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Patch 2.03 Underway....


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I dok mi mirno se odmaramo cekamo Novu Godinu, Bozic, Ja svoju slavu Svetog Jovana .... Blizzard priprema patch 2.0.3.... Pazite da vam nije upaljen autodownloader :P dok igrate wow ;P lag lag lag...

Lemme see woot we have here:


# Using the /sit, /sleep, lie commands or going afk will no longer freeze a Druid while using Flight Form.


# Pets should now be at full life when resurrected in the battlegrounds.


# "Spirit of Redemption" will no longer prevent soulstoned Priests from resurrecting.


# "Nature's Guardian" will now work properly even when you don't have an enemy targeted.


# The tooltip for the "Lifegiving Gem" now properly indicates that players will lose health when the effect wears off if they are not at full life.


# Using "Iceblock" while carrying Silithyst will no longer destroy it but instead drop it on the ground.


-Experience required to level overall reduced.

-Flying mount summonable from everywhere again.

-Flying over an opposite faction

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ne verujem da ce biti ovako , pre svega lifegiving, ok nerf za pve, ali zato pvp ??!?! bio bi ubedljivo najjaci pvp trinket ingame, stevo bre pa kako cesh ti sad da me dobijesh kad se hilujem vishe od tebe ?:P Mada kad malo pogledam, shta je 1.5k hpa za warra u tbc ... :P

Edited by Immortalis

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[23:47] <manager-> jao dete jao dete :D


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Immortalise ovo je vec nedelju dana na beta serveru ( mozda i vishe )

@Silancer srecna slava unapred ako zaboravim . Slavimo istu slavu inache :P , Sveti Jovan je bio Paladin 100 % .

Edited by Ayreon

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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ne igram na beta serveru,

a u official notes ne pishe da je ovako izmenjen lifegiving

Znam da ne pishe ... ne pishe tamo mnogo sto sta ali eto ... izmenili su ... paladin dobio 6 % less dmg from all attacks 10 % less dmg from spell attack itd ... to nigde nepishe ali je opet dobio .

@Sillancer i concure

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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