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Evo ovako , imam problem sa instalacijom wow-a ... ubacim cd , kliknem na install , agree i sve to namestim lokaciju gde da mi instalira , kliknem na ok kad PROBLEM!

This application has encountere a critical error:

ERROR #132 (0x85100084)

Program : D:\docume~1\ivan\locals~1\temp\blizzard installer bootstrap - 00192c84\Installer.exe

Exception: 0xC0000005 (access_violation) at 001B:00466915

The instriction at "0x00466915" referenced memory at "0x00000000"

The memory could not be "written"

Press OK to terminate application.

Ja kliknem ok i on iskljuchi instalaciju , probao sam da restartujem i da buildujem vcd , ali netje nishta , aj pomozite mi ljudi ne znam shta da radim ... heeeeeeeelp

Bitch,I live in a FUCKING trash can !!

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