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ajde da cujem neki savet kako da zavrsim quest za shamana za epic helm dva puta sam pokusao i nijednom nisam uspeo jel uopste moguce da se zavrsi onaj quest sa 5 ljudi problem nastaje kada dodje treci nalet 9 elita LvL 60 ili sam imao los party ili treba neka posebna taktika

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Plus quest je troduplo laksi sada, ranije je bilo tesko do jaja. Tenk, priest, shaman, mag, i rogue. To je bio moj party pre godinu dana :)

Hint - Drzi zadnjeg moba zivog, i nek se casteri regenerisu, i to je to.

Ko laze taj i krade ko krade ima cokolade

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Best group with as much Shamans as possible:

* 3 shamans

* priest

* warrior

Warrior can even be replaced by an enh shaman with shield and who knows how to keep aggro (es+rockbiter). Priest is absolutely necessary.

First you need to get the quest at your trainer, get some materials and get the followup quest. Then you take a 5-man party into Scholomance. Clear all the way to the basement where Rattlegore resides. Kill Rattlegore and all other elites in this room. Then position up in one of the corners of the room upon a pile of bones (I only have experience with the left corner on the far end).

Place the event start thingy in the middle of the room, and ghosts will start to spawn.

The ghosts basically come in three phases:

- after start of event, a lot of non-elite white ghosts spawn. Don't be scared, they're easy. After that some white elite ones will spawn, but these are easy too

- green ghosts. come in groups of 3, annoying if you pull 6. Shackle one and then two others shouldn't be a problem. Keeping your corner important here. At this point you can still afford to wipe & ankh up because next phase won't start until this phase is done.

- purple ghosts. these come in pairs mostly. Shackle one, fight other. Can be annoying. Tip: Shackle the last purple ghost and don't kill him until you all have full hp/mana. IF the boss spawns he will aggro regardless of where you stand, so not much time to regen after last purple ghost.

- boss spawn. He looks like strat baron, but he's much easier to fight. If you've made it up this far with decent hp/mana left you'll make it.


* focus DPS on elite ghosts, AOE is no use on them.

* use fast DPS on elite ghosts and all take same target. Use your mana, there's enough time to eat/drink between waves

* stay in your corner (we did it from the far left corner if you enter the room)

Ako ovo pomogne. :P Vetj ni ne znam odakle ga skinuo :)

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ja sam taj event uradio 2x sa warrom (i raspad ekipe oma posle jer su isli samo shamanima da rade to (gamad schwedska )) uglavnom ko sto svi rekoshe, gornji levi cosak kad se udje, i polako pul...2shamana, mag, lock i warr bez frke

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