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august strindberg - miss julie

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volim kad pokushash shaljiv da budesh

Nisam shaljiv vetj ti ne umesh da se izrazhavash ... pritom ti hejtujesh ljude na osnovu svog nekog izvrnutog mishljenja o njima, a ne nekih realnih razloga tako da tjuti plz.

evo ne mogu da prestanem da se smejem

A mozda je bolje da smislish neshto pametno da odgovorish ...

sem toga, postoji gomila audio books-a tako da ne vidim frku :)

koja je nobina ovaj mohican jebote


Prvo nisam rekao da ne postoji, u kontekstu u kom sam ja rekao inache se mozhe zameniti i sa uglavnom ... tako da tjuti smarash :]



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znao sam da se napraviti big deal od cele priche

ok, pobedio si

ja sam retard

napisao sam tekstualno i to je vrlo pogreshno

nisam inache mislio na .txt (poshto sve knjige koje sam nabavio sa neta nisu u tom formatu) i hvala ti shto si me ispravio, nikada vishe necu reci to

sada, poshto si pobedio, mozhesh ne doci vishe na ovaj topic

neka osoba glupak hehe

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nikad nisam chitao to jbg....

nashao sam nesto sto se zove

August Strindberg - Countess Julie

evo ti deo, mozda je to to bash... deluje mi kao da jeste ako poredim ovaj komad i neki info s wikipedie...



COUNTESS JULIE, twenty-five years old

JEAN, a valet, thirty

KRISTIN, a cook, thirty-five


The action takes place on Saint John's night, the mid-summer

festival surviving from pagan times.


[sCENE.--A large kitchen. The ceiling and walls are partially

covered by draperies and greens. The back wall slants upward from

left side of scene. On back wall, left, are two shelves filled with

copper kettles, iron casseroles and tin pans. The shelves are

trimmed with fancy scalloped paper. To right of middle a large

arched entrance with glass doors through which one sees a fountain

with a statue of Cupid, syringa bushes in bloom and tall poplars.

To left corner of scene a large stove with hood decorated with

birch branches. To right, servants' dining table of white pine and

a few chairs. On the cud of table stands a Japanese jar filled with

syringa blossoms. The floor is strewn with juniper branches.]

[Near stove, an ice-box, sink and dish-table. A large old-fashioned

bell, hangs over the door, to left of door a speaking tube.]

[Kristin stands at stork engaged in cooking something. She wears a

light cotton dress and kitchen apron. Jean comes in wearing livery;

he carries a large pair of riding-boots with spurs, which he puts

on floor.]

JEAN. Tonight Miss Julie is crazy again, perfectly crazy.

KRISTIN. So--you're back at last.

JEAN. I went to the station with the Count and coming back I went

in to the barn and danced and then I discovered Miss Julie there

leading the dance with the gamekeeper. When she spied me, she

rushed right toward me and asked me to waltz, and then she waltzed

so--never in my life have I seen anything like it! Ah--she is crazy





Get smart or die dumb!

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