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Unable to validate game version spam !


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Pre par dana probam da se ulogujem, unesem pass. kad ono "Unable to validate game version" WTF proverim na wow teh.suport forumu kad i tmo se ljudi zale na isti problem, a tardovi iz Blizz teh. suport ponavljaju jedno te isto - obrisi foldere u wow dir WTF WDB Interface i pokreni Repair tool i to je to... ali ne pomaze probao sam i druge kombinacije, i dalje se isto ponavlja. Btw to se pocelo desavati pre v2 patcha i sada posle njega. Ako neko ima resenje ..... pustam pivo :). plz help.

Hvala unapred pozz

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If you are receiving the Unable to Validate Game Version message, one or more game files are corrupted.

As some posters have already mentioned the first step to correct this problem is to run the Repair tool found in the World of Warcraft folder.

If you have reinstalled Windows itself and the error is still occurring then please make sure that you are playing a clean install of the game and not using any add ons.

Next, check your hard drive for any errors and viruses.

You can find information on how to check your hard drive at:


You can find a free virus scan at the following site:



Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Zato ti je lepo covek odgovorio sta da pokushash da uradish ... uradi tako kako ej rekao blizzardov lik mozda pomogne , jer ako ti on ne pomogne niko nece .

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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