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na bizzovom sajtu sam nasao sledece jer u zadnjih par dana imam problema sa adsl-om pa reko da proverim kako stoje stvari:

How to create a trace route

The program "Trace route" allows you to test the connection between your computer and the source to see if there are connection problems between them. When using this program, you can determine exactly where the data transferred meets problems.

How to start the trace route command:

When you are playing the game, press Alt Tab

Click the start menu and then Run

Type in cmd then press enter.

Type the following into the Command Window that appears:

netstat -n -p tcp -b | more

You will see a line like this one (depending on World of Warcraft):


The X is your IP address, please include this in your email with the information above.

The Y is the address of the server you are connecting to. The 4 digit numbers after the : in both cases indicate the port used.

The Z is the process id for World of Warcraft on your computer.

Now we need some information on your connection, in the same command window, type in:

tracert YY.YYY.YYY.YY > C:\tracert.txt

Using the address from the Netstat command above for YY.YYY.YYY.YY

(Remember to remove the port number from the end)

A file will be created on your local drive (C:\) called tracert.txt which will contain the trace route information.

kod mene se javlja problem kad u cmd ukucam netstat -n -p tcp -b | more ne dobijem ovo sto oni kazu da treba nego samo listing komandi, evo i slike

aj recite ako je neko vec radio sta i kako da radim da bi dobio potrebne podatke

i tako ....

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-b flag ne postoji u windows netstat progiju

ono sto tebi treba je

netstat -n -p tcp -o

i to ce ti izlistati konekcije zajedno sa process id-om koji drzi tu konekciju i onda u task manageru nadji koji ti je process id wowa i vuola ... dalje onda po njihovom uputstvu prati sta ti govore ...



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