ne mogu da pokriju sve baze kao sto pokushavaju

ili se ide na stil/ok ako je zabavno (stanovishte koje ja podrzhavam) ili se frenetichno brani stanoviste da ima mnogo novih stvari....a nema, no oni i dalje pokusavaju da proguraju neistinu ponavbljajuci je toliko...

treba lepo reci, da, recikliramo stare stvari i da, lenji smo bili da odradimo novu animaciju tog wireframea i niko se ne bi ljutio..mislim ja ne bih jer meni je bilo cool dok sam igrao bez obzira na reciklirane stvari, ali istina je istina i njihovo bezhanje od iste je patetichno =o)

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  Kole said:
treba lepo reci, da, recikliramo stare stvari i da, lenji smo bili da odradimo novu animaciju tog wireframea i niko se ne bi ljutio..mislim ja ne bih jer meni je bilo cool dok sam igrao bez obzira na reciklirane stvari, ali istina je istina i njihovo bezhanje od iste je patetichno =o)

gde si ti video nekoga ko priznaje da je lenj i/ili glup? [;)]

Bolje 10 godina student, nego 10 godina penzioner!

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