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za holy paladine !


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Old . Ako mislite da lik pravi dobar dmg varate se pravi samo ok dmg , moze i mnogo mnogo vishe . Uglavnom guildovi teraju pale da dpsuju na ovakvim encounterima i nekimom specificnom mobu u naxxu ...

Mada ovaj prasac ne koristi exorcism tako da mu dodje isti kurac kao da bije bilo sta drugo a ne undeadove , ali jbg , sta cesh ljudi ne znaju .

Edited by StormScion

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Old . Ako mislite da lik pravi dobar dmg varate se pravi samo ok dmg , moze i mnogo mnogo vishe . Uglavnom guildovi teraju pale da dpsuju na ovakvim encounterima i nekimom specificnom mobu u naxxu ...

Mada ovaj prasac ne koristi exorcism tako da mu dodje isti kurac kao da bije bilo sta drugo a ne undeadove , ali jbg , sta cesh ljudi ne znaju .

zato si ti tu da ima kazesh [:D]

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drugi deo filma ... isti covek ga je radio

radi se o patchwerku do 36%hp pa onda wajp

drzi 501 dps konstantno


Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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drugi deo filma ... isti covek ga je radio

radi se o patchwerku do 36%hp pa onda wajp

drzi 501 dps konstantno


dojaja filmic ,odusevila me cistoca slike :) a naravno i dps je na mestu

al jebiga kad pogledas nije ni cudo sto taj lik pravi toliki dps .. i ja bi toliko pravio da imam sekiru za okom na njoj koje trepce ponekad ;P

Edited by marko_nsw

.......O Pepelguzi ovo bila je balada

Ka*ala se dok je bila mlada.

Sad je nesto ostarila, u plucima je gusi

ali svome princu jos presrecna pusi.

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